What people are saying about "Old Flame"
Old Flame
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over 10 years ago
Also if you are not constantly playing for 12 hours a day on the new leagues to find all the exclusive loot you will have a bad time later.

PoE tried to only please the "hardcore" players and now the game has only a handful of players left so that's why it's bound to fail.
over 10 years ago
What broke PoE were the "vintage" items. For example they nerfed Kaoms but kept the old ones unchanged so its impossible to find the old version via drops and the only choice is paying a kidney and a lung for one. The same happened with a huge amount of items too.
over 10 years ago
All they changed was removing bad RNG loot (now aimed at your character), more common legendaries, not replaying the game 3+ times mandatory, and getting far enough away from D2 that the game isn't being held in the direct glare of that one's nostalgia.

I like it.
over 10 years ago
D3: We've made some changes from Diablo 2, and brought the trading/selling scene inside our control.
Players: We wanted a clone of D2! Bad drops we blamed on the RNG in D2 are now Bli$$ wanting to sell us loot!
*2 years later*
Players: You know, this isn't bad.
D3: Changed everything, honest.
over 10 years ago
I'm guessing that they're trying to get some people back before they release the expansion. So far it's working on me too. Went back, maxed out my monk and I'm loving the paragons. Also, legendary items drop from strange places now. Gotten two so far from the random containers you break to open.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343059]@Ellietrap[/url]: We finished on Master with my brother hitting 60 just before fighting Diablo. So much better than needing to run the story 3+ times. It also means you're never underlevelled for the content (like difficulty jumps at act 2).
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343059]@Ellietrap[/url]: Re: level scale. Levels still give you more/better abilities to use. My brother and I started fresh characters to try it, had nothing in our stash for those characters. We upped the difficulty as we were comfortable with it, feeling like we were blitzing too easily just with drops.
over 10 years ago
If you play in a group on the Path of Exile, it becomes a VASTLY superior experience, as all the issues get filtered out fairly quickly.

If your looking to play the new Expansion, me and some friends are getting together a group for it if you want to join :D
over 10 years ago
Haha this is funny because I started playing D3 again just a few days ago, having not touched it in like a year. They certainly changed a fair bit of it and I'm quite enjoying myself. Kinda want the expansion, but not for the price they're asking.
over 10 years ago
continued: I still play it, I still enjoy it some, but definitely less than before. Is a shame, I'd have really loved the patch if not for that one thing, and the one thing is kind of a game breaker for me :/
over 10 years ago
I rather liked -most- of the changes made to diablo 3, and the fact that the online auction house is being removed, but changing the difficulty system kind of ruined it for me. If enemy level scale up to me, it kills early game progression and makes me feel like there's no point in leveling.
over 10 years ago
Also Jo, no Torchlight 2 for you?
over 10 years ago
I think it's better because: 1. It got smaller player base now. 2. Blizzard doesn't give a damn about monetizing any longer 3. It finally find a balance.

But I still wary though.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343040]@Sarcastodon[/url]: The one who made Titan Quest? I'm in!
over 10 years ago
Thereby proving that for all the bitching people do about "dumbing down" that's all they really want.
over 10 years ago
I picked up Diablo 3 again today for the first time in over a year and had fun. I'll probably buy the expansion now, but I was definitely not expecting them to actually succeed at what they've done. Props to Blizzard.
over 10 years ago
Diablo 3 improved but it still lacks any sort of longlivity. There is no reason to play it because there is no competitive edge. There are no races, no ladders no nothing and now they've even removed the trade by making everything BoA.

Path is the opposite, and you can turn ninjalooting off now.
over 10 years ago
Without this i would never get to know about any update. Its nice to see you also hate the auction house!
over 10 years ago
Love the new loot system in Diablo 3.
over 10 years ago
God damn it, again!! It's "RESPEC" not "RESPECT" :( i.e. spec-ing into a build => RE-spec. It comes from "specification".
Here: http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Respec
over 10 years ago
I can fap to dis.
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343037]@Cyndia[/url]: Damn! You sure convinced me with those hot opinions! Cute comic, Jo. Moar Diablo-tan plz.
over 10 years ago
I signed up just to suggest to those who argue between PoE and D3 that there is another option that isn't often discussed. If you're really into ARPGs, you should take a gander at Grim Dawn. It's from the old hands who made Titan Quest, and it's shaping up very nicely. GO SEE!
over 10 years ago
Story still sucks.
Core gameplay still sucks.
Itemization still sucks.
Scaling still sucks, Billions of HP at Torment6 = Ridiculous and not fun

Blizzard fixed nothing except making it so you tripped over a full set of legendaries just by walking around, everything is fed to you like in WoW
over 10 years ago
Ah, order has been restored to the Universe.
over 10 years ago
Diablo and PoE are nice and all, but after playing through Torchlight 2 twice I never played any games of this nature again...Any suggestions to help get me back into Diablo-alikes again?
over 10 years ago
@Jean-Sébastien Leclerc Demers: I played both and when you reach the cap of PoE the game turned MASSIVELY boring for me, because I would just farm the docks over and over.

Also, while making your own build is an awesome idea, but being stuck with a shitty one was a deal breaker for me.
over 10 years ago
D3 is now a console game that's been ported to the computer.
over 10 years ago
PoE is still better than d3, you'll see soon enough.

Sure, d3 is much better than it was, but it's not exactly difficult to beat the previous version. Now, instead, you have easy to get but boring loot, which isn't great. Almost every items are the same and trading became non-existant.
over 10 years ago
Uhm ... Maybe I should retry Diablo III ...
I'm just sorry for Path of Exile; i've played dat game so damn much T^T
over 10 years ago
[url=#user_comment_343020]@Danund81[/url]: Fracture, the one which creates 2 clones.
over 10 years ago
Also, out of curiosity Jo what rune do you use for your teleport?
over 10 years ago
GG the cuteness is the real POWAH.
over 10 years ago
How do you keep making the Lord of Terror SO DAMN CUTE!