What people are saying about "Life Lesson"
Life Lesson
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over 1 year ago
Might want to get a proofreader on board.
over 1 year ago
"Teached" is not the correct word for the past tense of "teach", Jo. It's "taught".
over 1 year ago
on the other hand, i've seem cases where people who were banned simply because they were too good and people started reporting. And one special case when one guy was banned because he pwned one of the developers.
over 1 year ago
I hope many of you have seen g0at's video showing proving how rampant cheating is in Tarkov? It's absolutely wild...
over 1 year ago
*laughs in singleplayer*
over 1 year ago
the issue with tark is that there is zero anti-cheat. death matters in tark when you can lose days of work having the level of cheaters that are currently in tark is unacceptable.
over 1 year ago
They do say "If your not cheating, your not trying".
over 1 year ago
The worst part is that you can't do diddly if the hackers and cheaters decide to be REALLY obnoxious (cough cough TF2 cough)
over 1 year ago
Showing the players the numbers is pointless when they cannot realistically eradicate the cheaters anyway. Cheaters (and other forms of crackers) are always one step ahead, sadly.