What people are saying about "A Cat is Fine Too"
A Cat is Fine Too
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Lord Zanas
10 months ago
@Trelior Morningstar Im glad im not the only who remembers that. The VA for their announcer was involved FFS. They were actively a part of hardcore pr0n of the same 16 year old they're trying to dial back now. Makes no different to me either way, but it is clear hypocrisy and back peddling.
10 months ago
I believe the correct action against Bait'n'Switch tactics is what the Americans call a "class action" suit.
Bodensee Surfer
11 months ago
You have no clue, but at least a lot of it.
The Iron Cross has nothing to do with Nazis or SS, even in Germany it is no forbidden symbol as long as it doesn't have a swastika added to it.
Today there is a modified modern version, that is awarded to members of the german armed forces.
11 months ago
As I understand it, the changes are to make the game eligible for e-sports tourneys.
11 months ago
Other changes I haven't been aware of, if they're overall making the game less sexy than yeah that sucks but removal of the Nazi and underage aspects is justified.
11 months ago
*Lives in South America.
*Complains about the removal of Nazi imagery.

11 months ago
Bro it's a black umbrella on an armband

Making Filia a highschooler was a poor choice on their part

Their other changes are far less justifiable
11 months ago
1. "But I paid to explicitly see underage women to get sexually assaulted in muh vibeo gaem" is a take you should reconsider defending.
2. Iron crosses are no less Nazi imagery than the SS and swastika, i don't care that it was originally a "peace symbol" You're using the nazi version dipshit.
11 months ago
Oh no!
11 months ago
Reminds me of the Dead gaming news that Ross Scott(of Freeman's Mind fame) does. He openly hates live-service games because he considers a company being able to take a product you paid for and breaking it while still keeping the money to be fraud.
Pickn Save
11 months ago
Its bs like this that makes me hesitant to buy SF6. Today capcom is fine with Cammy's leotard showing so much but what about 5 months later as it happened with SF5.

If you have some moral hang-up with fictional media then ask for a toggle to switch the fun off/on, don't ruin the whole product.
11 months ago
Or, another way to put it. "We're removing content you paid us for, and we're keeping the money". As they are removing actual DLC content people paid extra for.
Also Iron Crosses aren't nazi imagery, they are just "german army/navy/airforce" imagery.
11 months ago
At this point, I can only assume it was to draw attention to it in the first place in some gambit to get people back to playing it and buying the DLC characters they're still making for it. It's an old fighter, the playerbase at this point are presumably the die-hard, stubborn fans of it.
11 months ago
But what is there to be done, exactly? This is an online game. You can never really "own" a game that all but requires an internet connection. The publishers/devs own the data. As Reddit taught us recently, internet is too undisciplined/disorganized to say otherwise.
11 months ago
"We're removing panty shots of an underage character, sexual assault themes, and nazi imagery"


Bruh what
Xiao Long Yang
11 months ago
The shitty part about all this is they are changing AlexAhad (Oh8)'s vision of Skullgirls. This garbage team is changing what the original creator wanted.
11 months ago
@Ashly It's not just story mode, they altered concept art and removed an Announcer voice pack, and that one was a Kickstarter stretch goal so they've removed content that was specifically paid for by backers.
Victor Fenner (Goldenhelm)
11 months ago
Frankly not the first not even the most controversial change ever done through patches to games. It seems to me at least that the outrage is way out of proportion
11 months ago
And this was why Temco didn't want to sell DOAX3 outside of Asia. Because they didn't think it would sell in North America or the EU.
I wonder how long till someone mods her classic for back in. Followed by the company starting the banning for using mods.
11 months ago
I never even played the thing, so pretending to be outraged would be kind of pointless.
11 months ago
Dont worry, someone has every version of this game archived somewhere and once the official servers die they won't have the desire or ability to stop 3rd party hosting.

Nothing balances the customer's hand quite like not needing their product from them if it gets too inconvenient.
11 months ago
All they did was crop some of the rapey scenes and remove the Nazi iconography.
And the only changes were to the story mode anyway.
11 months ago
It just goes to show that Skullgirls is listening to the loudest complainers, while ignoring their demographics. But don't worry, they will blame their shrinking player base on Street Fighter 6 so everything is OK!
Trelior Morningstar
11 months ago
Another thing to remember about Skullgirls is that they partnered with Zone back with their first game, so this backpedal strikes as more than mildly hypocritical.