What people are saying about "Teamwork"
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over 10 years ago
The last panel could be Tidehunter Surfing a huge wave.

Just my two cents.
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Nope o_o
over 10 years ago
@Random Dude: Hey retard, HoN has it too.

league doesnt have pingwheel: OMG SHIT GAME
dota doesnt have range indicators: OMG SO PRO
over 10 years ago
@Random Dude: Can't we just agree that both games are terrible?
over 10 years ago
Teamwork in action!
Random Dude
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352465]@Snoipah[/url]: Dota isn't LoL you casul. Storm Spirit doesn't praise the sun? BLASPHEMY!
over 10 years ago
Storm's default hat ribbon is blue.
over 10 years ago
That dialog box that says "BEAUTIFUL." is MINE! Nobody else can have it!! >:(
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352485]@NotDrFrank[/url]: Are...are you saying that you are into fire play then?
over 10 years ago
@Steve Buscemi: And a bunch of other books, yeah. ;)
over 10 years ago
I would like Lina to do something nice for me with her powers *wink wink nudge nudge*
Steve Buscemi
over 10 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: Aren't you from Slaughter House five?
over 10 years ago
I'm starting to think deal with it is a robot.

There is no other rationale explanation for this stupidity.

@Kilgore_Trout Maybe, but the description for the comic I think does a good job explaining it.
over 10 years ago
This is why we can't have nice things.
over 10 years ago
Why do you make so many comics about dota 2 when the game is a clunky mess missing a ton of shit that should be standard in a assfaggot like mana bars under enemies and range indicators when you go to cast a spell?
over 10 years ago
Today in the Steam group for this comic, I have started a thread where I ask what other video game characters could combine their powers to do good things:

over 10 years ago
Ah, this is a Dota comic that I think anybody can understand. (Well, perhaps up until the last panel, since people need to know who Storm Spirit is.)
over 10 years ago
Is that a spotlight? On him?
Oh, nvm, it's just Phoenix.
over 10 years ago
He just came by to bring some PUDDIN POPS!
over 10 years ago
And then the super nova exploded and ruined everything.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_352438]@Dealwithit[/url] I hate the DOTA comics for making no sense and even I thought this was funny. Have you considered getting a life yet?
over 10 years ago
You need the bad to appreciate the good :)
over 10 years ago
Storm confirmed for darkwraith.
over 10 years ago
so storm is like uhmmm captain plan.. errr solar system
over 10 years ago
Razor with his Eye of the Storm would be worse.