What people are saying about "The Joke"
The Joke
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
And this is why I think people should grow some skin before being allowed into the Web.
That said, posting sh*t like that when the exact thing you mention in your posts happens so often and hurts that much when happens, is clearly the case of doing it wrong.
Mr Obvious
over 11 years ago
Those were very clearly jokes.
If every personal joke on the internet was treated as a real declaration of threat there wouldn't be enough resources in the world to properly deal with all the cases.
There's this thing called common sense. Logical response. Practical course of action.
Mr. Al
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Al And so what if many courts and systems are jokes? You elected(or elected the people who elected)the people in charge of this situation. Blame yourselves. You can only accuse everyone (including yourself) or no one. otherwise, shut up and listen to what the ppl of the law will decide.
Mr. Al
over 11 years ago
@Mr. AL It's when it escalates to to the levels of a deathsentence for not liking oranges that thigns get out of hand. the bloke hasn't been given a verdict yet. and that's what courts are about. to decide wether a person should get a second chance or not.
Mr. Al
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Al and all of you talking about "police states"? Open your eyes all nations, states, countries and lands throughout the ages have been more or less "policed", either by others or themselves. The only difference is what it is they police. joking about murdering children? go ahead, lock him up.
over 11 years ago
Up Up
Down Down
Left Right
Nine eleven
National security
Left Right

That's the AMERICA cheat code.Use it and you can get the sheeps to accept anything, disregarding morals, common sense or justice.

Magic words that drop their collective IQ to that of a jelly bean

Mr. Al
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Al blaming the "freedom of speech" doesn't apply to most cases of verbal threats of terrorism to either nation, society, religion or ethnical group. this Guy got a choice. either he learns his lesson and stops talking shit on the net or irl, or he gets 8 yrs of prison. either way is fine by me.
Mr. Al
over 11 years ago
I really don't care about the americans. anything that hurts the american (steroid)masculinity is fine by me.
8 years might be overkill, but people need to learn that that spouting shit on the web isn't lesser than doing it irl.
over 11 years ago
fck this shitty comic which isnt about tf2, so bad and unfunny OMG!!!!1111
over 11 years ago
Oh hey, you beat Penny Arcade to the punch by nearly a week.
True Story
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318792]@RomanceZeroBlitzshit[/url]: Except using the comment you just made, if you have a relative arbitrarily crossing state lines with a gun, you can be indefinitely detained without trial due to the Patriot Act for Conspiracy to Commit Murder.
over 11 years ago
Y'know what they say, everything's bgger in Texas. Including the butthurt.
over 11 years ago
Wtf is this bs how 8 years for a joke????
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318826]@Zero[/url]: How do you distinguish "improbable" threat and serious one? They found no weapons in the kids house, wasn't his threat just as silly as Reds? You are applying double standards suddenly, using stupid logic ("If you had 200 nukes lying around, you wouldn't be posting on a damn comic strip")
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
What the hell?

Oh well, lotsa Dota player started to throw their shit at LoL. Nice change for a while here....
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318945]@Kvothe[/url]: You are a moron if you think that the first amendment, or any amendment for that matter, is strictly as it is written. The second amendment guarantees the right to guns (so that a militia can be equal to the army) but we tend to avoid giving real guns to children or psychos. Good reasons to
over 11 years ago
If someone expects to say "I am going to shoot up a school" and not get arrested... well... yea
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318826]@Zero[/url]: Good to know we've won this arugment then.
over 11 years ago
then he uses the rage he built up in jail to shoot up a school, :)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318826]@Zero[/url]: Then that's different,but he's allowed to say whatever he wants. Look at neonazi, theyre allowed to say whatever they want even though they want to kill jews.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Nazism#United_States read the 2nd paragraph.the 1st amend GUARANTEES them the right to their speech
Seems Legit
over 11 years ago
LOL random joke = 8 years jail ?
DOTA 2 random joke = Mute

Everyone, lets migrate to dota. Seriously, this is really stupid. We got millions of reports in dota 2, and sentence is MUTE. If everyone is having the mindset like the parents or Zxro, 3 million people from Dota 2 will be jailed.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318826]@Zero[/url] /hypocrisy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318792]@RomanceZeroBlitzshit[/url]: I'm not even going to get into how demonstrably stupid this is. Continuing to destroy every immature comment like this with basic logic is clearly not enough to convince you brainless neanderthals. I'm done here, you apparently would prefer to remain ignorant and childish.
over 11 years ago
actully, i believe the post was made on LoL, and not facebook
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318807]@Red[/url]: If you had 200 nukes lying around, you wouldn't be posting on a damn comic strip. I'm getting sick of blowing gargantuan holes in every childish, schoolyard argument you make.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318764]@Zero[/url] What if I said I had two hundred Russian nukes just lying around waiting to create nuclear winter? That's not impossible, just improbable. Want to jail me now? What the kid wrote was obviously somewhere between a gallows joke and dark humour. Since you seem curious, I'm 24 years old.
over 11 years ago
No seriously please jump in front of a train so I dont have to read your mindnumbing bullshit again.
over 11 years ago
Let me see how much jailtime I can get for cursing someone?
Zero & Romanceblitz:
You and your whole bloodline shall die out as fast as possible.
Oh my god! A curse-crime! Call the inquisiton!
over 11 years ago
crime, do it infront of a policeman and say what he did, he would get his stupid fat ass arrested for it! Makes no difference how much time passes, last time I checked Most statue of limitations for crimes last 2-3 years Minimum, and ones normally involving human life have no limit.
over 11 years ago
to every parent in the world who reads it, consumed in fear that it might be one of their kid(s) who is the victim of his stupidity? Especially if had gone through with it. Also whether or not he does it is irrelevant... You go to say your going to kill someone even though your not going to, is a
over 11 years ago
Eh... Terrorism isnt just threatening people to make them do something out of fear.. It is also Threatening people in which causes fear. In which saying he is going to go murder a bunch of kids and do what he said would Qualify. Could you imagine how much fear and panic his statement would cause...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318761]@Red[/url]: I also won't take anything you say seriously because you are clearly a nine-year-old.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318761]@Red[/url]: I don't take your threats seriously because they are physically impossible.
over 11 years ago
Now... if you don't mind I'm going to go build a megagogoloton nuke out of old cardboard boxes and electrical tape.

