What people are saying about "Oblivion"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
The pugna video on dotacinema was entertaining. This comic was a bit weird though.
over 11 years ago
Hahah! Sven's gonna mess up your day!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320465]@Wolfzoon[/url]: Green man have staff = probably a magic caster type (hence he won't use a blade) Then giant red man with sword charge at him. You can leave it as fragile hero (caster) being hunt by power type (red Sven = high damage) or ALSO know his yellow glow = magic immunity
over 11 years ago
\LoL player detected.

anyway while I agree a bit that this one is a bit harder to get than most dota comics, not all of the dota comics require that much ingame knowledge. plus Jo puts explanation in the panels itself and/or the additional notes below the strip.
over 11 years ago
Usually I enjoy the DoTA comics. Even though I don't play the jokes are a vinous enough just from the dialog and reactions that even my very basic knowledge let's me enjoy them. This time, I honestly don't get the joke unless it's about an under leveled character during a giant push or lore/gameplay
over 11 years ago
P-P-P-Penta post.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320009]@RoflCat[/url]: You might not get Jarate the first time it shows up. You'd get a hint the second time. The third time you finally get it. The mechanics are recurring. This is the first time we see green man, we know nothing of OBLIVION, and we don't know what yellowness implies. Only new elements.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319981]@ZeConster[/url]: It's like telling jokes in French. When people complain about not getting the jokes, tell them to learn French. Bad idea.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319939]@EnragedFilia[/url]: I saw it as neither, as both "grey mask guy" nor "skeleton guy" have any means to show emotion. I thought green guy thought the enemy was scared of him, when they were actually scared of his ALLY the yellow sword guy.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319881]@Glove[/url]: If you click "Archives" at the top it shows the game for each strip. It's not that I never get the DotA comics, it's that every time I don't get a comic, I check the archive, and see it's a DotA one.
over 11 years ago
F*ck with the Necrons
Mad Skull
over 11 years ago
pugna its one of my fav heroes then im going to put this here...


over 11 years ago
Crystal Maiden yuri, Jo!
You know that you want to do it!!
over 11 years ago
@Poncturated Bystander: ignore the nope guy, he's trolling (none of those are actual Dota acronyms)

and yes, it is BKB
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
His ward is annoying, to say at least.
Ace Ace
over 11 years ago
Please PLEASE make a comic about Na'vi's new Ladies Dota team.
Poncturated Bystander
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320306]@nope[/url] : you juste threw as much acronyms you could stuff in 1 sentense didn't you ^^ now off to teh wiki translating that.
over 11 years ago
@Poncturated Bystander: nope its LDF because BKB is not FDJ or NVBS before you can KGW when doing AJE
Poncturated Bystander
over 11 years ago
What's the yellow auro on the warrior hero? Let me guess, BKB?
Fall of NerfNow fandom
over 11 years ago
It's over. You had a chance...HAD.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320176]@crayven[/url] I keep feeling like Sinfest is building up to something like it did in years past. But I think that's just me being optimistic.
over 11 years ago
I don't play Dota 2, and sometimes it's hard for me to get the joke - like right now. I really like when Joe does other games, not just Dota and TF2, but he's a free artist and thanks to him, I know some things about Dota. Even thought they might be not always right, it still interesting.
over 11 years ago
Learn to tolerate games that Jo enjoys instead of whining like a spoiled brat. I wont be surprised nerfnow just got more popular since he started making dota comics.
over 11 years ago
Pugna's one of my favs :P counters so many heroes and if they have a melee orientated team you can make him immortal :P
To all haters
over 11 years ago
Listen carefully, people who hate dota 2 and blame jo for drawing bad comics, these are his drawings and he is the one who makes decisions about what to draw so all of you should shut the fuck up and enjoy comics, have some respect, even if you don't understand what this comic says
over 11 years ago
Focusing on boring stuff.
Starting to censor comments.

