What people are saying about "Snicker"
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almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350942]@ZeeKusa[/url]: Funny thing is... unless they completely updated the codebase, they could still have used the same code/scripting from Melee/Brawl, updated reasonably, and it wouldn't have taken up too much extra GPU time.
almost 10 years ago
DLC maybe, but I want Bayonetta DLC first. The should've taken spot of Dark pit, he's lame, and Lucina is just a worst version of Marth.
almost 10 years ago
Yeah, until either I see an official source or I get the game and unlock him myself, I doubt he's actually in the game.
almost 10 years ago
There's always the chance of them appearing as DLC. It's a minuscule chance but one nonetheless.
almost 10 years ago
They may have not been the best character's to star in smash, I'll miss them.
almost 10 years ago
Wow, sounds like they really got left out in the cold
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350941]@Swagner[/url]: The Japanese version broke the street date and people have been playing it. The leaked roster is the final one.
almost 10 years ago
Why the fuck do you care, Jo!? You hate consoles and you always talk about how Nintendo should stop making consoles and go 3rd party! Nintendo would rather die than make games for Sony! Stop acting like you're a Nintendo fan and go back to jerking off Valve games!
almost 10 years ago
Wasn't the reason they got cut because they were to much trouble to program on the 3ds and because they wanted the Roster the same they kept them out of Wii U as well?
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350936]@Hyperstar96[/url]: agreed. On a side note, has there been any actual confirmation that the leaked roster was complete? To me, it seemed like it was missing slots...
almost 10 years ago
@Nalbidday: No. Just... no. That's the stupidest thing I've heard all week.
almost 10 years ago
IMO, Dr Mario got IceClimbers' spot, not Duck Hunt Dog.

Because the last thing SSB needed was another identical clone...
almost 10 years ago
Assassin's Creed 3
Starcraft 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Command and Conquer X (spin-offs /whine)
Warioland 2 (marioland 4)
Mariokart 7, more Nintendo.
Just off the top of my head. There are many more, and there is no consensus, but numbering through subtitles is one commonly used, yes.
almost 10 years ago
So if next year's Call of Duty didn't have a secondary titling, you'd accept it being Call of Duty 5?
almost 10 years ago
Oh, look, another reason to hate the Duck Hunt Dog.
Well, at least you can beat the stuffing out of him, now...
almost 10 years ago
To everyone whingeing about how this is the fourth game and not the second, its the fourth in the series but 2 of them had distinct names(melee, brawl). So even though its the fourth in the series, calling it smash bros 2 is perfectly acceptable because its the second one without an identifier.
almost 10 years ago
Im kinda annoyed how many cloned fighters they included, yet cut out characters with TRULY unique mechanics (We are looking at you FALCO!)
almost 10 years ago
3DS/Wii U is the fourth Smash Bros... and there were like six characters cut, not just Ice Climbers.
almost 10 years ago
Nintendo is calling it:
Super Smash Bros for WiiU/3DS

Did you miss it?

Super Smash Bros FOR Wiiu/3DS


as in, it sounds like FOUR.

That's nintendo humor for you(and I love it).
almost 10 years ago
Nintendo is calling it Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Super Smash Bros for 3DS (they've gotten REALLY bad at names), and the fans are calling it Super Smash Bros 4 (since it's the 4th). Where did 2 come from?
almost 10 years ago
But... but... they're cool and charismatic, and that's just a stupid dog :/
Mr. Al
almost 10 years ago
I honestly have a hard time seeing this dog work in Smash Bros, unless they try to make him into a new Mr. Game-and-Watch, which would only end up helping him fail anyway because ppl would still prefer to play as the Mister...
He's still in SSB, right? O.o
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago