What people are saying about "Job Interview"
Job Interview
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about 11 years ago
So, did anyone see the reference here? :P
about 11 years ago
Uh oh...

about 11 years ago
Uh oh...

about 11 years ago
Jo, you are a great drawer. You are fantastic in many ways.

I once discovered your fantastic everything when Captain Engie was fooled by a slug, deep in space.

Please Jo, take care of Engie, our poor Engie.
She deserves better than this.
about 11 years ago
And you have the mind, to do the most epic, of bad choices.

So who can tell you, where the life goes?
Who can tell you how the game flows?
Who can tell you, where the TF2 hats goes?
And who can tell you, if you leave us?

Only time.
about 11 years ago
You have had your ups and downs.
Your fair share of bumpy roads and heavy winds.
And that's what made you, what you are today.
Now you stand there, before us.
What you see, is a community crafted for everything.
A lot of peolpe around the world, defined to do everything.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341102]@Teln[/url]: Thanks for worrying, but don't, i've lived far worse, and learnt to shrug such things. Life goes on and there's plenty to keep laughing about.
Col. Hathi
about 11 years ago
Uhh, what Otter said. He said it better than I could have.
about 11 years ago
It all comes tumbling down
about 11 years ago
Stop it Jo you heartless jerk ><
about 11 years ago
If you have to fall, fall in my arms :3
about 11 years ago
RIsk of rain is some some serious ass kicking fun.

except the ass in question is yours.

A Gray Phantom
about 11 years ago
I just received a reply that I'm not coming back for a paid acting gig, and I've also been turned down for the movie they're shooting in my town. Yeah, I'mma jump out a window too now T_T
about 11 years ago
Don't worry Jo, when your at the bottom, the only way to go is up :D
about 11 years ago
Uhmm, wow... This was shockingly dark for a NerfNow comic. I mean I know Jo experimented with more gritty themes in the past (since I read them), but that face... and a suicide? Is everything right up there in management Jo? Do you need a short break perhaps? I know comic drawing is a tiring job.
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
Engies faking her death so Jo can hold a funeral for her with all the girls. Yhen after they're ready to leave Jo opens the doors.... and see's a level 3 sentry.
about 11 years ago
Dat last face reminds me of Utena.
about 11 years ago
OH NO!!! DON'T WORRY, I'LL(at least try to)SAVE HER!!!
about 11 years ago
Guys? I think we broke Engine. Don't do it! We still like you! Really!
about 11 years ago
You told no one wants Engie. I love her.
about 11 years ago
Please let there be a giant trampoline at ground level.
about 11 years ago
Bijatch be fishin for compliments.
about 11 years ago
Come on engi.
If noone is hiring you then make your own buisness.
Build your own Robo-clone-TF2-Team to push Jo out of buisness
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341103]@AtomApachePassenger[/url]: A corpse is fine too. (Unzips)
about 11 years ago
At last, necrophilia is ok.
about 11 years ago
@Kydrou Kair: Sorry you had to go through that. You might want to start looking for a therapist, witnessing shit like that can cause PTSD.
about 11 years ago
Moral of the story is: Don't check in on your exes if you want to feel good about yourself.
about 11 years ago
Don't do it Engie !!!
about 11 years ago
I can't laugh just yet.

I'm waiting for someone to make a visual novel of this.
about 11 years ago
In other news, some lady from the street i live in, decided today was a good day to jump from her building while i was passing by, forever making suicide jokes (even) less fun, and giving me future night terrors... thank god i work during the night and sleep during the day...
about 11 years ago
@John Semilla: Actually there IS a fem-scout already, from red riding hood arc...
about 11 years ago
And now for something completely inappropriate:

1. Is Jane Critrocket's sister?
2. Will the Sniper you used to pick on give a valentine back to Morgan this year?
3. Ironically, still no femscout :P
about 11 years ago
If she jumps, zone-tans lovely tentacles will catch her <3
about 11 years ago
Do a barrel roll!
about 11 years ago
Please don't ):
about 11 years ago
And here I was thinking my last interview went poorly.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_341076]@Askannz[/url]: *throws aksannz toward Engie-tan* WE WONT LET YOU FALL!
about 11 years ago
well people will show their love by claiming her bodyparts one by one while she is falling. welcome to love
about 11 years ago
Don't jump Engie, we still love you !
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
@Joey Archamon
Jo: So what did you learn from all this Engie?
Engie: Absolutely Nothing.
Jo: That's my girl.
about 11 years ago
Honestly, all I have to say is.... I DO love my soap operas, indeed!
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
And just as Engie is ready to jump. Ready to die. She looks out and she sees an neverending sea of engineers hats. Women in Engie costumes. Men in engie costumes {that was a little weird} And in unison they cheered "WE LOVE YOU ENGIE! WE BELIVE IN YOU!" And Engie sat on the window sill in awe.
about 11 years ago
Inb4 she falls in to Jo's car.
about 11 years ago
*putting a chair and grabbing popcorn*

about 11 years ago
I just notice that Nerf Now!! is now part of the Hiveworks Comics, I don't know how is the process to get in the group, but congrats anyways.

I like how all comics I followed ended up in that group and it made me check other comics that now I follow.
about 11 years ago
Don't do it Engie! I still like you!
about 11 years ago
No Engie, noooooooo! D:
about 11 years ago
She'll just respawn...right?
about 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Risk of Rain
about 11 years ago
@Eduardo Amparo: What is RoR?
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
When a Spy saps your sentry do you give up?! Just because a few naysayers like the new girls doesn't mean Team Engie has fallen! You've given that tentacle the best of you! So grab a shit ton of scrap metal and show him how they do it Engineer style!
about 11 years ago
Don't jump, Engie-tan! It'll get better, trust me!
about 11 years ago
Do a flip!
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
I don't know why they wanted me to place this giant pile of pillows in a dumpster outside this building but I don't question my job.
about 11 years ago
Poor Engie... Still like Jane and Alek better though.
about 11 years ago
Dont die Engie, you're the best of the bunch. :D
about 11 years ago
Jump, die, and then respawn ten seconds later, remembering that permadeath is for Roguelike characters!

...Hm. Engie-Rogue. I'd play it.
about 11 years ago
Jo, wanna play some RoR online ? I'm on Brasil too so there's no lag ^^
Mitchell, your bear friend.
about 11 years ago
Well, I expect the worst. Its more of a way of dealing with ether outcome. Expect the worse and ether be good in the knowledge you were right, or be pleasantly proven wrong. Whichever way this goes, I hope she knows that even though we love the new girls, we still love her just as much.
about 11 years ago
I can already see the next strip with Zone expecting Engie to fall in her hone (pun semi-intended)
about 11 years ago
I think she qualifies perfectly for one of those "Upgrade" games where you need to fly. Get her a mecha suit and get going XD
about 11 years ago
No Engie nooooo! There is still so much to live for!
about 11 years ago
Business-Suit Engi Tan is hot.

Besides, there will be a convienently placed truck, and I like Engi-Tan the most out of all the TF2 girls.

Don't send her off like this!
about 11 years ago
No. Don't do it. You have so much to live for.