Jo seems to follow on the footsteps of a certain asian guy who was funny...until he went all feminist crazy.
LoL is for Faggots
over 11 years ago
And that's why Pugna should gtfo and just go back and hide behind his teammates and be a good support hero.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320119]@Discrider[/url] thats why I mentioned that Jo should add the ears next time. just to help you and some others, sven(that red guy) is the only hero who's sword is nearly as big as he is. the rest would have just big or average weapons in proportion to their size.
over 11 years ago
I don't know who that guy is, but this horny boner guy can turn into enjoyable moron of this game.
Twei Lim
over 11 years ago
Poor pugna, so many magic immunity items :3
that is why he is early and mid and team support hero ish? D: :3
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319778]@Nerfnow[/url]: DOTA SUX DROW SOMTHIN ELAS!!!11!!1one!
le dotard
over 11 years ago
errrrrrmerrrrrrrrrrgerrrrrrrrd i love le dotanow comix!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320072]@re[/url] It doesn't look like his silhouette. That sword isn't flared at the bottom, nor does he have the ears or the torso to match. Tbh, I thought that was the skeleton king from the previous comic, but I may have been forgetting LoL =/= Dota or some such.
Butthurt down this comment
over 11 years ago
Well, you see, if you don't play TF2; the jokes don't make any sense too...
le epic dota 2 le epic sauce XDDDD
over 11 years ago
lel so funnay XDDDD so funnay joke XDDDDD le comedy genius XDDDDD lelelelelelelele

