What people are saying about "It Was An Anne All Along"
It Was An Anne All Along
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about 1 year ago
She's right, we should've known it wasn't Morgan the instant she started acting amicable.
about 1 year ago
What, the fact Jo was drawing Anne in the previous comic? I think everyone noticed, but no one bothered to comment.
about 1 year ago
Nah it was obvious, Morgan's lack of personality is too iconic to miss.
about 1 year ago
I wonder if Morgan is telling this about Anne and Jo, or to the readers, looking at them.
about 1 year ago
For being the fanservice girl there is a serious lack of Anne cheesecake
about 1 year ago
It was me Austin! It was me all along!
about 1 year ago
I mean, I wouldn't be against her doing that more often.
about 1 year ago
the moment morgan was ok with fanservice we knew Jo. you cant fool us. (doesnt matter tho. i still loved it)
about 1 year ago
i'm gonna call her "Oolong" from now on
about 1 year ago
Remember when Morgan was fun? Yeah, I know its hard.
about 1 year ago
But it was in B/W - did she even need a paint? Just put a stringy mop on her head and she would pass!
about 1 year ago
I actually noticed (that her boobs looked too big) but I wasn't sure what I was noticing.
about 1 year ago
Ah, that explains it, good joke!
about 1 year ago
@Toon_Legion Pretty sure they're still running it.

Also, I completely forgot Anne was a Spy. This explains the Anne stick figure drawing in the previous comic.
about 1 year ago
Didn't you lot used to run a bar?