What people are saying about "Captive Audience"
Captive Audience
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about 1 year ago
I got out of Blizzard's grip 2 years ago; I just watch streamers play those games now
about 1 year ago
Who cares about Blizzard anymore? Stop being the hand holding the cash. Just buy better games.
about 1 year ago
Stuff like this is why I don't want Microsoft, or anyone else, to buy out Activision Blizzard. I want them to be left to their fate.
about 1 year ago
The Heroes of the Storm team was cannibalized to work on Overwatch 2's PvE mode.
That's now cancelled.
Heroes of the Storm died for nothing.
about 1 year ago
Always online is why I never tried D3, and I don't expect D4 will be any different.
about 1 year ago
I remember Blizzard. That company died when Activision bought it 10 years ago. It just took a long time for Activision to fully ruin it. And I gave up on Diablo when I herd of the shenanigans surrounding 3 before it was released. I only got into OW because I got it for "free". Just walk away.
about 1 year ago
When they where a small company making simple games, they where fine.
Now they have to please the players, Bankers, Lawyers, Governments, Stock Holders, Activision, Bobby Kotick.
If you stack these, they make up a pyramid with Players on the bottom.
about 1 year ago
Short memory + nostalgia = nothing learned
about 1 year ago
i think i stopped playing OW at the right time, maybe a little too late