Seriously, this makes zero sense. Go back to TF2 where the jokes actually made sense.
Silly silly butthurt people
over 11 years ago
Yeeees, yyeeessss, let the butthurt flow in you. Since dota2 is such a "bad" thing.
over 11 years ago
Puny skeleton is little ebil master of magick. Barbarian is using double damage buff with magic immunity. I.e he will be dead if he gets hit.
over 11 years ago
I dont get it....puny skeleton fights barbarian?
Fall of NerfNow fandom - IS NIGH!!
over 11 years ago
It's happening. You could have listened, it didn't have to end like this. It was everybody's fault, no one cared when it actually mattered. You can't fight what you chose, now suffer the consequences.
over 11 years ago
well admittedly, even if you understood the circumstances and about dota, this one is not really that funny.
basically its as that guy has said, its because of bkb. doesnt really connect to how having a blade is actually better than oblivion(because bkb is not exclusive on warriors).
over 11 years ago
when you draw series of tf2 I dont understand a bit
but I still its fun to read.
now its come to Dota2 that I play/understand its all
so I loving its. My point is what ever you draw and
even I understand its I will continue reading.
Draw what you like!
Gotta agree with Zero on this one...
over 11 years ago
Usually I dont mind the Dota comics. Either they are rather simple to understand or the description helps out. However, in this case... Had to read most of the comments to realize it was a BKB thing... but wait... what the hell is a BKB??. Even with this in mind, the joke still falls kind of flat...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_320018]@Discrider[/url] there is a silhouette of him in the first panel, that dude with a huge sword. I guess Jo should make those ears of his present next time.
over 11 years ago
as far as whether he needs to make comics for other games and such, I've seen a lot of artists try to do what the audience wants instead of what he/she wanted... those people stopped rather soon and stopped doing art ALTOGETHER simply because they got tired of doing what other people wanted
over 11 years ago
i remember him saying that he makes comics on what he plays (don't remember which comic that he commented that) so it would make since that he makes a lot more dota comics since he plays a lot of dota
over 11 years ago
Bad comic, did not understand.
I too thought that the mage had hypocritcally summoned the glowy swordsman, because there is no way of guessing that the swordsman is an enemy, and the mage's hand position implies summoning.
A good fix would be to put the swordsman's silhouette in the first panel.
over 11 years ago
My favorite is Sand King but Im new and have only been fighting bots for now. Im looking to play at least 2 matches with every hero before playing with people. My favorite so far are the strength heroes, gotta love em.
Cogspinner Sergal
over 11 years ago
Hate to say it, but Nerf Now is starting to feel stale with only Dota and game industry comics. Some other games being featured again for diversity's sake would be nice.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319844]@zero[/url]: but how will you explain. Bonk, Airblast, Spy disguise/invis watch/DR, Uber, rocket jump (especially when most modern FPS would just kill you for trying to shoot a rocket at your feet), Jarate, etc? There's a lot in TF2 that people won't understand at first glance either.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319988]@Uberthespy[/url]: Seriously? This one is really, really simple. He says 'Who needs a blade when you have OBLIVION' and then gets chased by a dude in a giant sword. Sure it's funnier if you actually played dota 2 but it's not that hard to understand, jesus.
Crom Hellsgream
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319959]@confused[/url]: You're not alone. Like I don't mind making jokes about games I don't play/know about, but having little notes on the bottom of the page would be most appreciated. :)
over 11 years ago
Telling people they should play a game just so they'll get the jokes about it, like some people have been doing, is quite rude, I think. As for the joke itself: I'm fine with jokes about games I don't know, but the comic isn't as funny to me if I don't get it.
over 11 years ago
I enjoy the dota 2 comics, tf2 comics, fan service ;), variety non the less.
But some people come here to have a good laugh and their daily quota can be sometimes not achieved cause they don't understand the game or the mechanics. Cant think of a way to make it fair for everyone.
over 11 years ago
I don't get it.
over 11 years ago
You all come here literally every time Jo makes a Dota 2 comic, and complain about it. Criticism is fine, but really, why do you still read the comic? Surely you've realized by now that Dota 2 comics are here to stay?
over 11 years ago
whyd i think this was a skulls of the shogun strip from the 2nd panel?
over 11 years ago
once you start to dictate what an artist should do rather than what he wants to do, well your going to end up with a halfassed comic. just look what happens to DC/marvel comics when their company decides to force a writer to do something he didnt plan.
so either shut up or leave if you dislike it.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319931]@Zera[/url]: I'm pretty sure we'd still find something to complain about. People just need to relax and remember they can't all be gems.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319931]@Zera[/url] because the people's interest is not Jo's concern? the comic with skeleton king just goes to show, Jo does not try to please or satisfy the readers, or at least follow requests. he draws what he wants to draw, and people who like his drawings go here.
over 11 years ago
and everything else on the other? no more wars and no comment-deleting work for you
over 11 years ago
@Jo i do not like the MOBA genre (every one) and i do not understand the comics until i read the comments section. Since there is a war between DOTA and other games supporters (and Jo you must admit you are almost writing only DOTA related comics) why not make 2 different sections with DOTA on one
over 11 years ago
Change the post button to "Properly written thesis regarding the subject"
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319889]@Bindal[/url]: He deletes those comments that he believes are too serious to be troll-ish.
over 11 years ago
If you'd had a magic missile bouncing off sven this would have been much easier to understand for non-DotA players.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319778]@Nerfnow[/url]: > I delete a bunch of comments so much for "Troll NOW!!" why call it that if you can't handle the trolling at all.
over 11 years ago
But even so, the fact that green didn't see yellow coming does sort of put a hole in the latter interpretation: even a shitty fighter can gank a more powerful yet squishy mage if the mage doesn't see it coming. That's just how mages work.
over 11 years ago
But of course the fact that yellow is coming up behind green supports the alternative interpretation of "green's elitism is unjustified since he's about to get crushed by a sword", and more importantly the writeup is about whether green guy is any good.
over 11 years ago
Now at first I thought the joke was "green mage guy summoned yellow guy with sword", thus making his "magic is better" elitism hypocritical. The yellow aura seemed to say "this is a summoned creature" rather than "this is immune to magic"
over 11 years ago
So he's basically the Veigar of Dota 2?
over 11 years ago
Oh, I remember spectating that game yesterday.
over 11 years ago
Personally, I had to check the comments before I figured out this was a DotA comic. Doesn't bother me that I don't get the joke. I do think it'd be nice to have a label somewhere listing the game reference, though. Perhaps similar to how Awkward Zombie does it?
over 11 years ago
It's more of a dota hatred rather than not understanding the comic. If they simply don't understand they will just ask what the comic is all about and be done with it. You'll think of anything bad if you hate something.
over 11 years ago
I enjoy your Dota comics. Truth be told, I enjoy them the best. Sometimes you make comics of games I have yet to play / have no interest in. I get over it. You make me laugh with your Dota comics. You make me laugh when you don't do them as well. Do whatever.
Bill's Beard Talking Here
over 11 years ago
Also, just ignore the goddamn comments involving butthurt people not wanting to read dota2 comics, simple solution is to try and not give a fuck. By the end of the day, you'll eventually forget all about it.
Sure I could try to start an argument with them, but sadly, I just don't give a shit.
Bill's Beard Talking Here
over 11 years ago
Sven with Deadalus,BKB,Mask of Madness plus his ult will just fucking destroy your entire team completely. :( Poor Pugna never stood a chance.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319812]@Wickman[/url]: Expect they do but people tend to just see it is Dota and not care. If you actually read or looked at it, it be pretty damn clear. The majority of the Dota comics are easy to grasp with no game knowledge. But people tend to go "DOTA NAH SUCKS DON'T GET IT"
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319796]@anon[/url]: Thank you for proving my point.
over 11 years ago
I dont get tf2 jokes too but I dont whine about them. I just wait for Jo to make dota comics and enjoy! Jo making dota comics made me a fan of nerfnow.
over 11 years ago
Poor Pugna, you can never stop Beast-Mode Sven with BKB !

