What people are saying about "Voice of Reason"
Voice of Reason
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about 4 years ago
While the term "woke" annoys me from a linguistic perspective, this "being woke bad!" meme is just silly. It's just the new "Political correctness gone mad" whine and just as disingenuous. https://twitter.com/neilhimself/status/575710354514178048
about 4 years ago
Foolish Joe. My 20/20 vision is powerful enough to read it while squinting without artificial enhancement of the picture!
about 4 years ago
@Charles Houle So true, so true. Now excuse me while I get my dose of xenowhatever out of a couple of hours in Donkey Kong or Persona 5
about 4 years ago
@Andy Willow Huh? It's not a matter of taste lol. Never was : / u being disingenous or something?
about 4 years ago
does morgan not have boobs?
about 4 years ago
I just happened to watch the Artemis Fowl trailer!
about 4 years ago
Fans see the history, the failures, the struggles, and the success of a series. Twitartists see the same thing as a Halloween mask that can be worn by any of their special unique repeats.

End result is the fans staring on in horror as the their fandom has its face skinned, then worn as a mask.
about 4 years ago
@Charles Houle so you are saying that all those old games like Final Fantasy, Kirby, Mario, Sonic, Disgaea etc are in the xenophobic express train?
about 4 years ago
A good indicator of something being woke is the accompaniment of some sort of fan loathing, aka your most paying customers.
about 4 years ago
Sadly it's a partisan world. Being woke sucks, but the only other option is hopping on the xenophobic express train.
about 4 years ago
I keep seeing it getting used for "Something that does not directly appeal to me and my tastes".
about 4 years ago
@Andy Willow Nah, pretty sure the major consent is that it sucks. Its meaning is sucking.
about 4 years ago
People throw around "woke" so often that it's lost all meaning.
about 4 years ago
Given who and what Morgan represents, she is not nearly as much the voice of reason that she thinks she is.
about 4 years ago
Zoom is a wonderful thing.
about 4 years ago
Being Woke Sucks.
about 4 years ago
Clever, but you scrambled those last three words. XD
about 4 years ago
Get Woke, Go Broke. <3
about 4 years ago
Thanks Jo! :D
about 4 years ago
@Myst: "Being woke" are the missing words.
about 4 years ago
"Don't do that, this is what the fans love. ___ ___ sucks." or something like that