What people are saying about "Special Touch"
Special Touch
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over 13 years ago
That sword-shotgun actually looks pretty awsome. (Shot-sword-gun?)
about 14 years ago
Also, just how many minutes of FF13 have you played if the only connection you've found is a Chocobo? Couldn't be very long at all, considering the game is stuffed full of references.
about 14 years ago
"It's rumored that number 13 may be the last installment of the series. "

That's a pretty hilarious rumor.

Considering 14 is already in beta testing.

And there's still two more FF13 games coming out.
over 14 years ago
13 was the first game to not have Nobuo's music as he's writing music for 14. The result, a game that feels like FF but is lacking something (a soul?)
over 14 years ago
-Biggs & Wedge
-terminology (magicite, espers)
-Monsters (Cactuar, Bomb, Tonberry, Flan, etc)
over 14 years ago
rather than rant, I'll leave it short and simple. Several things exist in almost all Final Fantasy games (if not, just the majority even) To avoid rambling, a list:
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30189]@Kono[/url] (last) Blah blah, this is getting too long. The point of my drivel is that present FF games are suffering due to poor storytelling and weak character development; an over-reliance on cliches that are absent in older (pre-FFVII) games. Older games had cliches too, but story usually won out.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30189]@Kono[/url] (cont.) thrive on the repetition of cliches in a manner even more pronounced than in Western media. This doesn't mean the changes are good, but I respect the attempts to breath life into a series that has been relying on far too many crutches for far too long. (cont. - last one, I swear)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30189]@Kono[/url] Speaking respectfully, you are quite wrong. The series has evolved in many ways since its inception and some of these changes have been for the better, others have not. I respect these attempts to make changes as JRPGs - like most Japanese media - have a VERY strong tendency to (cont.)
over 14 years ago
You're forgetting the gunblades!
over 14 years ago
well it seems that something else became common in final fantasy too - girly looking men!
Mario do Armário
over 14 years ago
Looking forward to your take on the CS:S noobfication... I mean, update.
Derp derp
over 14 years ago
Apparently some of you have a hard time distinguishing preference and quality.

over 14 years ago
So if all games with yellow big birds is Final Fantasy so is Grand Fantasia FF too?
over 14 years ago
Also, kane deserve a official hug of honor for his photonote. It made my day.
over 14 years ago
I take it the author is a final fantasy 9 fan?

Also known as the one with all the cameos/fanservice
over 14 years ago
you'll at least like the others. Every game has its fans as well as its haters. Yeah, they could name the games other things, but they are still very similar, share designers and such and constantly trying to come up with non-retarded names is tricky. Infinite Undiscovery, loooking at you.
over 14 years ago
Final Fantasy is in general no worse or better than it ever was. Any thoughts of that nature are due to nostalgia, tastes changing as you grow, and increasing hardware creating expectations of more. Personally, despite the change of locale and setting, I think that if you love one final fantasy...
over 14 years ago
Just remembered Biggs and Wedge too. Though I havent come across them in the newest FF game
over 14 years ago
Graphics. It didn't used to be that way and the games were better for it, but ahead-of-the-curve graphics are now a major identifying trait of Final Fantasy games.
Retarded Chocobo
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I would so kill for that weapon as the engineer unlock.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30122]@PT[/url]: Anti-Spirals... LOL!!
over 14 years ago
LOL @ Kane's SotN photonote on the chocobo.
over 14 years ago
Oh like it matters there is a character named Cid?
over 14 years ago
Aren't you guys forgetting engineer Cid?
Hitman Spike
over 14 years ago
Is... is that a double barreled shotgun attached to the hilt of his/her sword?
Uber Spycrab
over 14 years ago
i like the little guys :D
over 14 years ago
I sense a greek sparta joke coming.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30114]@Babies[/url]: Wait...srsly? The next comic is the 300th? ...Hrm. I expected something quite surprising!
over 14 years ago
In my honest opinion, I can play Final Fantasy 1 thru 6 (Don't get me started on Breath of Fire I/II) infinite times and not get bored completely. But I think I only finished 7, X, and X-2 past those...and I've played all but the newest.

If Square went back to sprites and good writers...I'd cry.
over 14 years ago
Heh heh heh: http://ferretcomic.com/504
over 14 years ago
Moogles. Don't forget moogles.
over 14 years ago
IMHO, FF games have gone slowly downhill since the PS era, and completely nosedived with FFX.
over 14 years ago
What makes a Final Fantasy game?

