What people are saying about "Red Mango Energy"
Red Mango Energy
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 10 years ago
next update will contain the mystical grapes

an item that instantly restores 150 HP
almost 10 years ago
fucking mango's man

they changed the meta!
almost 10 years ago
@Albus Nix: I knew about the mango, I play Dota, just the ESPN part that was new to me, so thanks.
almost 10 years ago
@Thelonius Dunk: This is my Google account. :) It works quite well for me...browser problem for you, perhaps?
almost 10 years ago
On an unrelated note, has anyone managed to log in and comment with a Google account? I haven't been able to for the past month.
almost 10 years ago
Also, the joke may have been a little more clear if the product being advertised was an actual, real-life brand instead of a fictional one. As an outsider it's hard to tell if the joke is in-DotA-universe or not.
almost 10 years ago
I think what some of us are wondering is if this strip is making fun of some specific incident that actually happened, or is it something Jo thinks will happen?
almost 10 years ago
(3/3) ...thus the "Red Mango" energy drink commercial . . . which uses the same kind of ridiculous marketing and makes the same kind of ridiculous claims that real commercials use to cater to sports enthusiasts.
(Does that help?)
almost 10 years ago
(2/3)...the Heroes of the Storm competition, which upset a lot of viewers because they considered games like HotS, DotA 2, and LoL to not be "real sports." The joke is that one part of making video games more like "real sports" is that commercials must also become an aspect of the games. And (cont.)
almost 10 years ago
(1/3) The game reference is to a new item introduced into DotA 2, the Enchanted Mango. Non-stacking consumable that gives +1HP while equipped and restored 150 mana to the targeted ally upon use. The comic itself is making fun of the fact that ESPN recently aired the last few matches of (cont.)
almost 10 years ago
I totally get this one... but for a friend who doesn't watch competetive Dota anymore and doesn't know about the recent dramas surrounding it, can someone explain this comic's reference to him?
almost 10 years ago
Sometimes the comment just fails to appear...
Short version, what am I missing? Haven't been watching tournaments as of late... Heavy advertising?
almost 10 years ago
inb4 "Haz dota in it, kan't anderstand!"

But hey, am I missing something? Too much advertising in Dota champioships? Haven't been watching many.
almost 10 years ago
So Sins of a Dark Age is pretty good.
I actually think it's better than both League and Dota2.
#flameshield engaged
almost 10 years ago
@Kaicumber: Of course, and branches give you a good game.
almost 10 years ago
@Bk C: Farming and some actual complexity in your game.
almost 10 years ago
I am not sure, what 'Red mango' means and what it is related to?
almost 10 years ago
The look on Alek and Jane's faces are priceless.
almost 10 years ago
Unless you enjoy farming, go and play Heroes of the Storm!
almost 10 years ago
@Vijay Rajasekar: So it actually was a reference to that. I only watched the games but there was alot of complaining about all the sellout modes in twitchchats. But then again, can you ever trust twitchchats?
almost 10 years ago
I really wish they toned the sellout down. Yeah, you do need a sponsor. But you gon' need viewers too.

Lowering expectations for Summit 4.
almost 10 years ago
Wait, Mango gives you MMR? I NEED IT.