What people are saying about "Cheggbuster"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
Remember: the metaphor is rape. Literally: rape. Geiger, Ridley, and O'Bannon got in a rome together, and all but literally said: EVERYTHING IS RAPE.

Except the eggs.
The X on the eggs? It's Gieger's "Go fuck yoruself" to Christians. No, seriously. It's not an X, it's a christian cross.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_321040]@Dave[/url]: You are not entitled to tell us what we should think, say, or do. I hope Yoshi eats you, and you get shat as an egg.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320965]@Bob[/url]: First of, Yoshi isn't a chicken, I said "like" not "same as" if anything it's a fucking lizard, and we should all know lizards generally have crazy shit going for them. It could be anything, heck for all we know the eggs are just what its shit looks like and it's just throwing its feces.
over 11 years ago
Impressive art style, Jo! I've always wanted to draw comics that were funny like what you do, but I don't have the time for it! D: Anyway, keep up the good work, Jo! I expect more awesome/funny comics from you in the future! ^_^
over 11 years ago
Also just in case not enough people are saying it: I love you for the free entertainment you give me with these comics and you can draw about whatever the hell you want to! Don't let the selfish demanding people get to ya.
over 11 years ago
I think you win this month's creative thinking award. Holy fuck how did you come up with this.
over 11 years ago
@TF2 whiny guys
You are not entitled to anything, Jo draws whatever comic he wants. You are free to leave for Penny arcade or CAD or whatever.
Also people should really stop taking the "Troll NOW!!" button literally.
A Member of The TF2 Community
over 11 years ago
I say, I am inclined to agree with those who think more TF2 comics are in order, and that any comic that is not related to TF2 is rubbish and calls for hate and people like me to remind everybody about what a good comic contains.
Actual fact
over 11 years ago
Ann Onymous
over 11 years ago
@Passing by: Yes.
over 11 years ago
@Crom Hellsgream: Fair enough, but why isn't Yoshi ridiculously stressed? She's always about to have her period, and some fat-ass Italian guy is riding her around.... How did this comic get so ridiculously sidetracked?
over 11 years ago
@@NerfNow: There's also another noob friendly fighting game called Injustice.
`- - :.: --´
over 11 years ago
I like the Predator in the background
Passing by
over 11 years ago
Is that seriously a vagina in the 3rd pic or is my mind just that dirty ?
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
@NerfNow: Also, continue to piss off the whiners and make a comic about Crystal Maiden getting some sort of revenge as her win rate is currently higher than that of any of the "assassin" heroes :D
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320904]@Bob[/url]: I think laying unfertilized eggs all the time is an oviparaous version of PMS...so yes, the eggs you eat everyday in your breakfast are the result of hen's PMS.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320817]@Censuur[/url]: So you're saying every time Yoshi eats something, she (only female chickens lay eggs) ovulates. And because it is unfertilized (presumably), there are no children involved. So the bigger question is, why isn't Yoshi PMSing all the time?
over 11 years ago
This is what happen when you ate strange things. XD
Holy Shit you guys
over 11 years ago
Jo does comics that aren't DOTA2?
over 11 years ago
True Story: H.R. Giger initially intended the alien egg to have two lips like a vagina (because the alien is a very sexual beast in how it reproduces) but the film producers said he couldnt do that because it would offend christian viewers. So he gave the egg 4 flaps to look like a cross.
over 11 years ago
stop making stupid comics that are not Team fortress 2 because i can only understand TF2 comics OMG!!!!!1111
over 11 years ago
No, thats not how facehumpers work!
Former TF2 Player
over 11 years ago
TF2 fanboys are the reason I stopped playing TF2.
over 11 years ago
Hey Jo, Evo's round the corner! Time to turn an eye toward fighting games again! :D

Also there's this totally noob-friendly fighting game called BlazBlue you could look into. Promise. Totally up your alley.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Ha, now this is what I come here for. Good one, Jo.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320748]@Delevion[/url]: Don't just make more of it than it is, he is like a chicken, he eats, uses that nourishment to produce an egg (fast metabolism) which is nothing but an unfertilized shell and then throws that around. No rape, no children, quit the childish drama, NO FUN ALLOWED
over 11 years ago
You should make a sequel comic someday with Mario riding the full grown Alien or Yoshi/Alien hybrid that came out of the chest-egg.
over 11 years ago
This was a great comic to wake up to this morning. lol

Keep up the good work!
over 11 years ago
needs more dota gg
over 11 years ago
Great joke with a totally cool dark humor! Love it!!!

