What people are saying about "Resolutions"
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about 11 years ago
Will they use those white suits next "New Year"? :P
about 11 years ago
@Ryoko Tadao: And others whining and fighting about the name: http://www.behindthename.com/name/aleksandrina

You're welcome to shut the fuck up, thank you. I don't always swear, but when I do, it's because people are bullshitting.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340451]@Troqu[/url]: if you gonna call her that, that name aint become real name anyway. Alek not real name tho. Sasha is short Aleksandra. Dont be a fag Jo, give her normal name and do some research.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340444]@GacMan[/url]: I hope that, I voted for Anne (but I wanted Morgan too, so w/e I'm happy with all 4)
about 11 years ago
While I love Marie-Anne so much for her french beauty, I settle with Morgan's years resolutions.... that is, when I manage to get a new computer AND if Star Citizen doesn't come out before.
about 11 years ago
Happy 2014 Jo. Also time to move on Blu Engie.
about 11 years ago
Happy new year everybody! And do i look forward to what Engie's gonna do now
about 11 years ago
I like Jane's style more and more, but still like Aleksandrina the best. Happy New Years all :)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340444]@GacMan[/url]: Because fuck you fan vote and democracy!
about 11 years ago
BakaGrappler Jo already went to Zone for some tentacle abuse. Japanese school girl uniform included!
about 11 years ago
So I'm guessing all these fem TF2 characters are in for the long run. Not just Aleksandrina,
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_340403]@Swagner[/url]: My personal interpretation is that the second word is censored because she isn't swearing, she's using some kind of insulting slur. In these days of growing tolerance for people's difference, swearing is perfectly fine. Calling someone a ____ isn't. And I'm fine with that.
about 11 years ago
Left to right: Cutely Ditzy, Savvy and Smart, Action Junkie, Man Eater.

With these four new, distinct, interesting, and pretty characters on the payroll making the comic, well, I get the feeling that Jo may end up being the one losing his job and being tossed to Zone-tan.

Happy New Year!
about 11 years ago
... Why is Alek wearing a fez? It's not Russian headwear.

Wait, let me guess: It's TF2 optional headgear, right?
about 11 years ago
Here's what you do, Alek. You stay with one item set for each class. And that is all. The rest goes towards Stranges and Killstreak parts.
about 11 years ago
Idea for a comic: You know all the drama going on in the recent tf2 comics? Where does Morgan and your other characters work into this? *circular motions with hands*
about 11 years ago
Dumb idea for a comic: The engineer builds a shed or something, and he decides the switch to a smaller wrench when he's almost done. But by doing so, the shed explodes! Just like how a sentry would! Funny.
about 11 years ago
Happy New Year, you future-dwellers. Me, I'm still hanging back in my good ol' 2k13.
about 11 years ago
I just realized that if you looked at her from the front you could probably see Jane's panties... If she's wearing any ;)

And Anne-Marie is just too cute (and surprisingly big breasted, the dress makes it seem like she's only 2nd in the funbag compartment to Sasha)
Joshua Thompson
about 11 years ago
I love Alksandra's and Anne-Marie's dresses in this one.
about 11 years ago
Damn Jane, there's no way I could do that what with the kind of teams I get thrown into.
about 11 years ago
Jane's eyes turn red when she is angry... Or drunk...
Bill's Beard Talking Here
about 11 years ago
Morgan is the best character of them all!
about 11 years ago
Cultural context: in Brazil it is tradition to wear white during the hours when the year changes. Like in USA new year resolutions are also common. And finally The fireworks, the passage is the biggest fireworks even in the year in Brazil. There are more traditions and superstitions not in the comic
about 11 years ago
Happy New Year everyone! May we have another good year and may our hard drives be overflowing with por... hu, I mean "fanservice" stuff.
about 11 years ago
Happy new year Jo! Here's to another year for good times for NerfNow!

Have a good one Jo!

Also to the NerfNow computer guide!
about 11 years ago
Crap, I totally forgot these were tf2 characters...
You still play that right?
about 11 years ago
What does it mean if "f***ing" wasn't censored but the word immediately after it was?
about 11 years ago
Pixeland, huh?

I suspect Engie's new year's resolution is going to be 320 x 240px.
Mister Jay
about 11 years ago
Pixeland What's that? Engie's new home? Is that a new webcomic? Should I be looking for a new webcomic to read?
about 11 years ago
Joooo stop making Morgan the bestest character, its unfair to the other girls and will end making me want to do more fanart XD
about 11 years ago
I though that Soldier would look like Military Assistant Lady but no, Soldier looks very different and very awesome.
about 11 years ago
Wow, I must have gotten here early, since there's only 3 other comments on here...
about 11 years ago
I love all these new girls!
about 11 years ago
Happy New Year, maggots!
about 11 years ago