What people are saying about "Not Fun"
Not Fun
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almost 11 years ago
We are doing this for your own good JO. Don't resist us.
almost 11 years ago
...Your thoughts on David Miranda losing his boyfriend's Xbox to the British authorities?
almost 11 years ago
@Andrew Hall: Nice try but he is Master Race.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, this may be unrelated, but did you already preordered bureau? )
almost 11 years ago
@Andrew Hall: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/954 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/881 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/684 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/483 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/476
almost 11 years ago
Jo prease try out League of Legends, we would love you so to draw comics about their characters too.
almost 11 years ago
Jo, Minette may not be in the game, but at least she can be in your comic as a side character. Think about all the shennanigans with Engie!
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: I did the same, but I only used regular attacks all the time. XD I didn't even hear about the gimmicks until I played the tutorial.

Also, since this is my first post: Great Comic. Been reading it for over a year now.
almost 11 years ago
@Darius Düsener: I can barely play with one, 2 is too much for now.
almost 11 years ago
I somehow expected you to be more of a Double type, more than Miss Fortune, especially since you're a Tentaclemonster. Are you playing her Solo or with something else paired?
I personally enjoy Solo Filia since I need to get used to the Multi Character System, coming from SSFIVAE, playing Ibuki :)
almost 11 years ago
Tsundere tentacles. Get on it Doujin writers.

Man I can't wait to torr-er... buy the full release.
almost 11 years ago
@Nerf NOW!!: Can u stick with her for some more strips?

Nekomimi 4ever!
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334836]@Grahav[/url]: I pressed random and it selected Miss Fortune, I decided to just stick with it.
almost 11 years ago
That was an adorable 2nd panel Jo.

Are you playing the cat because she is friends with "her"?

Good comic.

almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334831]@4Darco[/url] Oh jeez, I hope not. No offence to the creators, but most of the items they made look horrible. I only found 2-3 items acceptable, even after considering the already large amount of unfitting items in TF2.
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334831]@4Darco[/url] Oh jeez, I hope they won't. No offence to the creators, but most of the cosmetic ideas that they made look horrible in-game and otherwise. There are about 2-3 pieces that I actually found fitting if you can still talk about that regarding swarm of cosmetics in TF2.
almost 11 years ago
I-Is not l-like I enjoy p-playing y-you Baka!
almost 11 years ago
The tsun is strong in this one
almost 11 years ago
I bet people a lot of people will buy it if the TF2 cosmetics get passed by valve.
almost 11 years ago
Give up, Jo ol' boy.

You knew from the fist time playing it that you'd end buying it.

Welcome to the club, ol' chap. =D
almost 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_334825]@HolyDanna[/url]: Then not only he posted catgirl again as i was asking form he managed to do it in way that i didn't noticed it... Sneaky sneaky Joe.
almost 11 years ago
I'm betting on Jo buying skullgirls.
almost 11 years ago
@Neko <3: MF is not only the pirate adc of LoL, she is also an undying catgirl present in SkullGirls. And the head we see is Skullgirls' Miss Fortune's.
No reference to LoL in this comic ~
almost 11 years ago
At least its not a DOTA/LOL comic! Yay
almost 11 years ago
I never expected an LoL reference again.

almost 11 years ago
I find Skullgirls to be kind of boring.

But I have to say that the hitbox mechanic is pretty fucking amazing.
almost 11 years ago
6b7zone7: They pretty much have said if fans can raise either 200k or 250k, they can get another character.

so if any Minette fans win the lottery- please spend it to get Molly instead.

BTW- there is a string of fighters coming out for PC in the next year- KOF next month, Yatagarasu and USF4
almost 11 years ago
Dude. Dude. I feel like somehow this strip just connected us and now we need to play a game.
almost 11 years ago
Can we have blushing embarassed Jo being tsundere?
almost 11 years ago
Well, getting a beta key, for free, you had no misfortune.
almost 11 years ago
Nope, I've never happy, but that's a personal problem.
almost 11 years ago
I kinda wish some company picked this game up and gave the Skullgirls team a bigger budget for more characters (like Minette).
Also Jo, get the full game. Don't worry, we won't tell anybody.
almost 11 years ago
Awww tsundere Jo is adorable :3

Go get the (full) game and make more Skullgirls comic! With a lot of Parasoul please!
almost 11 years ago
It-It's not like I like the game or anything, Baka!