What people are saying about "IOS 10"
IOS 10
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about 8 years ago
I actually prefer the Apple OSes to Windows & Androids. I fight them less. I prefer some PC apps and use Windows for them though. Do I hate paying a lot more for a brand name, hell yeah. Hell most companies are pretty horrid with that. $700 for a PS3 when it came out. I wasn't biting.
about 8 years ago
I realize it super cool to be hating on Apple and has for longer than some of you have been alive. It's old. Yeah the sending prepackaged gif images thing is frankly retarded but look at Facebook, message boards, forums, lots of people want to do that & Apple provided an option. Don't use it.
about 8 years ago
Apple is for smug hipster cunts.
Avoid like the pleague and just buy some android that does the same shit for half the price.
about 8 years ago
I don't like apple updates since Jobs left but I don't like Windows updates either. I postponed the upgrade to windows 10 for a long time waiting them to fix most bugs and when I finally updated I start experiencing bugs if the privacy issues were not enough. Back to the old Windows!
about 8 years ago
You got it. Your description of Apple products was spot-on.
I think, in the end, what Apple did was to play up humanity's tribal nature to get people to buy their products to feel part of a group. Also, brand recognition.

Still sucks!
about 8 years ago
Meh the ipad and iphone are simple enough to use for my mom, thats the only reason I like em.
about 8 years ago
Meh. It's a phone, I use it to call people and send texts. I don't really care about much else. iPhones are moron-proof, so I like them.
about 8 years ago
I prefer the options offered by Windows and Android platforms, and find customization on Apple products to be difficult, to say the least. That being said, they do offer a simplicity that people not so technically inclined tend to better acclimate to.
about 8 years ago
Point just generally is? Sometimes, devices with the same manufacturer can interact fantastically, in ways devices from different companies just can't.
about 8 years ago
So, here's the one thing I love, love, love about Apple stuff.

I have an iPad and an Apple TV. My iPad has Twitch on it. If they're on the same WiFi, I can tell my iPad "Hey, whatever Audio/Video content you've got playing right now? Stream it to the Apple TV", whereupon it plays on my TV.
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira, quick! You should patent strawberry scented cases and squeaky buttons!
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira: Well, where can I talk to you about it in a civilized manner?
about 8 years ago
Oh, and who remembers the "no viruses" claim? Ya, because, most people have PCs, why would anyone bother making a virus for a computer hardly anyone uses?
about 8 years ago
I will admit they Are good for music and movie production and the like, and have sleek designed laptops, I guess? ( who remembers this joke? http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2006/03/imac.jpg circular mouse, lol )

But really, that's it. that's all it's good for.
about 8 years ago
I have never, ever, Ever liked apple products. I mean look at their desktops, I havent sen one lately but last I checked even when PC moved to 3 buttons or even five buttons, (default not gaming) they STILL had ONE BUTTON mice!!! "theres a button on the keyboard for that" UNNECESSARY!!!
about 8 years ago
Ha, Apple jumped the shark. I love the joke on this one!
about 8 years ago
I saw this coming (Apple going downhill) when Jobs retired. Apple was dying without him 20 years ago, and was rescued from death when he came back. It's dying now, albeit slower, but no Jobs now because he's dead.
about 8 years ago
@Rocio Alarcon: Depends
about 8 years ago
Where's the bolo tie?
about 8 years ago
I'm down to 730 MB out of 5.1 gigs. It's like...Apple I want to say your stuff is nice, but I can't if you keep shoving bloatware into my phone.
about 8 years ago
Hey Jo! Are you open for guess artist strips / art tradding? :D
about 8 years ago
They skimped a bit on the QA for this particular release ;)
about 8 years ago
Never liked Apple, for the same reasons you've mentioned: it's overpriced, and very strict with the way it does things... so, in a way, i actually like that they're tripping over their own feets, so to speak... maybe they'll learn thE lesson!
about 8 years ago
Left Shark
about 8 years ago
Gotta agree with you there - it's one of the reasons I never dicker with any apple products. I don't care if Microsoft and Sony and other cooperations don't do as good a job - Apple just walls you off too much. I like to be able to take my stuff apart and redo it the way I want.
about 8 years ago
Stop teasing that poor shark with these tasty apples!