[url=#user_comment_346042]@Catkillerfive[/url]: Which can work against you, as you think you're safely attacking the mines techies can run up to you and forcestaff you right into the mines you thought you were safe to kill, -1 gem.
[url=#user_comment_346047]@Raxyz[/url]: For one, valve has absolutely nothing to do with techies, for two, it's not that he's broken but rather that he is completely based off of killing the enemy while not even being close to them (he plants mines around the map and is extremely fragile) with no actual fighting besides kamikaze
[url=#user_comment_346047]@Raxyz[/url]: Techies isn't broken. He's just annoying. All he does is leave invisible traps that blow up in other people's faces when they step on them. That, and blow himself up for massive damage. He's not actually good, though, since he can't contribute anything to anything. Even Icefrog hates him.
almost 11 years ago
Guys, do you know that if valve will relase new character next patch, it will probably not be techies?
I think they will relase winter vyvern. She has confirmed voice actress. I love the techies tho.
So, Techies is a Dota hero right? What about him, besides being supossedly broken? Valve has a gift of balancing by leaving everything broken as fuck, so i'm not all that surprised.
[url=#user_comment_346033]@Otter[/url]: He is annoying and piss, and force paranoid actions that can potentially get you killed regardless. An early gem or Cloak is not uncommon when playing against techies.
[url=#user_comment_346027]@Demotechies[/url]: The problem with that solution is that it require the Zeus to actively cast Lighting Bold every now and then, suddenly, an enemy apear and you have little to no mana to deal with it.
Not to mention that unless you do this in lane you will lose A LOT of EXP and Gold.
almost 11 years ago
He's pretty decent if well played. Can do a nice nuke during combat using remote mine, plus a great disable with Stasis Ward if not taken out fast.
This video shows some of his potential:
almost 11 years ago
For those who don't played dota 1, Techies is the unholy fusion of "don't chase singed" and Teemo's mushrooms XD. There will be a lot a raging in the game, but he isn't broken at all once you get to the team fights.
almost 11 years ago
I'm still pretty much certain that Oracle and Abyssal will be implemented before Techies, and at this point being this close to the International, we might not see them for a few months. Also, Mirana is best support.
Honestly most people probably remember dota1 techies from very long ago, the hero is a lot more legit now that positioning heroes and items are more of a thing. Techies won't ruin pubs or make them any shittier than they already are (with everyone playing the OP hero of the patch anyway, or pudge)
[url=#user_comment_346024]@jimfromtx[/url]: Worse than a demoman actually. More like mines, just mines that are invisible, deal horrible damages in a pretty large area, and you can stack them on the same spot, so if you do it on a chokepoint, you can pretty much one shot an enemy, as he take the damages of 4/5 at once
He is like a massive troll/legal-hack hero, only making the game "fun" for one person. I honest don't mind if he was removed from the pool/game, but I think the only reason Icefrog doesn't do it is because of the massive crybaby butthurt for taking away their "precious fun".
This is what I have been trying to tell people but didn't because I knew I would be massively downvoted, so thanks for gathering up and showing the "main problem" why I don't get excited by their release.
Random Dude
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346015]@A5PECT[/url]: Not quite. Teemo can run faster than most champs while Techies would lose a race vs CM. Also, Teemo played more like hit-and-run APC with some explodey DoT ulti for extra annoyance, Techies are technically (see what I did there?) a living grenade.
Thank god someone else notices this stuff. Techies release will make pub games unplayable. If you have Techies in your team, he's useless. If you have him in the enemy team, he's useless but ANNOYING AS HELL. Imagine Riki with Laguna Blade and Finger of Death running around oneshotting you.
In a teamfight he'll be still useless but annoying when farming.
almost 11 years ago
Oh, and think Techies mines like Demoman's Stekki bombs, instead of being used as a defensive tools, players instead drop them on the people's face for massive damage. And get nerfed in the next version.
RIP 900 cast range Aghanim Techies.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346025]@Catkillerfive[/url]: 750 aoe true sight with 6 sec cooldown, 700 cast range too. Point it on the general direction and you'll reveal those mines (Ask illusion/summon heroes/creep to destroy the mines because zeus's piss poor attack range will blow him up.)
[url=#user_comment_346018]@Demotechies[/url]: Unless you can accurately predict the enemy Techie, your still going to get blow up (At least Zeus str gain is respectable).
Techies are going to be such a smurf hero. Low level players tend to not buy detection at all.
Zeus lightning bolt buff pretty much kills techies. Aerial true sight with 135 mana that doesn't need creep? At least in the previous version Zeus need enemy creep in exact location to spot techies mines on blind spot, now...
Techies was my favorite hero in dota.
Very high skill cap hero that puts immense pressure on the enemy team.
People hate it because like Meepo, a bad techies are a deadbeat for your team, a good techies is like a good Invoker, living hell for the enemy team.
[url=#user_comment_346010]@A5PECT[/url]: I googled: Goblin Techies, a hero from DotA 1. Seems to be very trap based. Mines, Stun Trap, Can blow themselves up and an remote mine as ult. So probably a hero with a high learning curve and the need to plan ahead.
[url=#user_comment_346010]@A5PECT[/url]: It's a hero lots of people want to be released.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346010]@A5PECT[/url]: Techies is a hero. They plant bombs everywhere turning the map into a literal minefield. Think Teemo from League of Legends, but with actual bombs. That you can stack. And detonate all at once. Its hell.
almost 11 years ago
Context for non-DOTA players, please. What the hell is a "techie" in this context?
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_346002]@Dartkun[/url]: More like ZEUS user will be skyrocketed.
The 'LOL instant aerial truesight with without having to lure creeps to the area first' is a HUGE indirect nerf to techies, since unlike other invisible heroes, techies mines can't move at all, making him only useful for pushing.