What people are saying about "Misstep"
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almost 6 years ago
... lanes? Card games have lanes now? Good thing I dropped out like 25 years ago...
almost 6 years ago
I never understood why they didn't make Triple Triad into a full blown app. You could even start adding "booster" packs from the other FF games, new monsters, everything. It'd be awesome. Also, make FFX's Blitzball it's own app, too!
almost 6 years ago
@Nick Martin: That reminds me, Square put Triple Triad as an add-on to some weird app of theirs with some really terrible UI. Unfortunately, that made it really hard to find/access.
almost 6 years ago
Can we get a guest appearance of Final Fantasy 8's Triple Triad please? It's the best/worst card game ever! It's just so bad that it's good XD
almost 6 years ago
Heh, never liked Gwent that much (I played it a lot, but only inside The Witcher 3). Boiled down, it's just KotOR's Pazaak.