What people are saying about "Back In My Day"
Back In My Day
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Gavin Rae
over 8 years ago
Did anyone here actually play nost? Vanilla wow is 1000x better then current wow and if you've actually played vanilla wow there is no argument... plus nost was moving forward and going to have a TBC server as well. was going to follow this strip but from the last several days it just looks cheap.
over 8 years ago
@Meccar: Did... did you just equate Vanilla WoW to the Soviet Union?
over 8 years ago
As far as I'm concerned anyone who doesn't miss old WoW has no heart, but anyone who wants it back has no brain.

I have fond memories of my days as a newbie, but I don't overlook the many ways Vanilla was utterly broken.
over 8 years ago
Vanilla WoW was broken painfully bad. Just no if, ands, or buts. Druids were basically healers and nothing more except for farming. To me, Burning Crusade was the sweet spot but I played through Lich King then quit for a real life. The newest iterations are awesome...but a totally different game
over 8 years ago
The thing I don't understand is why so many people are down on Warlords. Every single WoW expansion, I've got bored and quit halfway through - except for the Magical Adventures in Panda Land, which I never played in the first place. But Warlords? Still playing.
Lars Jerpset Aanes
over 8 years ago
Yeah, I mean, why would anyone want to watch the old Star Wars movies when we've got new ones?
over 8 years ago
i'd wager there probably was a mod out there that attempted to do an ecology simulation, who knows if it's even possible with java though...
over 8 years ago
I thought the game was good up until cataclysm... The new talents and class progression really took me out of the experience...

Also I was a fan of the crazy alchemist approach...
over 8 years ago
Yes, how dare people want to play and preserve old games instead of letting them be lost forever.
over 8 years ago
I still boot up my old NES and SNES games all the time, along with having emulated them on pretty much every device I've ever had that could run them. While I don't get WoW nostalga, I'd still rather play FFV or Seiken Densetsu III or Section Z then many big name games coming out.
over 8 years ago
Personally, I actually liked the long flights in WoW. The world itself was gorgeous, and it felt like you got a window seat on an airplane.
over 8 years ago
It's simple to me - as soon as the expansions started, it began to show glaringly that the people at Blizzard did not give one single shit anymore. Quests all became identical and meaningless, the world was pointless to explore, raids and dungeons became painfully samey... It used to be cool.
over 8 years ago
What I liked the most about the old WoW was that you could lose. You have to fucking try nowadays. If you ain't completely dumb you won't see the death screen anymore.
over 8 years ago
Never did understand stuff like this. It's been my experience that (outside of Arkham Knight and AC Unity) NEW is (most of the time) BETTER - just like MORE is (most of the time) BETTER. I've never heard of OLD and IMPROVED or 'Have some MORE of the OLD stuff'.
over 8 years ago
@Alex Carvalho: Hate to interrupt your ranting on how this generation is the worst but that kind of stuff has been happening in plays and books pretty much since their inceptions.
over 8 years ago
Nostalgia doesn't make sense in this sense.

People weren't fondly remembering vanilla WoW. They were PLAYING Vanilla WoW.

If it was as shit as people say it is. People would roll a character, realize they were bored and quit, but people clearly were still playing it.
over 8 years ago
And I can still play Brood War if I want to (and I do sometimes). But expansions of WoW are huge changes, pretty much different games, not like a Hearthstone update with a bunch of new cards.
over 8 years ago
The big difference with many other games is that you can still play CS 1.6 if you want, or Pokemon Red/Blue, but you can officially play previous version of WoW.
over 8 years ago
Well, I'm not sure how much nostalgia were talking about here since thousands of people activelly played that server and enjoyed their time. I never played WoW or any other MMO really, so I don't know, but people say that they liked the game before it was changes so much during Cataclysm.
over 8 years ago
And don't get me started on Wrap+Toxic/Leech Seed+Toxic, that was the best tactic ever, Gold & Silver raped perfection.
over 8 years ago
@Tristan Brown: You forgot the best part: One stat for special attack AND defense!
over 8 years ago
Pokemon Red & Blue was perfect. Hyper Beam should have no drawbacks if it KOs, Jolteon should be the only Pokemon that might stand a chance against psychic types, One-Hit-KO moves and critical hits should be based on the attacker's speed stat, and Missingno is a legitimate Pokemon!
over 8 years ago
Now that TentaJo is back, I hope he won't ignore the rest of the girls.
over 8 years ago
Anybody who fondly remembers 40 man MC runs is suffering from memory loss. Nothing like waiting 2 hours in a stone hallway to wipe four times and collectively rage quit for the night.
over 8 years ago
I agree. Vanilla wasn't that great. WoW only went to shit after WotLK :P
over 8 years ago
I think we are one of the most Nostalgia-driven generations. Every generation obsessed about their youth, but we are being fed it back. New Star Wars, new Rocky, new Ghostbusters, endless movies with washed out movie stars, old games coming back through crowdfunding, remakes and reboots galore...
over 8 years ago
Taking a look at the playerbase plummet after Cata is enough to make everyone aware that the problem is not nostalgia here.
over 8 years ago
We are at a point Wow is running on nostalgia period. The subscriber numbers are falling, many people have moved on. I don't think the game is long for this world.
Mr. Al
over 8 years ago
Doesn't matter what changes they do to WoW, neither the vanilla nor modern versions hold a candle to other MMO's anyway.
over 8 years ago
Emissary Of Infinity, the one thing i miss about beta is the fact that when biomes came out, they were a mixed blessing. They kind of got rid of the "randomness" of Minecraft and replaced it with random biomes instead. But otherwise, potions and rest of the "newer" stuff adds some flair and fun toit
over 8 years ago
Nostalgia IS one hell of a drug, sometimes a harmful one, but in this case I don't see what harm would've been letting people play that.
In my case I have some nostalgic games I play everytime, but I do believe they have enough quality to be thoroughly enjoyed nowadays. Crash, Spyro, SotN, etc
over 8 years ago
offtopic: We have proof that engie uses l'Oreal™ skin protection+ while Jo doesn't. Hory sheit his tentacle skin is poorly cared.
over 8 years ago
This doesn't apply only on update though, like 90% of the games with expantion, or sequal also sffer from this: GW2, LoL, sonic, ... I think it's not the gamplay that made us sad for update, but the way we get out of our comfort zone.
over 8 years ago
Sad thing is, people already look at Minecraft that way. There are swarms of people who live yearning for the "glory days" of Beta 1.7.3, because it was supposedly some holy land of creative freedom before the game got "corrupted" by hunger mechanics, potions, boss monsters...
over 8 years ago
Also, "lack of content".

Have you played WoD? Aka sit-in-your-garrison-all-day?
over 8 years ago
Have you tried playing on a vanilla server again after playing current WoW?

The only thing current WoW does better is "quality of life" changes and raiding.