What people are saying about "Boycott"
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almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350506]@Hyperstar96[/url]: depends what they say when you buy it, and when they say nothing about dlc do we assume there wont be free updates or do we assume there will be paid dlc.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350503]@A5PECT[/url] It isn't the price, it's the way companies manage its DLC policies. Nowadays, they sell you half game, but you have to buy the other half by DLCs with or without extra content in the game. It's outrageous, DLCs should have been what expansions were years ago but in digital format.
almost 10 years ago

Nintendo has banked so much money, that they could run a deficit of over $250 Million every year and still survive until 2052
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350505]@Waffl3x[/url]: You already bought the game, and you don't have to pay more. However, you CAN pay more if you want more. You get what you pay for. Nothing more, nothing less.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350503]@A5PECT[/url]: its not just if its worth the price, it also has to do with "I already bought the game why should I pay more" which I agree with sometimes.
almost 10 years ago
DLC is not inherently bad or good, and whether or not it's worth its asking price varies on a case-by-case and person-by-person basis.

Of course, some people on the internet don't care about any of that and just like to bitch.

almost 10 years ago
...integrity of the creators and distributors in question. Since many large, less unscrupulous companies are guilty of the former *cough*EA*cough*, it gives many gamers a bad predisposition towards the concept of DLC.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350499]@Elki[/url]: Because it's very easy for developers and publishers to abuse the concept of DLC. Whether or not DLC is content withheld from the consumer and sold separately or something the designers were legitimately unable to implement before launch day depends on the...
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350499]@Elki[/url]: It's because DLC is easy for a developer/publisher to abuse, and people can be very cynical. A particular piece of DLC is withheld and sold separately to nickel and dime consumers or something the designers legitimately didn't have time to implement before their deadline is up to the...
almost 10 years ago
I always see people complain about DLC even when they're done in a good way. "How dare they work to create new content for that game I love!"
almost 10 years ago
(also can't wait for Techies :U I don't know why so much people hate them!)
almost 10 years ago
Have you seen how much contents there are? That's not a DLC; it's an Expansion.
almost 10 years ago
Honestly for what it is it's a pretty good deal, I almost feel like we should be paying a little more for 16 new tracks
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350489]@A5PECT[/url]: Ah, I figured it was something along those lines. Thanks.
Sweet Jackal
almost 10 years ago
My only real problem with it is that making the Tracks part of the paid DLC puts those that buy it in a play pen separate from those that haven't unless they make it so that only one person in the lobby needs to have the DLC for everyone to play the new tracks.

Cosmetics for paid DLC is welcome.
almost 10 years ago
What, is "Link, Animal Crossing Villager, and Isabelle are in Mario Kart" not news-worthy? Anyway, this is literally half a game's worth of content for $12. That's really good.

And as usual, Jane is a bitch.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350488]@SteventheSlayer[/url]: It's a Black-colored Yoshi hat; it symbolizes the characters and cosmetics that are being sold. So along with the kart it's being used to to show that Jane went and bought the DLC in spite of her own criticisms of it.
almost 10 years ago
What is that big black hat? I'm confused.
almost 10 years ago
Sometimes I think "purchasable downloads is being greedy" just really means "I want free shit handed to me because I am a whiny entitled baby"
almost 10 years ago
The cost is very fair imo, they also mentioned 6 months between DLC so they are hoping for some long term goals with good quality releases. This also means one more thing, DLC FOR SMASH SO POSSIBLE DLC CHARACTERS FUCK YES!!!!!!!
almost 10 years ago
I was exactly in the middle of paying for the new tracks when I read this comic. I still hit the pay button, because more Mario Kart.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350481]@thermalmedic[/url]: Remember that "it's" is a contraction for "it is". "Nintendo finally betrayed it is loyal fans," doesn't sound right. Type99 is correct, "its" is the proper possessive form here.
almost 10 years ago
Entire games worth of tracks not to mention 6 new characters and vehicles for 12 bucks? ok.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350454]@Dinonick[/url]: Call of Duty sells map packs that are profoundly overpriced, which is hardly cosmetic. Moreover, Acti killed custom content for CoD because it would interfere with dlc sales, which is what the hate originally stems from. Cosmetic DLC is fine.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350476]@type99[/url] Really? I always learned that that was the proper usage.
almost 10 years ago
The Investors demand more DLC. I mean, they don't know what that is, but they care that there is a dollar sign next to it, so by God, they want it.
almost 10 years ago
Not to be a grammar nazi or anything, I just wanna help Jo with some English. Second panel, "Nintendo finally betrayed it's loyal fans", "it's" is incorrect. It's supposed to be "its".
almost 10 years ago
Dotacinema was talking about this being the PTE(post techies era) I'm still concerned for the game...
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350467]@tuvarkz[/url]: The best snark I heard was "Nintendo's views on the internet and online may be years behind everyone else but it turns out that their views on DLC are years behind everyone else too, so something good comes out of it."
almost 10 years ago
I mean, unlike CoD or such games, maps are sort of *the* largest content contributors in racing games. It would be like TF2 adding a new class.
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350462]@Bruceski[/url]: I completely agree. More than worth the 12 bucks.
almost 10 years ago
@The J Man: This afternoon on Playdota.com, there were 'lots' of whiny kids making threads about going apeshit for the 'delay' on Techies release.

Now they are whining about the lack of a new patch - that was never promised. Whining off assumptions is just so lame.
almost 10 years ago
12 bucks for 16 courses, 8 vehicles, and 6 characters when the main game has 32/26/36? This is the kind of DLC we used to call expansions.
almost 10 years ago
At least it isn't DLC that was hacked off the full game and released as preorder/gamestop/console exclusive DLC at launch.

Not to mention you get Link, Isabelle and the god damn Blue Falcon! Who wouldn't pay 8 bucks for this.
almost 10 years ago
I remember myself whining a lot because of the tf2 cool hats when I used to be a f2p... you can guess what happened next
almost 10 years ago
2/2 but the diretide thing kinda puts them against the wall rather than letting things get done when they're done and happy with it.

Maybe it's just me and my cynicism talking....
almost 10 years ago
1/2 they used the blog post to prevent a diretide like shitstorm, at least this keeps the community happy. There's still a part of me that feels bad that they need to placate us like children lest we go off our shit and run around wreaking havoc. It's clear they're not quite done yet
almost 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_350452]@GK[/url]: Wait but that is one of the complaints Call of duty still gets. All DLC is asthetic but people still whine about how much dlc there is
almost 10 years ago
Fuckit as long as shit doesn't go pay-to-win.