What people are saying about "New and Improved"
New and Improved
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about 14 years ago
@An Evil Penguin

Perhaps you should just go watch a sci-fi movie and cut out the middle man.
An Evil Penguin
about 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22712]@Meagen[/url] 'ME1 was a great sci-fi pick-your-own-adventure movie but I wish there were less of that "here's some bad guys, shoot them" filler getting in the way of the story.' So.... you want to remove the shooting from a shooter/RPG? Whats left over? Flying around mooching off shops?
Directed @ Me
about 14 years ago
Don't ask them to explain in. You'll go blind.
about 14 years ago
I don't get the joke.
over 14 years ago
I was disapointed, one of those females has to be a futa! What about Dr. Tsoni? FUTASARI.
over 14 years ago
Holy crap. Is that your Shepard? It looks exactly like mine.
over 14 years ago
I have to buy ME1 before I play ME2 because they look freakin' AWESOME!!!
over 14 years ago
There are pluses and minuses to both games, however both are great enough that I could easily go back and start over again from the very beginning.
over 14 years ago
It's true. Everyone wants to bone Shepard. Regardless of gender. Human, Asari, Turian, Drell, Krogan*, you name it.

Loli Desu~
over 14 years ago
Guys, it's a vibrating water bidet.
What? never heard of one?
over 14 years ago
You don't understand lesbians, do you.
over 14 years ago
Hmm, interesting... Always played a male shep and never thought about the results for a femshep... I liked the options you had as the male character for the "last moments together" cinematic. Though I was disappointed that you didn't get to see Tali's face during the cine.
over 14 years ago
Oh noes! Futa alert! xD
over 14 years ago
Crap, until just now I thought that Miranda had said "I had" not "we did", so I thought femshep had seen Miranda with a penis >.<
over 14 years ago
I've played ME2 from beginning to end as a male character. Does playing as a female character open up some innuendo that makes this obvious?
over 14 years ago
That's my Miranda!
over 14 years ago
@wayward gamer

You really do have to play ME2 to get why people are guessing such things. Although I think I need to start a male Shepherd to see the other woman's level of 'interest' in him.

Anger? I don't see much anger about a very open to interoperation comic joke.
over 14 years ago
I agree with Papapop on this one. But I particularly don't like what is video games are also turning into movies. They shouldn't. At all. The only exception to this is Ace Attorney, which is a book, but has enough gameplay to be an actual game.
over 14 years ago
Sooo... How did she do it with garrus ?
wayward gamer
over 14 years ago
ok, so every one who thinks they understand this comic says femshep has a penis and is angry about it. What I don't understand is what caused you to deduce that that was what's going on here? Cuz I'm just sitting here thinking "Well if you say so."
gnd gfjgh
over 14 years ago
Mass Effect 2 is now a romance simulator.
over 14 years ago
Penis was guess one, penis on sheperd was guess two.
Also, anyone in GA?
Papapop prt3
over 14 years ago
pastime. Do you know why Half life and Starcraft are as highly regarded as they are? Because Valve and Blizzard are already doing what I'm saying, they're making players think.
Papapop prt2
over 14 years ago
We shouldn't be bringing gaming down to grandma, the youth are the future, we need to get people to rise up and challenge themselves and really think about the world they're in as well as the story and their character and when we finally do that, that's when games will finally be considered a real
over 14 years ago
"Quote paragraph 3" This is exactly the mentality that gaming has taken today, yes it's good when you can just pick up and play games on the fly without much thought, but when you purposefully dumb down games just to make a profit you risk losing the game you were making in the first place.
over 14 years ago
Whoring XP/Equipment and then kill mobs in one single hit or 'skills' involve abusing glitch. Which is the my complain in ME1. ME2 get things right.
over 14 years ago
Honestly I like the way they change in mass effect 2.

The inventory system, The leveling/Skill development. More focus on fighting(YAY NO MORE FREAKING MAKO!). No more time waiting in elevator and stand still.

Most of games with RPG element blended is horrible IMO. Almost all of them is about
over 14 years ago
@Everyone who is in the dark:

Queen bitch Miranda put a penis on Jennifer Hale Shepard.

over 14 years ago
Too vague. I can get using subtle humor but when you just make it too subtle, so much I can't get the joke, I don't want to mess with the comic.