This kinda reminds me of all my pugna games , you start doing damage with your skills early as enemy is weak early game ...but through the mid game to late , well this scene happens a lot.
over 11 years ago
Every single dota comic makes no sense to people who don't play dota. The comments for every dota comic should be enough indication of that.
over 11 years ago
This is super obvious, cocky green guy thinks his magic is better than a blade, super buff blade guy is about to destroy his ass, what's not to get?
over 11 years ago
You can trade for a dota2 invite for 1 scrap in tf2, sometimes even for just a weapon. Hell you could just have a F2P account in tf2 and ask for one, I'm sure somebody will throw a few dozen at you to free up some inventory space.
over 11 years ago
I suspect Jo is in a similar boat as me, given the number of pro team jokes.
over 11 years ago
But MOBAs err on the side of pleasure via mastery of the system. And those that have that mastery leveraged against them tend to have a bad time, regardless of what the players say amongst themselves. I don't play as much, but one can enjoy watching the tourney scene once you know enough.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319792]@Zero[/url] Then find a group to in-house with or mute everyone, you thin-skinned weakling. Every game has its assholes. It is part of online gaming. I could understand if the mechanics just weren't for you. TF2's ability to make any scrub feel good once in a while with crits is a design casuals prefer.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319790]@BadassFreeman[/url]: I knew everything I needed to know about TF2 long before I played it. You only need to look at the characters to know what they do. Lanky guy with a knife and mask? Must be a sneaky backstabber. Huge guy with minigun? Looks tough. You don't even need to know their names.
over 11 years ago
I don't know why I read comments.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319784]@Zero[/url]: Then play the game. He also does comics about TF2 (or he used to), and not everyone plays TF2 as well. Because you don't get it, this sucks? Come on, don't be like that.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319782]@anon[/url]: Free, yes. But only the truly masochistic willingly subject themselves to MOBA players. Most people don't survive the first dozen matches before they run screaming from the venomous, shrieking hordes.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319778]@Nerfnow[/url]: And by doing so you are ignoring the problem. Don't go all Anita Sarkeesian on your readers. Dota 2 comics don't make sense to non-Dota players, because your punchlines involve mechanics that they don't know anything about. Unless you WANT this to be some sort of exclusive Dota club.
over 11 years ago
"Stop enjoying what I don't understand." Sure it sucks being out on the joke, but seriously, the game is practically free with all the invites floating about. At some point you are just being willfully ignorant.
over 11 years ago
no tits and the comic is about dota so this is the worst comic of the month by far
over 11 years ago
Jo personally coming down to delete comments en masse? Ooh, looks like the fall of Nerfnow (at least the comments section) is very nigh. Will this be the start of a civil war or will the warring factions reconcile in time? I've been watching this train wreck unfold for the past dozen or two comics.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319763]@Zero[/url]: I delete a bunch of comments, mostly on the line of "dota 2 sucks, draw something else".
over 11 years ago
today I played pugna vs skywrath AND enigme. my ward alone win the game for us
over 11 years ago
pugna is indeed a blast to play, especially if there's a skywrath around. fun to see him go oom just casting his ulti.
Jo, just in case you may not know, netherblast maxed first, then max ward before decrepify.
over 11 years ago
It would be nice if you actually told me WHY you've decided to pick a fight with me, Jo. Last I checked, criticism was a completely valid use of the comments section.
over 11 years ago
the fact that Zero's comment got deleted says a lot...

anyway got to agree that you'd have to play the game or watch some games to know bkb, so I understand if lots og guys cant get it.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319739]@Zero[/url]: Knight is glowing yellow - guess that means he cant nuke him. Hard to see? [url=#user_comment_319740] @BadassFreeman[/url]: not everyone knows what BKB is
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_319739]@Zero[/url]: He doesn't nuke Sven because he's using BKB, obviously. Is really that hard to see?
over 11 years ago
But, Sven doesn't have Mask of Madness up, also Pugna can always decryp himself and stand there laughing at Sven (sure the storm bolt will hurt, but not as bad as them swords by then)
N'wah With Attitude
over 11 years ago
Who needs Skyrim when you can play Morrowind.
over 11 years ago
See, this is why I play Warrior. Sure you mages can cast horrible spells of death and destruction and you archers can put out an eye at 200 yards, but when you run out of ammo or mana or hit someone immune, guess who's still swinging? :3
over 11 years ago
Ah, hes using BKB
over 11 years ago
Wait, I remembered his undead so redeath in 3..2..
over 11 years ago
Death in 3..2..
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Who needs Oblivion when you can play Skyrim?
over 11 years ago
Deal with it.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Got 2nd
a dude
over 11 years ago