What people are saying about "GG No Team"
GG No Team
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over 7 years ago
Fuck Roadhog. Fat fuck needs to die in a fire. Enough said.
over 7 years ago
My pet peeve is folks who pick Tracer or Dad76 and start the match with a dead sprint at the enemy. Just because you're faster than the rest of your team doesn't mean you can solo 6 people! See also: people who run through Rein's shield when I'm waddling forward as fast as I can.
over 7 years ago
@EnragedFilia: I think Mass Effect 3 multiplayer did it pretty well, despite being in third person and PvE only. There are a huge variety of weapons (most of them are hitscan though, but everyone had lot of health) , classes and abilities, but there were no classes just to heal or buff other ones.
over 7 years ago
Anyway, the takeaway from the history of FPS games in general seems to be that if you just want to shoot things with the gun and not have to worry about tactics and stuff, that's what single-player is for.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit: Right, only the railgun was hitscan, and only the railgun and the rocket launcher actually got any use because people apparently really like weapons that can hitscan and/or oneshot.
over 7 years ago
"If the enemy team has a Roadhog and your team has no Rein, being out of the spawn is being out of position basically."

mimimimi I can't dodge hooks mimimimimi
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit: Counter-Strike:GO is still a thing I think, now if you want a newer game I guess you're right, but I don't see what else could be added to a game about just shooting guns.
over 7 years ago
@EnragedFilia: Pretty sure there was only railgun with hitscan. And starting machine gun, which was horrible. That's not what "modern military shooters" aka call of duty are about. Also you could survive rockets if you had enough armor.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit: I remember Quake 3 having hitscan too. And I also remember it being pretty one shot to kill with everyone using rocket launchers. If you "just want to shoot things with the gun" in multiplayer, you still have to figure out a way to not get shot first.
over 7 years ago
@nightarix: Do people really enjoy staying in the back and putting barriers? And there are really not a lot of games in the style of Quake 3 or Unreal tournament now. Either it's call of duties with hitscan, one shot to kill games or command style with emphasis on teamwork and such.
over 7 years ago
@Shellhit because the game market isn't catered to one demographic? there are plenty of games to scratch everyone's personal itch when it comes to what they want to play. just because one aspect of the game is "boring" doesn't make it a bad game, because some people enjoy that aspect too.
over 7 years ago
Why all the FPS games nowadays are about healing and getting buffs and support and all sorts of boring stuff? I just want to shoot things with the gun!
over 7 years ago
With the new Roadhog hook nerf going on with an 8 sec cooldown means that Zarya is now his hard counter since her bubbles are also 8 sec cooldown, a good Zarya should be able to block plenty of damage from Hook 2.1 now.
over 7 years ago
Hooks don't bend around everything anymore, Jo. Hook 2.0 has been around for a while now.
over 7 years ago
One that may help a bit is that roadhog has effectively zero against a hero who can safely our game his hook. Notabally, widow, ana, zenyatta, and (good) pharahs. Zarya's also denies his hooks with good barriers on teammates. He also has minimal game against tracer and reaper.
over 7 years ago
cool first one here