Also, yes. I am playing ME2 as we speak
over 14 years ago
Maybe somebody just mowed her yard a bit.

You know, to simplify things.
over 14 years ago
I don't get it...

durrrr durrrrrr
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22703]@Serathis[/url] But Deus Ex 2 was terrible compared to the first and is regarded as such by virtually every Deus Ex fan; ME2(from what little I've seen/heard) looks like a resounding success alongside the first game. Sometimes change IS good.
over 14 years ago
Hah! Nice.. Took me a while to get but it was worth it xD
over 14 years ago
Bwah? Engineers got buffed? Awesome! Favourite class in ME1 by leaps and bounds. There was just something innately hilarious about hacking one of two huge Geth (Armatures? My memory ain't so good) and taking bets on which one would win.
over 14 years ago
Oh,and Explanation Guy, 's Miranda. *nod*
over 14 years ago
I have to admit. I lol'd. I probably lol'd too much, too. XD Great work!
Explanation Guy
over 14 years ago
Basically, the upgrade was installing a penis, because (Morrigan?) is a lesbian (in this comic)
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I find it strangely awesome that the Shepard with red hair, because that is also my Shepard. I finished ME1 just before I started ME2 (like minutes before) and the contrast is stark. I felt ME1 really started to catch it's stride in the last hour and the ending blew me away (-ign.com). We'll see.
over 14 years ago
ME1 was a great sci-fi pick-your-own-adventure movie but I wish there were less of that "here's some bad guys, shoot them" filler getting in the way of the story.
over 14 years ago
Removing inventory from mass effect is an improvement. The inventory system in one was horrible.
over 14 years ago
I also do not get the Joke. (I'm presently working hard on beating mass effect 1 so i can play 2 when it price drops a bit) Could we please get an explanation? :(
over 14 years ago
... So genderswapping joke?

I'm afraid I don't follow...
over 14 years ago
@ Marcelo , You can in Mass Effect 1 as well...
over 14 years ago
They need more complex and challenging games. The market is too saturated with games for people that just recently got opposable thumbs. Back when games first started coming around they were relentless. You get hit 3 times you're screwed! Now you get shot in the head and go take a breather by a wall
over 14 years ago
This reminds me of how "simplified" was Deus Ex 2 compared to 1...
over 14 years ago
I can't find any justification to replay the game again. It's too BORING. It's too SIMPLE. I don't like simple things. Now for loot, too simple, boring. Could use more variety in weapons and biotic powers. Comes down to between Single or AOE powers.
over 14 years ago
You cant play as a woman in ME2???

And I go with Insuff, that mixed inventory was sure boring to organize.
Insufferable Twit
over 14 years ago
Danvolodar, cry some more. I'd rather not spend every five minutes checking through the loot I picked thinking "hmm, is that new weapon/upgrade 1% better than what I have". I just want to PLAY the game.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, right. Let's "streamline" stats, inventory, story, and gameplay progression. Let the game play itself - what can be more streamlined?
over 14 years ago
I am guessing that the redhead girl now has extra "equipment" that she didn't have before.
over 14 years ago
I demand shades be put on the Red Head.
over 14 years ago
@ karmik

Yes. No more of it.
over 14 years ago
So they don't make you micromanage your inventory in ME2? I spent way too much time making a detailed list of all of the upgrades I had in 1 when I started running out of room for new stuff. I may actually get 2 earlier than I had planned if this is true.
over 14 years ago
Hardest part of making a Mass Effect comic is identifying who Shepard is. Mine is male with an excessive beard and dark, curved-in cheeks.
over 14 years ago
They probably put a phalus in the porcelain.

For you low lifes: They put a dildo on the crapper.

@jo you getting an iPad? :D
imagine you are drawing with your fingers soon. that fingerpainting in kindergarten should've paid off, no? :D
over 14 years ago
SwordTarge Demo
over 14 years ago
Hmmmm... Oh... Wait, I got nothing.
over 14 years ago
me neither... well kinda
over 14 years ago
Hahaha... I don't get it.
over 14 years ago
oh... Mi...MIRANDA~~~~<3