What people are saying about "Platinoob"
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about 6 years ago
I got to diamond with junkrat, before that I was plat mei
about 6 years ago
SR system in Overwatch is fundamentally broken and needs to be wiped out and redesigned from the ground up.
about 6 years ago
People say all healers are "one tricks". I'll tell you, it's hard being brain dead Ana when literally everything that moves needs to be shot and your entire team are evasive, low health DPS heroes.
about 6 years ago
I see jo too likes to give the succ as moria.
about 6 years ago
Hey @Jo Pereira, i recommend you to play:
-one hour one life
-elona plus (the graphic is rpg maker but content is gold)
-dominions 5
about 6 years ago
Hey Jo, do you play on PC or console?
about 6 years ago
Took me this long to notice that the uniform hats will have the first letter of their name on it. Nice touch, also made me realize that it took me this long to notice that most of the girl's names begins with A. :p
about 6 years ago
.... I'd like to see gold one day
about 6 years ago
@Jo Pereira I also remember when the comic had a story(as in every comic was a story not all them were just jokes and each comic sort of took place after the previous comic) also question why did you say you would run out of the color red in the engineer arc?
about 6 years ago
I left overwatch half a year ago becouse of neverending fucking Genjis. Does Moira really make his life hard? Or there's no sense coming back?
about 6 years ago
"I actually reached Diamond but by playing tank"
"deranked but I kept my rank by playing solo Moira"
"Why can't my main be a cute waifu like Mercy at least?"

Well now is a good time to tell you all about Brigitte Lindholm (Tank/Support)
about 6 years ago
@RVN: I remember when it was about TF2...
about 6 years ago
remember when this comic was about dota?
about 6 years ago