What people are saying about "Crazy Ideas"
Crazy Ideas
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11 months ago
The more I think about it, more I think Tumblr made a *kind of* smart move with removing porn. Its target audience, the one it TRULY fostered, were self-absorbed, sad and lonely white people desperate to identify as minorities so they can be seen as *special.* And they're making BANK off them.
11 months ago
You know... I'm still waiting for the block function to be removed from Twitter...
11 months ago
They recently acquired IronSource an aggressive app monetization startup (get all the ads) Seems like they are shifting gears from market share acquisition (being cute, cheep and developer friendly) to value maximization
For 10 years they burned money, they fumble super hard trying to make some now
11 months ago
Considering how re-playable some of the games are that use the Unity engine. Yeah I can see them trying to get that money for the second or third re-install of Cuphead, Subnautica, Pillars Of Eternity, Cities: Skylines, Kerbal Space Program or Oxygen Not Included.
Wonder if that includes DLC's.
Shatari Ishatar
11 months ago
I think it's a case of chasing whales with no regards towards any minnows that might get hurt. Which makes sense, because the CEO is obsessed with microtransactions, and that's the usual mindset for those. They don't care about the little people, they want to milk that 1% who hit it big.
11 months ago
Unsure if it's 1 - the changes aren't supposed to kick in for a while and AFAIK there's already a class-action suit in the works, so I'm not sure how much they'd even get to "grab and run" with.
11 months ago
The guy who invented this wanted to charge FPS players per bullet in online games.
He doesn't understand technology or the economy, and got his position thanks to nepotism.
11 months ago
I will say the blocking thing made since in how they said they wanted it to work. basically you cant get DMs and such but at the same time you cant used the block button to hide while spreading lies about a person.
the unity thing though just seems like the person is trying to kill the company
11 months ago
CEOs were a mistake.
11 months ago
I agree with the assessment. It looks like leadership/ownership is just looking to jump ship somewhere else, and is shorting the business to make the most out of it.

And with John Riccitiello running things since 2014, I'm surprised it took him this long to send the business crashing down.
11 months ago
He's the CEO, though it turns out he sold thousands of stock before making the announcement, so you just *know* he's got something scummy planned. (Pt.2)
11 months ago

@Chris Sizemore Considering his example of an ideal business model is charging players for an instant reload in Battlefield, I fully agree. EA learned its lessons the hard way on several of its games (though regrettably its EA Sports games are still MTX-laden trash), but this guy hasn't. (Pt.1)
11 months ago
The guy that purchased Unity is an absolute tool. Guy has no programming background, just a business guy that is use to milking companies for all they are worth. His ideas are stupid and short sighted. He thought NFTs were the next big thing.