What people are saying about "Foul Play"
Foul Play
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about 9 years ago
@Geary You must be fun at parties.
about 9 years ago
She doesn't look anything like a belly dancer, outside of the clear and lazy attempt to make her look like one. Way Forward doesn't have to butcher other people's cultures when making their shitty games.
about 9 years ago
So if in your opinion she doesn't look nothing like a belly dancer and the game setting is not in any real place that ever existed why do you care about a magical dance that transforms the main character of a game into different creatures? Now go watch Robogeisha and complain about it.
about 9 years ago
...Belly dancers still exist in Islamic and Hindu countries. They're a cultural tradition comparable to the Japanese Tea Ceremony, and fetishizing it for the consumption of western audiences is gross and disrespectful.
about 9 years ago

2. It is a fantasy game. Do you complain about Final Fantasy Tactics costumes not looking like European middle age costumes? They are all set in fictional lands with some traits similar to real ones.
about 9 years ago
@Geary the pre Islam arab is not the same culture as the modern arabs the same way the Vikings are not the same culture as the people who live there now.

1. Shantae's dancer costume looks like an stylized version of the costumes you find on google and wikipedia.
about 9 years ago
@T You realize Arabian cultures still exist, right? And this looks nothing remotely resembling what modern, authentic belly-dancers wear.
about 9 years ago
@Geary looks close enough for a fantasy land with monsters magic and tanks. At least people who are not experts on ancient cultures can get everything right and it looks to be based on stuff you see them using when you see belly dance contests.
about 9 years ago
@T: That's somehow even worse and even less accurate.
about 9 years ago
@Geary you know that she have a "dancer costume" right? http://shantae.wikia.com/wiki/File:Dancer_Shantae.png
about 9 years ago
@AUS_Grizzly: Risky chewing something in panel 3 and panel 4 having a large, pink, spherical objecting protruding in from the edge of the screen communicated things effectively enough.

The bubble appearing earlier would have given away the punchline and lessened its impact.
about 9 years ago
@T: Something that doesn't look like the artist took one look at the costumes in Disney's Aladdin and assumed they then knew all there is to know about Arabian culture?
about 9 years ago
Geary, she is a half-genie, what a half genie is supposed to wear?
about 9 years ago
It's always bothered me that Shantae doesn't vaguely resemble a belly-dancer, despite that being what she's allegedly modeled after. Risky's outfit just sorta makes it more obvious that Way Forward are creatively bankrupt.
about 9 years ago
Ok, if I have to go to Comment Section to find out the punchline's meaning, the joke wasn't fully explained to me. T_T If anything Panel two should have had her 'Starting' to blow the bubble cause the final panel really doesn't explain much...
about 9 years ago
Risky's secret weapon, earrings that make her have bubblegum. Seriously, she puts on Earrings to chew bubblegum?
about 9 years ago
@Narf You should check Umihara Kawase, it is pure grappling hook bliss! http://youtu.be/ZhlBOFwxAX0

It is one of those games that are hard but so nice that even losing repeatedly isn't enough to make you mad.
about 9 years ago
Would be easier to understand if she'd blow a bubble.
about 9 years ago
@T: Considering how much fun I had with the grappling hook in Just Cause 2 that can only turn out awesomely.
about 9 years ago
i.. dont get it...
oh wait now i get it!
about 9 years ago
What if bubblegum actually works like a power-up? The hair becomes sticky allowing her to use it as a grappling hook!
about 9 years ago
Mad Max is one of the best action movies I've ever watched. It even got me hyped for the game, with might or might't e a good thing... XD
about 9 years ago
To be fair... having gum on hair is pretty horrid in any way.
about 9 years ago
Thanks guys, it's pretty funny once you understand it :)
about 9 years ago
@Sir Phil: Shantae's main weapon is her prehensile hair.
about 9 years ago
@Sir Phil: Pirate-girl blows bubblegum bubble to counter Hairy-girl's hair.
Gum sticks to hair real bad.
about 9 years ago
I don't get the joke :(
about 9 years ago
bubblegum > hair