What people are saying about "Major Nerf"
Major Nerf
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almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_351011]@Type99[/url]: They had tried that, but it made UTH unusable as board clear, which is its intended purpose. By nerfing buzzard, they nerf the card draw aspect rather than the beat face aspect
almost 10 years ago
Just put UtH on 4 or 5 mana cost, buzzard was fine.
almost 10 years ago
Bout damn time.
almost 10 years ago
Nerf NOW!!
almost 10 years ago
Dudes from pro scene commentate it like hunter will be dead now, but now you don't need to prepare 33-50% of your deck for vs hunter match-up.
almost 10 years ago
Well... to be fair about the nerf, the buzzard/UTH combo WAS creating a toxic metagame environment for the kind of game the devs WANT HS to be - a battle for board control rather than going from nothing on the board to instantly winning, despite doing virtually NOTHING to earn it earlier (i.e. OTKs)
almost 10 years ago
By your QQ powers combined..I AM MAJOR NERF!!
almost 10 years ago
That's a funny looking Faceless Void.
almost 10 years ago
Is Major Nerf's sidekick Minor Nerf?
almost 10 years ago
@Nathaniel Smith: One of the criticism on Hearthstone is that it's method of creating resources actually removes a lot of the randomness that balances TCGs. Taking 10-point cards isn't a massive gamble because you know you'll be able to play them on the 10th turn.
almost 10 years ago
@Nathaniel Smith: Regarding randomness in games, I recently saw an awesome video on that which you may find interesting (they even discussed Hearthstone specifically) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9ZI9kMsvRQ
almost 10 years ago
Randomness is needed in a card game, else you might as well concede the second you face a deck that counters yours.
All really OP decks like Miracle Rogue and Hunter shared something, the ability to pull exactly the cards you needed, and thats what made them so OP.
almost 10 years ago
The only way to fix Hearthstone is to fix the absurd randomness in the game. I've seriously lost track of how many games I've lost where I've gotten someone down to near death only to have them summon Deathwing or something and win.
almost 10 years ago
@Vode An, were you joking when you said nerf warrior? There is nothing particularly OP about them. The nerf for hunter was a little severe though, buzzard should have been 4 not 5, comparing it with Cult Master who serves a similar purpose but has a bit more attack and can draw from regular minions.
almost 10 years ago