What people are saying about "Sdorica"
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about 6 years ago
Dunno, FFBE is great even though I don't care about FF much. So many freebies. XD
about 6 years ago
@Rodrigo Maciel Costa: look at the gameplay video, the gameplay is completely different
about 6 years ago
So which server are you playing in? Also check the discord: https://discord.gg/z7HXb3
about 6 years ago
Like Disney Heroes, that is pretty much Dragon's Soul reskinned.
about 6 years ago
@Jo Pereira

Cytus is rythm game but Implosion is a hack & slash game :)
about 6 years ago
@Chris Mark: I don't deal well with rhythim games... :(
about 6 years ago
Have you tried any or Rayark's other games? Cytus is like the best rhythm game ever and Implosion is also an amazing looking sci-fi game.
about 6 years ago
>This app is incompatible with your device.
Well, now I'm sad
about 6 years ago
@Jose Antonio Batac: Works best in my experience on PC.
about 6 years ago
@Jose Antonio Batac: Sure, just press *Add Photo Note* and correct black square as you d' like
about 6 years ago
*Watch comic*

"Oh come on, really? I don't buy it."

*Search Sdorica gameplay on Youtube*

"Holy all things that are pure, the hell?!"

*Searching Sdorica on Google Play*
about 6 years ago
Just checked the game and I must agree, the art is really good.
about 6 years ago

Hey, know how to do those "claim" things these guys do? Like how those black box things? 'XD
about 6 years ago
Uh,gonna try it.
about 6 years ago
Im doing the same with Houkai Impact.
about 6 years ago
3rd panel reminds me of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ5LpwO-An4
about 6 years ago
Angie's orgasm is priceless X'DD