What people are saying about "Darkest Blackout"
Darkest Blackout
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about 6 years ago
Not even have played the game, I think the joke works pretty well on it's own, no need to worry there!
about 6 years ago
The match is struck. A blazing star is born!
about 6 years ago
@Leonardo Duarte: Not really any issue, Tentajo is being pretty chill about it. :)
about 6 years ago
I find it funny a tentacle monster having issues with darkness. Add Darkest Dungeon, and it becomes funnier.
about 6 years ago
Reminds me of something from Amnesia the Dark Descent.
about 6 years ago
@유호형: dungeon-tan sounds hilarious!
about 6 years ago
But then there was Fire and with fire came disparity. Heat and cold, life and death, and of course, light and dark.
about 6 years ago
Man, this comic made my day, I can even hear their voices in my head
about 6 years ago
Good game.

Terrible Asian Marketing.

Bad translation is one thing but dungeon-tan? Really?
about 6 years ago
Blood soaks the soil, feeding the evil therein. Another life wasted in pursuit of glory and gold...
about 6 years ago
Success so clearly in view, or is it merely a trick of the light?
about 6 years ago
Darkest Dungeon is one of those games that I can't play my self as I get too stressed out but I really enjoy watching other people play.