What people are saying about "Prayer"
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about 7 years ago
@Raxyz: Nice thing about warframe though,updates.They lowered how hard it is to get another warframe. Now you can start building a new warframe or 2 in like, 9 hours. Also the rate at which you aquire things increases with your gear.
about 7 years ago
@SonicSonedit: Warframe is ninja space wizards.
Destiny is a shooter.
about 7 years ago
Warframe has one of the worst new player experiences I've ever seen and played. Breaking into the game is like a vault.
about 7 years ago
I had people ask me to join them in warframe then they did very little to help me catch up to them so i'm basically at level 3 with little incentive to play.
I do grab dailys most days though. got two 75% offs so far. spent 5 on one and let someone else use the other and got to keep the bonus.
about 7 years ago
@Collin “Engineer” Rotton: it's from monty python and the holy grail. lol.
about 7 years ago
I want both. Destiny 1 was supposed to be on PC but the assholes changed their minds.
about 7 years ago
Honestly, you may not even have to choose, really. Destiny 2 is going to be coming out an entire year before Anthem, the way things look. So by the time Anthem comes out you may have played as much of Destiny 2 as you want.
about 7 years ago
@Frost: Exactly that. Not even Disgaea is so damn grindy. Or maybe it is, but in Disgaea is actually fun? I don't know, the thing is, Warframe is a cool game that forces you to play 100+ hours to get another character. Can't really say I like the game for that.
about 7 years ago
@Rok Kralj Koleša: Have you tried it recently. they rebalanced it a while back and it isn't as terrible now.
about 7 years ago
Well, honestly, Anthem shoud be called No Effect: Androthem.
about 7 years ago
The one thing Destiny is better at than Warframe, is the PvP.
WF's Conclave is the most unbalanced place you'll ever see in any multiplayer game.
about 7 years ago
@Elyseon; The branch of 2K that made that atrocity has shut down, so you probably don't need to worry. Unless they keep Springs as the mechanic, 'cause her obnoxiousness, arrogance and 1-note 'character' were beyond anything witnessed in it or 2. If they keep her, shit yourself and run for the hills
about 7 years ago
And on that day, Jane believed in the Lord.

Had the same irritation with Destiny not being ported, so am looking forward to the sequel and Anthem, though my reasoning is less 'jetpacks' and more customisable 'power armour'.
about 7 years ago
@Samuel Bingham: "Flaws" is an understatement. Warframe is a decent game trapped in an endless grindy hell.
about 7 years ago
@Samuel Bingham
Agreed. And honestly, Space Ninjas with superpowers, how awesome is that?
about 7 years ago
@SonicSonedit I feel like Warframe gets constantly overlooked in discussions like this. I mean, it's got its flaws, but its always changing and updating, and the core fun gameplay is always there.
about 7 years ago
One of my friends told me today that Destiny's logo symbol was a fidget spinner. Now I can't see anything else.
about 7 years ago
praise to the RNGgod.
about 7 years ago
@Elyseon: TPS wasn't made by their A-team, but I'll agree wholeheartedly that it was a mess. Let's hope they clean the mess TPS did, and not make it worse. I'm still hopeful. 2 great games and one bad spinoff.
about 7 years ago
Can someone tell me what Justen Karl Martyn-Dow-Jensen is saying in that note?
about 7 years ago
I really don't understand hype over destiny. It's basically Warframe with less content and just less cool overall?
about 7 years ago
@Raxyz: After the so-called Pre-Sequel, I'm not exactly optimisting about the future of Borderlands...
about 7 years ago
Rumour has it and Borderlands 3 is sometime due next year. Then it'll be three co-op lootastic shooters, and the original among them. XD

Anyways, I'm not too hyped about Destiny, especially after they completely ignored PC users, but damn if Anthem doesn't look good.
about 7 years ago
she is so cute
about 7 years ago
PC has Warframe, which has mostly inspired the creation of Destiny. It is old, graphics is not crazy cool, but it updates regularly and has a lot of content for free.
about 7 years ago
Yeah, when the ads for Destiny 2 popped up on the Blizzard launcher, it was like a ray from heaven struck my brain and I suddenly added up that Activision was publishing Destiny 2... My body is READY.
about 7 years ago
Unless Bungie sends me a copy of Destiny 2 free as an apology for the pile they called Destiny 1 then they are not getting any money from me for Destiny 2.
about 7 years ago
They both focus on a multiplayer coop, therefore they both will suck, at least for me. "Ho yay, who needs story, who needs characters, grind enemies with your bruhs ONLINE for the next level where you will need to grind even more enemies to go further!"
about 7 years ago
jane in tank top.
and anthem's reveal trailer actors were so bad.
about 7 years ago
@Censuur: Because so far it's pretty much the closest thing to an Iron man suit simulator
about 7 years ago
Avoid division like a plague, i might have gotten it for cheap 20 reais (thanks ubisoft bugged new site at the time) with all the DLC, still waiting for the game to be good, the game feels like a worse borderlands in a serious setting
about 7 years ago
I don't understand how people get excited over something like Anthem, sure it looks nice, but we saw virtually nothing of the gameplay beside the same old bland shooter mechanics we've had for over a decade now, accompanied by some of the hammiest "acting" I've ever seen.
about 7 years ago
Meanwhile I'm over here like "Monster Hunter on PC!"

Do remember that Anthem is being made by New Bioware, so there's a 40% chance of bullshit right out of the gate.
about 7 years ago
Anthem looks good, but what I think the thing that excited me the most out of this E3 was when the thought occurred to me, "Oh, man. I can't wait to see Jo's version of Samus reacting when, after everything, not one, but TWO new Metroid games!"
about 7 years ago
@Joao Batista Perin Junior: Well, we know it's coming due to the GDC tech demo.
about 7 years ago
Oh yeah Grind and shoot, but i'm still waiting for BL3.
about 7 years ago
Anthem being pure scifi can do a lot of crazy shit that The Division can't because it's set in a real world scenario. That's why I got kinnda hyped.
I would've bet that today's strip was gonna be about metroid, since it was announced that prime 4 is on development