What people are saying about "Bastard"
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over 13 years ago
I love how GlaDos looks cute and frightening at the same time :3

And also NO ONE seem to have noticed that that's not the blue's but the red's engi oô cause as I remember with 'Good for you', when chibi medic-tan made sammichs for heavy, she was the one wondering about him
over 13 years ago
about 14 years ago
Portal is the next half-life - It'll tie in to Gordan Freeman somehow!
over 14 years ago
For the half life bit,you should have put "MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS".
almost 15 years ago
You know, it's funny.

That spot of interest between Ellis and Zoey you predicted turned out to be true after all.
almost 15 years ago
crowbar is an euphemism for penis right?
almost 15 years ago
GDC announcement: Episode 3 will launch simultaneously on Mac and PC. Which is why it's taking so goddamned long. REJOICE, O GAMERS!
almost 15 years ago
sad but true valve is leting the half-life seires gather dust in the cornner
almost 15 years ago
This comic may not be entirely accurate.

Go to www.teamfortress.com, and look at the 9th March blog post. Examine Saxton Hale's left arm and hand. See a pretty obvious lambda 3 in the picture. Speculate
almost 15 years ago
Here I look at this GLaDOS and I immediately think of my favorite GMOD skin...


Although your version is better.
almost 15 years ago
Reminds me of this. Haha:
almost 15 years ago
Too bad GLaDOS will look the same... Except a little fucked up from the previous game (broken into pieces). Look at the box cover on gameinformer.

By the way zoey+Ellis c:
almost 15 years ago
you wont get to cause valve will just troll us
almost 15 years ago
@Shy-Guyome: Definately Meet the Pyro! I want to see what that bastard(or bitch) looks like under that mask!
almost 15 years ago
Speaking of Team Fortress 2 Update, could you pwetty pwease make a poll on wich "Meet the ..." video should be next?
- Medic
- Pyro
- New Item
- Other
- Scout's Mom
Devil Traitor
almost 15 years ago
what if you can make Half-Life arc!
almost 15 years ago
lololololololololololololololololololoolololololololololllklkllloololkh iom irmirh uhengeh guihi3gh9fc49t7- 2852ycny78ttmnymvt893nvy88vy891ymtuyvvypenis
almost 15 years ago
Any chance you could make a Portal arc with some Gla-DOS tan?

Pretty please?

I'll give you cake.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25557]@Jackal[/url]: GLaDOS got Sexified a long time ago... I suppose you've never heard of rule 34. Still....DAMN YOU GAAAABE!
almost 15 years ago
I think on GLaDOS' Eyes as her breasts because of that comment on the portal 2 announcement.
"removed those cores from GLaDOS' Breasts"
almost 15 years ago
Hmm. GLaDOS reminds me of Kooh from Pangya.
almost 15 years ago
Wanna go for a ride? I got Jimmy Gibbs Junior's car.
almost 15 years ago
Uhm... May have been said before but you all realize the Borealis is directly linked to Portal 2? That's the ship Eli wanted us to find and destroy because it was made by Aperture Science. I won't be surprised if Glossman doesn't run into Chell or Combine Soldiers.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25547]@discrider[/url]: i agree
almost 15 years ago
You sexified glados...you monster!
almost 15 years ago
isn't there a bigger version of this marvelous piece of cake, i mean art.
i so wana start it with Glados and Zoey
almost 15 years ago
What?! Cake is people?!
almost 15 years ago
@ no purple core, why would Glados rebuild herself with a morality core? It's not like the turret defenses need controlling.

@ giant wrench. I like the idea of a quite vague Spycrist wrench.
Engineer: Time to shell some crabs
Spy: Time to CnD around the base yelling for dispensers.
almost 15 years ago
@ http://makani.deviantart.com/art/well-you-found-me-95124241, looks far too much like an old TF2 announcer could (which would half make sense), if the announcer wasn't so much cooler. I prefer this comic's version of Glados better.
almost 15 years ago
Another comic, another inanimate object turned into a sex object. Well done.

But apart from that, good point and the comic works well.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25537]@Stickmeister[/url] And then, valvegasm
almost 15 years ago
snifff....i too am waiting for EP3. 11/march. im sure something will be announced
almost 15 years ago
There's a spy somewhere in that comic. Can you find it?
almost 15 years ago
Valve doesn't want to draw attention away from Portal 2. Right after the release: BAM! Half-Life 3 announcement.
almost 15 years ago
Gordon Freeman's thoughts on the matter:...
almost 15 years ago
I'm relatively certain that the alternate reality game in Portal 1 leading up to the announcement of the sequel also included some HL2: EP3 footage as well.
almost 15 years ago
Maybe, just maybe, valve actually make an update or sequel for HL2, but they keep it secret, and out of nowhere...... SURPRISE!
almost 15 years ago
"...so ronery."
almost 15 years ago
I prefer this representation of GLaDOS: http://makani.deviantart.com/art/well-you-found-me-95124241
almost 15 years ago
Half Life isn't getting anything big? what about Black Mesa? Sure, it's not Valve, but there's still going to be a major release this(?) year for each series.
almost 15 years ago
I should probably do another "all in one" HL2 playthrough. Last time I did that I enjoyed it just like it was my first time through again.

