What people are saying about "Nostalgia"
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over 7 years ago
For every great quest in TW3 there's a fair number of 'boil 5 babies or burn 1 baby' quests. Too many games have been focusing on quantity rather than quality as late (a problem Bethesda usually only used to be known for) and sometimes it's just not worth it to finish the WHOLE game
over 7 years ago
@BakaGrappler: I feel ya man. Haven't started any game now because of P5. But I think Jo does all his gaming on PC, and I guess Persona isn't his type of game.
over 7 years ago
In 6 days, Persona 5 drops. All free time ends on that day. Finish Witcher 3 quickly.
over 7 years ago
have the same problem with Skyrim, play just twice a week, and dont see the end of this
over 7 years ago
inb4 angie is right handed.
over 7 years ago
Feel free to drop it, but if you you do you may never be able to pick it up again.
My death march run is 3/4ths done for like half a year.
over 7 years ago
Cat School armour can be the best DPS if you're running the right build. It's also the most stylish IMO.
Also, I get that for someone who needs to look for inspiration, playing the same game can be bad, but not quit TW3 altogether. Just play less of it.
over 7 years ago
Same thing with Skyrim. So damn much content.
over 7 years ago
Scrub! Quitter!
lol jk.
over 7 years ago
Since Yo isn't enjoying himself though, clearly he could ice it or leave the side missions be regardless of how good they are.
It's entertainment. Once it fails to entertain you for whatever reason, how good it is stops mattering.
over 7 years ago
pro tip to you sir, start using mods
get the all abilities doesn't need to equip to be active
and also get the HD project (will make your game look MUCH better)

over 7 years ago
(next) I'm currently playing TW1 to redo the whole serie, and except the "let me explain everything if you didn't read the books", CDRP has done a fantastic job about it. Not finishing 100% side quests in TW3 is like removing chapters from Harry Potter.
over 7 years ago
@Aard Ambrose : I disagree, when you play TW3, you have to finish it 100%. It's not about "100% playthrough", it's because TW3 has side quests bigger and way more interesting than main quests of others RPG. The writing is simply that good.
over 7 years ago
Just saying, if you play a game just to get to the end of it and play something else just stop playing. You're ruining your experience. Open-world games like TW3 are meant to be enjoyed slowly, taking in every detail. Otherwise you're just wasting time.
over 7 years ago
Witcher 3 is one of those games with TOO much to do - and not all of it good... or even interesting. Normally a problem Bethesda faces - now a lot of games seem to be embracing 'quantity over quality' with their quests.
over 7 years ago
Challenge, huh? Light armor is the best set until late game, when you have other ways of boosting your damage output.
over 7 years ago
You don't have to be such a completionist over Witcher III, Jo. Play it as long as you enjoy it. The kind of people who are impressed by a 100% playthrough are not the ones you wish to be in the good graces of.