What people are saying about "Machine Spirit 3"
Machine Spirit 3
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over 6 years ago
@Joseph Yeah, but Guilli Guilli runs the house now, and be damned those that try to mess eith tech boi Cawl,lest they want Mars wrath. Trust me i dont really like Papasmurf, but he is a way better Leader than the bloodthirsty , trigger happy morons of the inquisition.
over 6 years ago
Rogal Dorn once said "Give me 1000 Guardsmen, or failing that 100 Space Marines. I'll take Dad's words over those of fawning Imperial Commanders

@Petros: Leader of the Machine Cult? The only reason he hasn't been executed for heresy is that Rowboat decided his +1 Marines are too important
over 6 years ago
@anothga: No one expects the Inquisition!

*looks around blankly* Sorry, had to say it. Now, my acolytes, Seize that Heretic!
over 6 years ago
40k debates always go nowhere because half of the people talking haven't read any books in years and got their info from wiki pages that get edited once every 10 years.
over 6 years ago
@Samuel Costa: Yes it does.
over 6 years ago
eureka seven aproves machine spirit...
over 6 years ago
Make a Belissarius Cawl strip already!!!! This guy only recently appeared, and he is the leader of the machine cult!
over 6 years ago
Also note that, if we are talking about the wargame aspect, it *IS* actually possible for a single marine to beat crazy odds just due to the way the dice rolls. Remember the tale of the Lv3 paladin that killed a demi-god by botching a roll so hard on a sword strike it decapitated both of them.
over 6 years ago
You have to thank the latest Ultramarine bull for the whole invincible marine thingy. The good lore depicts them as soldiers - tough, but still dying by the dozen on the field. Primarchs, on the other hand...
over 6 years ago
@Kate Blackwell: The Orks are subconciously psychic. They just believe painting it red makes the vehicles faster, and if they believe it then it happens. Same reason their strangely-put-together weapons work.
over 6 years ago
Is that the series where painting a tank red actually makes it go faster?
over 6 years ago
To some extent this is true, but certain individuals like Ventress, Issondon, or Bjorn it's quite possible that those elites really are as capable as the stories suggest.
over 6 years ago
"You assume the enemy is just going to miss forever"
This is 40k, not Halo or Gears of War.

Space Marines don't hide behind cover, they are the cover.

Side note: orks do miss forever.
over 6 years ago
over 6 years ago
In those very same Ciaphas Cain books they had single Space Marine murder an entire company with barely a scratch and 50 marines were considered "gross overkill" for taking a backwater planet.
over 6 years ago
over 6 years ago
SC2 marine is the equal of a Space Marine. Yes, the Space Marine has godlike training a marine can barely dream of. But when it's space war, every one has a supersonic assault rifle, and orbital bombardment is a thing, your 1000 Master Chiefs don't stack up to 10,000 focus firing idiots with guns.
over 6 years ago
No, no, you got it mostly right. Just look at the Ciaphias Cain series; it outright SAYS that most of the stories the common man hears is lies and propaganda.
over 6 years ago
Hey Jo, I think Mercy can join Zamus at "battered women of gaming now". You need a Medic-tan anyway.
over 6 years ago
Here is the probable faith of each girl:

Angie: Machine Cult

Jane: Khorne cultist

Morgan: Imperial Truth

Alec: Greater Good

Anne-Marie: Slaanesh cultist

over 6 years ago
Youre not completly wrong Jo, a lot of the space marine lore has been written by space marine loving faggots who are trying to make them into theire own personal mary sues.
over 6 years ago
@Beastwolf: There are about 1,000 Space Marine Chapters in the canon right now. Those that are not compliant with Codex Astartes will have their own limits, but chapters that are compliant with it will have the upper limit of 1,000 Space Marines per Chapter, divided into 10 companies.
over 6 years ago
@Delta Pangaea: If you go for the official canon Space Marines can do pretty much anything as long as they have faith on the Emprah.
over 6 years ago
Aren't there only like 100 at any given time or something?
over 6 years ago
Nah, that's about right. Great as they are, Space Marines still die a LOT. There's just some standout hardasses among them. But there's standout hardasses everywhere. The Guard has a slew of them, the Tau have Kais and Or'Es'Ka...
over 6 years ago
"on my personal headcanon most of the Space Marines feats are grossly exagerated, basically Imperium propaganda."

There's an Inquisitor here, Jo. He would like to have a word with you.