What people are saying about "Royal Punishment"
Royal Punishment
Comments have been closed for this comic.
about 14 years ago
This made me think of Million Dollar Baby...
Talin Silverbane
about 14 years ago
Ah Toad, you foolish foolish fool.
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30065]@Alex[/url] Errr...I was just joking. I know the rules of footy as it's my favorite sport.
about 14 years ago
Zak Canard
about 14 years ago
Cue lewd comments about tackling Peach from behind in 3...2...1...
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30060]@burning_phoneix[/url] I don't think so. This sort of thing is not too uncommon in actual soccer. People get carried off and end up doing things like that. Of course, he would probably get a red card, which means he would be expelled from this match and suspended, but I doubt he would be punished further.
Wonder Woman
about 14 years ago
Never forget the safety word.
about 14 years ago
Don't mess with football.
about 14 years ago
To be fair, if you hit a women like that in real life you're going to jail.
Inconvenient Truth
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29985]@BowlerHatMan[/url] But isn't it interesting how quickly socialism and communism adopt totalitarianism and fascism world wide. Before you ask for an example I give you any South American socialist country, the Soviet Union, socialist institutions of Europe, Nazi Germany, depression era United States...
Inconvenient Truth
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29985]@BowlerHatMan[/url] But isn't it interesting how quickly socialism and communism adopt totalitarianism and fascism world wide. Before you ask for an example I give you any South American socialist country, the Soviet Union, socialist institutions of Europe, Nazi Germany, depression era United States...
about 14 years ago

Do eet.
angy Goomba
about 14 years ago
the ball should be a turtle shell.

the opposite couldnt happne, impossible to pull down tod
A Bag of Opinions
about 14 years ago
So, anyone goin' to make an Athlete's Foot joke...

...because a FUNGUS hit someone's FOOT...

...c'mon people.
about 14 years ago
If your angry the old arc ended, just ask for your money back .... oh wait.
about 14 years ago
Omg why do everyone kick me? it hurts you know!
about 14 years ago
Always look on,
The Briiiiiiiiiiiight Side of Life~
about 14 years ago
Hah, wonderful. Everyone was complaining about the previous arc beeing a complete shit, but the second it's ended 'prematurely' a lot of people start wondering what would actually happen. I guess some people take the 'Troll NOW!!' button too seriously.
about 14 years ago
Peach is known for her wild mood swings she would first ask for tea and in the same breath shove an umbrella down your throat. pretty much bioware got tips from her for making Jack.
about 14 years ago
I like the TF2 arc but how about the cute zergs. After the end of this TF2 how about some starcraft arc plz.
about 14 years ago
The TF2 comments suggest that people's interest really isn't over yet.

Plus I couldn't care less about Super God Damn Mario.
about 14 years ago
that was pretty funny
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
At this rate I suspect Pyro is going to Engie-tan for the next arc...

Heck, Homewrecker can destroy sappers now and Pyro is due to help Engie-tan again if he's to admit the "support" he's now more in, according to Sniper-tan.
about 14 years ago
Bring us Pyro Spy and Sniper-tan story!)
about 14 years ago
I knew peach was an absolute monarch! First she's a bad sport, then she'll say "Let them eat cake" and next thing we know, her head jumps out loose!
about 14 years ago
That is one ugly peach
about 14 years ago
For some reason I think she looks cute with the gloves on.
about 14 years ago
I want to see a charred Spy corpse! >.<
don't leave a Heavy hangin'!
Mad Cow
about 14 years ago
Where is my pyro arch??? :(
Maybe he is waiting till the engi update when hopefully everything gets fixed.
Disco Stu
about 14 years ago
Not shown: Peach entering the dungeon with a studded paddle, grinning evilly.
about 14 years ago
Not shown:

Princess Peach making a deal with Bowser to have Toad "kidnapped" and dragged off to his castle instead of hers. After all, he's got the better dungeon (she'd know), and nobody must suspect the Princess of being involved.
That Scout Is A Spy
about 14 years ago
Why do all the TF2 arcs end pre-maturely?
about 14 years ago
Funny. Considering how she acts in game, I would've expected this more from Daisy.
about 14 years ago
Heh heh heh, Luckily I got my disguise kit upgraded to disguise this comic, so nobody could see the Pyro catch-

I mean! What I did to Sniper! Yes, she was quite easily "Backstabbed"!
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_29973]@Grug[/url]: Socialism ≠ totalitarianism.
Officer Combine
about 14 years ago
Sorry, your lawyer is in another castle.
about 14 years ago
Against Peach...I'll still do it and get away with it. (Like she can catch me)

Comment on previous Arc:

about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
about 14 years ago
What? I don't get to burn that motherfucker?
about 14 years ago
Must be a socialist state.
about 14 years ago
But of course...
about 14 years ago
Note to self

Don't play games against Peach in the Mushroom Kingdom and WIN
about 14 years ago
rawr, toad gets his just deserts :P
about 14 years ago
sorry the princess is in another castle
about 14 years ago
Cry some moar.