What people are saying about "Delivery For Axe"
Delivery For Axe
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about 9 years ago
You say "I'm keeping the quality on the comic" but to be honest, I've never seen Axe drawn worse than that first panel. He looks horrible.
about 9 years ago
Skinny Axe on the last panel don't ya think?
about 9 years ago
Jo in the rant, at first I thought you wrote "Decided to play Overwatch." I was like holy WHAT until I reread.
about 9 years ago
Now I am worry she will have to deliver something to the techies
about 9 years ago
damn it Jo, you made me think the axe immortal was out already.
about 9 years ago
Jo you have me thinking of when I played DOAX and the girls didn't like the suit. to bad he can't send the axes back. :-D
about 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: \o/
about 9 years ago
Speaking of Patreon pictures, I very much enjoyed the Lina cheesecake, Jo. ;)
about 9 years ago
That's what you got when you call yourself Axe.