As for the updates... Bring on The Passing! I WANT MY M60!
almost 15 years ago
Jo, from the comic itself, I thought your point was that the main Valve properties are getting tons of updates/sequels--from TF2 (duh) to L4D (eh) to Portal (wow!)--and then there's HL2 and co... getting neglected in the corner.

But your text blatantly states you don't care... WTF? GIMME MY EP3!
almost 15 years ago
Francis will not like zoey like that
Enzeru Kagai
almost 15 years ago
Ahem, sorry for the double post, but i'll never play another game again because GLaDOS is that hot XD
Enzeru Kagai
almost 15 years ago
my god if that's what GLaDOS really looks like i swear i will never play another video game again.
almost 15 years ago
Careful. Remember the recipe GLaDOS uses for her cake.
almost 15 years ago
Am I the only one who would love to see Corporal Shepherd again? I don'T even remember how to speel his name, but dman, I loved Opposing Force.

I also miss the Theme naming.
Half-life, Opposing Force, BLue Shift. Priceless.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25497]@Neja[/url]: Actually, what rumors I've heard is that HL2,E3 was canceled in favor of snowballing its content into HL3, along with major Source upgrades, which is why it's been so long since any news. Valve would have to be all kinds of stupid to drop the IP entirely, which they're not...
almost 15 years ago
Some people say that half life 3 (or half lfie 2 ep3) will never come.
i however discard that idea because of the popularity of half life 2...
although it looks like valve is ignoring hl i'm pretty sure that they are doing their best to think off a good storyline etc
hang in there...
almost 15 years ago
Man, I need to read more Valve news, I hadn't heard about *any* of this heh. Although I'd love to see Engi-chan go Highlander with that wrench...
almost 15 years ago
I totally understand how you feel, J, but try something real quick: Re-install Half-Life 2 + Episodes and replay them. I did this around Christmas time, and even though it was like my fourth run, It was still more entertaining than most games are on their first. They're that good. Seriously.
i cant agree more
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
ah... I like how Valve does do updates to their games as well as produce sequels to stories that need it. Episode 3... Why? No news since like 2008. All we got was some cryptic concept art and then... nothing. Hell just a "Yeah we're working on it. Dont worry it will be awesome." that would be nice
almost 15 years ago
Oh, I thought he was breakdancing.
almost 15 years ago
Nice GLaDOS-tan there, although I think I've seen her drawn that way befGEEZIAMANERD.

I'm not too upset about the lack of HL though. I trust VALVe is spending as much time as possible to make it awesome. Plus, if VALVe gave a date, it'd just be delayed anyway.

Also, mods, and VALVe is awesome.
almost 15 years ago
valve owns. period.

half life is the game I most want to have a continuation... i enjoy the game's story since half life 1, so a conclusion to the whole gordon freeman's suppa quest to save the world is eagerly expected... for a long time now x_x'

but sure, l4d, tf2 and portal are great, too
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25479]@Loc[/url], Darn skippy. Actually I'm wondering if Valve has been working with CodeWeavers to do something more dasteredly then just Valve's IP. So first Demoknight now Club-engi?
almost 15 years ago
You forgot Steam/Source engine on the Mac.

That's gonna be the big HL2 thing.
almost 15 years ago
This made me sniffle affectionately.
That Scout Is A Spy
almost 15 years ago
I demand Jo draws a full picture of cute GLaDOS.
That Scout Is A Spy
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_25453]@BowlerHatMan[/url]: She had a cute voice I guess, But I want like a teenager type voice like you see in anime and stuff. I would like it if the voice sounded alittle robotic and not so artificial if that makes sense, Like a cute human teenager voice but with robotic echo type thing :3
almost 15 years ago
I cant wait for meet the pyro. "Mmhmmh.. mmhpf mhmfp pmghm..."
Also, Left 4 Dead? Meh...
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
@unckle chucklle: It fell off before she could get the surprise. This is what happens if you don't roast it.
almost 15 years ago
@That Scout Is A Spy: Are you implying that GLaDOS didn't already have a cute voice?
unckle chucklle
almost 15 years ago
about the GLaDOS character (mega-awesome btw) where is the purple core?
That Scout Is A Spy
almost 15 years ago
Hopefully GLaDOS looks like this in portal 2 and has a cute voice.
almost 15 years ago
Best. GLaDOS. Ever.

... But why no SC2 Beta comics now that you're in, Jo?
almost 15 years ago
I approve of this GLaDOS.
Portal Fan
almost 15 years ago
Best GLaDOS fan character ever.
almost 15 years ago
I likes it. I too cannot wait for the aforementioned!