Jo, my man, you're back on track! Keep up the good work, pal!
over 11 years ago
The ammount of trolls here is too high.
over 11 years ago
Why are you reading this!?!
over 11 years ago
@Every TF2 player ever: Quiet, you. I happen to enjoy the comic and play TF2, therefore what your name suggests is false.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320748]@Delevion[/url]: Yoshi reproduction is easily one of the most disturbing unsolved mysteries of gaming.
over 11 years ago
This strip kinda explains, how horrifying is Yoshi. Seriously, he eats everybody and makes them into eggs. And shoot those eggs at his enemies. He rape-devours people and throws his children at enemies.
over 11 years ago
Jo, is this an.... EGGCEPTION?
Hey mom, I am on the internet!
over 11 years ago
Anyone wondering about the vagoo in the third panel, that is actually quite accurate. Try googling facehuggers or watch the movies.
over 11 years ago
I'm not gonna say this was a bad page, but it actually feels like there should be a few more panels. Of course, if this is the first part of a miniseries then that makes more sense.
Every TF2 player ever
over 11 years ago
This isn't TF2, so it's bad. Go back to TF2 pls.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320711]@Drone[/url] Or too old.
over 11 years ago
@wat?: if you don't get it you're too young
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
I am kind of questioning how that is supposed to work.
Regardless, funny.
over 11 years ago
On the upside, we finally got a comic where Jo hasn't made a single spelling or grammatical error.
over 11 years ago
@wat?: Watch Aliens or Prometheus
LoL is for faggots
over 11 years ago
I wonder what would happen if Yoshi ate a headcrab.
over 11 years ago
i don't get it
over 11 years ago
If Yoshi eat a kirby or a kyrby eat an yosh?
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
@Fall of NerfNow Fandom - IS NIGH!!: Gay detected.

Also, is this the prelude for the new MarioxAlien crossover videogame?
same as any other viewer
over 11 years ago
I'm really getting pissed at the readers that beg for tf2 comics and people who go 'THE FALL OF NERFNOW'.
over 11 years ago
Fall of NerfNow Fandom - IS NIGH!!
over 11 years ago
It's happening. You could have listened, it didn't have to end like this. It was everybody's fault, no one cared when it actually mattered. You can't fight what you chose, now suffer the consequences.
jo rocks
over 11 years ago
Vagina with two big ass testicles. Well Played!
un lapin
over 11 years ago
Filed under "Crossovers I never thought I'd see"
Dear Jo
over 11 years ago
You draw a vagina, so now you can draw Minette too.
over 11 years ago
I lol'd. I didn't think we'd get to see a strip longer than three panels ever again.
over 11 years ago
The archives say this is a DOTA joke, but um... what is this referring to?
over 11 years ago
Why is yoshis tail now his saddle?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320574]@Spy[/url]: Yoshi*
over 11 years ago
... and then a Yohi comes out of the egg!
post tf2 comix
over 11 years ago
post tf2 comix post tf2 comix post tf2 comix post tf2 comix post tf2 comix post tf2 comix
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
You drew a vagina and searched for a way to make a comic out of it. Admit it.
over 11 years ago
no tits, but nice vagina!
Tim Timsen
over 11 years ago
@The TF2 Community: In my pocket, I won't give them to you.
over 11 years ago
make kirby come out
over 11 years ago
Poor Yoshi, One day he'll push an egg out the right way.
The TF2 Community
over 11 years ago
i dont get this joke where are the tf2 comix
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320539]@krank[/url] inception
over 11 years ago
Ugh, the heartburn
over 11 years ago
Interesting. What would happen, if kirby were there too?
over 11 years ago
do fanpic of engy plz, with tht vajayjay
over 11 years ago
there are surely is vagina