Belts. On everything.
over 14 years ago
lol Shotgun blade thing XD
and come to think about it chocobos = final fantasy
take away the chocobos and you'll end up with a generic jrpg.
Mr. B
over 14 years ago
Not true! They also have reoccurring monsters like Cactaur and Bahumat, as well as spells like Ultima and Nova and summons like Ifrit and Shiva. Also, Cid, Biggs and Wedge.
over 14 years ago
Need more female distintion
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
You know what always felt familiar to me, switching to new Final Fantasy games? Good music, engaging and fast-paced combat, character development and story-telling worthy of my attention, and mother-fucking phoenix downs. Seriously, anybody else think "Phoenix Down" when they think Final Fantasy?
Indifference Engine
over 14 years ago
Needs more belts and zippers.
over 14 years ago
I remember when airships were both simpler ships with propellers, and that they were mighty, sometimes ancient devices of bygone civilizations.

Now they're spaceship-like and everyone has one.
over 14 years ago
Don't forget a character named Cid! Every FF game has one of those too.
over 14 years ago
I dream and await for the probably never coming day in which Square-Enix will work on a second Mario RPG... Those were better days.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30130]@Brandon[/url]: Pfft. Chrono Trigger was a brand of quality. Final Fantasy is their main brand but far from the only one in the Square staple. Square has always tried something new. Now they're dabbling back into movies like they did with Spirits within.
over 14 years ago
Final Fantasy is not a game series. It is a Square-Enix seal of quality. It is their promise that they put a lot of effort into this game and want it to be successful.

FFXIII had a lot of problems, but you gotta give them credit for keeping the series fresh.
FF games
over 14 years ago
Long FF games are long. Srs'ly.

The fact that I've never even managed to reach the half way point in all the FF games I own... with 20+ hrs. on each... I just told myself I'll come back later, and moved on.
over 14 years ago

...no wait,

I meant boobs.
over 14 years ago
TF2 Arc!! NO!11!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
So this is how Anti-Spirals decided to contain Spiral Creatures after Simon killed one?! INGENIUS
over 14 years ago
FF XVIII-2 3D! Crossed-eyes GO!
over 14 years ago
Well... to me FF is just that. Each game was a Final. Fantasy. Each not connected with the other. This of course bars X-2 which... we'll get back to that some other day yea? :D But still, even though chocobos might not be around I still feel that there's something else that makes FF a FF game.
over 14 years ago
Changing every time is probably the only reason FF lasted until XIII. [url=#user_comment_30106] @Wolveriner[/url] ATB is fine, but I'd rather be able to fight enemies without going to a battle screen, like in FFXII. Even with the changes they made, it is pretty much the same action timer system.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30098]@TommyKoopa[/url] Boohoo! The new games aren't what I wanted them to be so I will pretend they never existed. Geez.
over 14 years ago
Love it
over 14 years ago
Actually there are RPGs aside from Final Fantasy that have Chocobos in them, Legend of Mana is a fine example. Granted, it's still made by the same company.
over 14 years ago
spy is in isde
over 14 years ago
I kind of wish they'd make another Soul Blazer game Terranigma was great, but I'd love to see it with modern technology
over 14 years ago
There are two things I've hated about Squenix lately:
1) Putting the MMOs into the traditional numbering sequence, instead of doing FFO, FFO2.
2) Moving away from the ATB system that worked so well from 4 to 10-2.
Change is good and all, but the new system just lacks the finesse that ATB had.
over 14 years ago
First thing first I have to say that FF series is a grandular perfection. FFVII is what brings the popularity and the next generation of FF games can sometimes be excellent or repetitive.
over 14 years ago
They always have jailbait too
over 14 years ago
As I remember, they went back to their roots when making FFIX and it didn't sell too well. As I remember anyway
over 14 years ago
Wait, this is is -2 game? She should be wearing much less than most Nerf Now characters, not more :)
over 14 years ago
I don't get this comic. There hasn't been a Final Fantasy since the third one, or was it the sixth one? It's hard to tell sometimes. I do kind of wish they'd make a new Final Fantasy game on a modern system though. However, it ended on the SNES and all we have now are remakes.
over 14 years ago
Well there's the ATB system used in most FF since the fourth. There's ennemies you meet again and again. The spells are the same. The espers/aeons/whatever often are the same. And there's the moogles and chocobos. Oh and they're also called RPG although you don't even role play...
over 14 years ago
final fantasy comic between a dramatic arc.
status quo.
over 14 years ago
Scowling androgynous protagonist? Check

Ludicrous fantasy weapon? Check

Bland cover art? Check

Oversized ridable chickens? Check

Yep, it's a JRPG alright.
over 14 years ago
No actual Moogles in FFXIII
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30076]@Anon[/url] You took the words right out of my mouth
Derp Derp
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30074]@Kingsfoil[/url] Ignoring how ff14 is already announced and everything? Yup totally the last...
over 14 years ago
XD, I wonder what chocobos taste like though. I bet it's like ostriches.

Then again, I doubt I could eat one after playing XIII.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
What about moogles?
over 14 years ago
I'd buy it
over 14 years ago
It's rumored that number 13 may be the last installment of the series.

I wonder if that's a good or bad thing.
Just a dude
over 14 years ago
Dude is that a shotgun/sword hybrid? Awesome...purely awesome.
over 14 years ago