What people are saying about "Ego"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
Yay, Engie in a business suit.
almost 11 years ago
Me too like Engie.
almost 11 years ago
I still like you Engie!
almost 11 years ago
Don't worry, Engie. We just want some other people in the spotlight for a change. It's not that we don't like you, rather that you are a little too egotistical and spotlight hogging, so losing some of that ego is good for you.
almost 11 years ago
Shit totally forgot about Engie ... so srr :3
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Jo's technically right in this strip. We've been protesting a lack of engie, complaining we miss engie, and more but noones gotten on their hands and knees and begged for Engie's return *gets on hands knees* PLEEEEEASSSSE Keep her Jo. Pretty Please with a cherry on top?! {Thats how to beg right?}
almost 11 years ago
mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, all mine! :D
almost 11 years ago
I muissed her dearly.
almost 11 years ago
Jo reads comments?

Hot damn.

I love your stuff Jo.
Joshua Thompson
almost 11 years ago
I must protest, it would be nice to have Engie back as a part of the group, but Anne-Marie is better in every way.
Col. Hathi
almost 11 years ago
I love Morgan and I like marrs' suggestion, but I want Engie back! Morgan doesn't hold a candle to engie. I didn't say anything because I didn't think there was a chance that she wasn't coming back! D: I didn't think it needed to be said! She's as much a part of Nerf Now as Jo the Tentacle!
almost 11 years ago
she always was Mary Sue character for Jo, why should i miss her, when i still have tentacle-Jo and Gmail-Jo?
almost 11 years ago
almost 11 years ago
The biggest question is: What kind of game she will be interviewed for (And what Fanservice she will have to do to get the job :D
almost 11 years ago
I miss Sniper-tan, and Drone-tan more than engie ><
almost 11 years ago
Much sad, many miss :( BRING ENGIE HOME :D
almost 11 years ago
I miss her! but I have to agree with mister jay, she's rocking that outfit
Seductive Hobo
almost 11 years ago
Engie and the other girls are fine and all, but what happened to Pyro Guy and Sniper-Tan?
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Jo... what are you implying, you capitalist tentacle monster?
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
And then it turns out Jo didn't even fire Engie. It was Red Spy disguised as Jo!
almost 11 years ago
I miss Engi!
almost 11 years ago
We need you Engie! Come back!(?_?)pls
almost 11 years ago
Just remember, we're consumers. We'll piss and moan about a lot of things, but at the end of the day we'll swallow whatever you put in front of us anyway, because we're that weak willed.
almost 11 years ago
That do yo mean no one miss her?! She's a cynical tsundere - that can be better?! Stop torturing her!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340969]@AsteriskCGY[/url]: Thankfully you didn't have to wait long lol. I did a double take when I saw my handle.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
I know what Jo's planning! Engie's going to get a job as the TF3 Announcer! So she'll become a bodyless entity observing forever her former teammates as they battle in a metaphor for the endless pointlessness of war. Because killing her would be Cheap! CHEAP I SAY JO! CHEEEEEAAAAAAPPPP!!!!!
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: what are you planning Joe?
almost 11 years ago
@Bart Stabwound: No it isn't. But hey, more girls = more fun right?
almost 11 years ago
Wow, I like her new style a lot more: a young women instead of an immature girl, that's a real positive change (well needed too). It calls for proper character development (she'll need it, with the new ones taking over the main show...).
almost 11 years ago
"Well, isn't like anyone miss her anyway."

I'm going to assume that you're just joking and thus refrain from vehemently contesting that claim.

@Bart Stabwound: Not true. There are at least two positive comments about Engie in the last few TF2 strips.
almost 11 years ago
@Mister Jay: Joe's been deleting the Pro-Engie Comments .
almost 11 years ago
I didn't expect Engie to have any fan left... guess next strip will be even more painful now.
almost 11 years ago
She is cosplaying as Dana Scully
almost 11 years ago
I love Morgan! She's the best character that's happened to the comic!
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
Engie's selective blindness only allows her to read the comments complimenting other girls. Either that or Jo hooked her up with a device that filters anything that might make her feel good about herself.
Mister Jay
almost 11 years ago
For Every Engie comic that goes up I temporarily halt my story thats either a blessing or a curse depending on your POV but it's kind of silly to do a story of protesting a lack of Engie in a strip where she appears next gaming strip i'll keep writing for my nonexistant fans.
almost 11 years ago
I miss engie :(
almost 11 years ago
Engie we miss you come baaaaaackkk <3
almost 11 years ago
Well, what will Engie do to restore the balance of the force (or at least, her place in the circle of Nerfnoww's strip)?

Engie's fanservice will be greatly appreciated, you know... (with engie(1) adds points)
almost 11 years ago
I like the new ones, especially Jane and Morgan, but I'd choose Engie over any one of them anytime... Anytime...
almost 11 years ago
I kinda miss Engie since she was into fanservice every now and then.
almost 11 years ago
Hey, I've gotten commissions of Engie before and I miss her. :P
almost 11 years ago
Nooo, I miss you, Engie! don't listen to Jo!
almost 11 years ago
Awwww~ I miss Engie. =(
I was just thinking about this last night actually. "I hope we actually see Engie again and she's not permanently banished."
almost 11 years ago
I miss engie...
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340952]@Troqu[/url]: I was waiting for someone on that list to showup
almost 11 years ago
She just read the wrong comments is all.
almost 11 years ago
Who was this character again?
almost 11 years ago
I think Engie should start having her own hijinks where she tried to take out the current cast but hilariously fails for some reason each time, you could even have a running joke with Minette trying to interfere with her every so often.
almost 11 years ago
Well if Engie doesn't get a job she can still go to zone-tan....
Oh I hope she won't get a job...
almost 11 years ago
Now I feel so sorry for Engie. She might be malicious sometimes (or even "bit" more than only "sometimes") but she's still our Engie. Despite of present chain of events I hope she'll achieve success.
Remmy Star
almost 11 years ago
Good luck Engie-tan.
almost 11 years ago
I miss engie!
almost 11 years ago
Did not expect to see a comment of my own there....