Nuking the Milky Way, brb.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318737]@Zero[/url] What I don't get is why you don't shout for me to be sent to lifetime prison for threatening to bomb America with nukes composed from tinfoil and cereal stickers. After all, my "threat" was a lot more severe wasn't it? He joked about killing school children, I turning USA into a wasteland.
Person #117
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318607]@Marc[/url]: Actually, you could go to jail for making jokes about royality a century ago, and laws like that one existed pretty much as long as there were laws at all (insulting a police officer anyone?). It's nothing new. People are just going nuts about "terrorism" right now (Good for the terrorists).
over 11 years ago
and thats why I dont have facebook
over 11 years ago
@Mori Summer: You see that bar on the right side of your browser? I want you to click it and drag downwards. You should see a post where I address the 8 years thing. Don't worry, it's not hard to find, I'm the only one here who calls himself Zero.
Mori Summer
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318664]@Zero[/url]: Nobody said he shouldn't be punished at all. You're crazy if you think 8 years is a reasonable sentence.
over 11 years ago
Freedom of speech until it rustles some jimmies.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318636]@Kvothe[/url]: And what if he had done it? If the police hadn't arrested him, they would be taking heat for doing nothing. It's the cops' JOB to act on these things. The kid cried wolf in a big way, and he's going to get punishment for it. There are some things you just DON'T SAY for everyones safety.
over 11 years ago
Apparently these gov officials don't know what terrorism is. Terrorism is when you kill/harm/threaten people to make people do something out of fear. Otherwise its just murder. I haven't seen the whole quote though so maybe he said it in a threatening manner.
over 11 years ago
Im Australian and I know the American First Amendment is not infaliable. That kind of speech should get people in trouble and not be joked about either.... But 8yrs for the first offense seems a bit harsh, Maybe 1yr would be sufficient, possible in a suspended sentence? And hope he learns from it.
over 11 years ago
And if he gets convicted, it's a SERIOUS blow to the 1st amendment, it's saying "Don't say ANYTHING questionable, or you can get jail time for it." Orwellian much lately U.S. Gov? Also, they arrested him A MONTH LATER, if he was planning anything and said that, he probably would have done it by then
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318600]@Zero[/url]: That's stupid, freedom of speech, he's allowed to say whatever he wants unless it would directly cause harm to others (like shouting "FIRE" in a movie theater). What he said might have been a distasteful joke, but so was the thing which prompted it (the messed up in the head insult).
Poncturated bystander
over 11 years ago
Gotta admit 3 month is a long time. He probably had his lesson by now.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318600]@Zero[/url]: Well I don't think he should be held for weeks without a trial either, but that's a different matter.
over 11 years ago
The guy was being stupid, that is not a cause for jail time. If it was about 90% of America would be in jail right now.
over 11 years ago
Times are changing. No one would go the prison for that ten years ago. Probably just a punch or be scolded.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318600]@Zero[/url]: 3 months in jail is pushing it. The kid said something stupid, the cops checked it out and found no weapons. He should be in counseling. With this sort of treatment, he'll be even more likely to act on something like that.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318599]@IBlameTheLiberals[/url]: I don't think you understand the concept of "maximum sentence." Of course the kid isn't going to jail for 8 years, that's ridiculous. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve punishment.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318529]@Zero[/url]: I hope you aren't implying someone should go to prison for 8 years over an "edgy" joke.
over 11 years ago
That's what you get for playing LoL.
over 11 years ago
The fool.
over 11 years ago
People people, please, all we need here is a comment explaining what the comic is based off of, for those who do not keep up with news, not an argument over wether or not it is an argeeable punishment, people can make that conclsion for them selves. in other words, leave it at the joke
over 11 years ago
And such is one of the many reasons I avoid facebook (or as I call it... ASS-book)
Mega Milk
over 11 years ago
Dude shouldn't have said that shit. I'd get in trouble if I threatened to shoot the president, whether I meant it or not. Besides, with the rash of school shootings and other mass murders over this decade, it was a particularly sore subject.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318535]@Irbis[/url]: What he did was not similar to shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Shouting "Fire!" is not a threat; it creates an immediate and real danger of people being hurt in the resulting panic. That's why it gets held up as an example of what's not protected by free speech.
Just Saying
over 11 years ago
I think the thing to question here is exactly what the comic points at rather than whether or not he should be in jail, the severity of the punishment. while I admit I haven't done a lot of research on the matter I do hope that most crimes land you more jail time then "threats" of crimes do.
Law and order
over 11 years ago
Well...Thats the law XD
In S.Korea... raping elementary school girl = 3 years, Translating erotic comic = 5 years.
over 11 years ago
A sentence that ends with "eating hearts" shouldn't really be taken seriously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0MAGAUcIoHg#t=125s

Lest we start banning hilarious videos like that, because it promotes heart eating. Aren't we becoming a little puritan?
over 11 years ago
What frakking freedom of speech? If you shout 'fire' in crowded cinema, you WILL go to jail, even your lawyer will slap you silly if you try to say anything about 'freedom of speech' or jokes then. What that guy did was similar, cry me a river internet idiot learned criminal words have consequences.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318528]@Mac[/url]: People have been raping and pillaging since time immemorial, too. So I guess that magically makes it okay?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318516]@Zero[/url] Not sure if serious, or trollish, or incredibly naive and/or underage. People have been making fun of things far worse than school shootings since time immemorial.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318514]@Red[/url] I disagree, people make jokes about serious topics because such jokes are funny. The number of people who turn to jokes as a coping mechanism are quite low.
over 11 years ago
In other news, when was the last time Jo posted a completely non game related comic?

Does this signal the comic's turn from video game politics comic into social commentary comic?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318514]@Red[/url]: Don't give me that line of crap that this kid is joking about it because it's a coping mechanism. That's bull and you know it. He's saying these things because he thinks being on the internet makes him impervious, and now everyone is acting shocked because someone finally gets in trouble.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318512]@Zero[/url] Someone should lock you up for paranoia and hysteria. Besides, a lot of people joke about serious matters to better deal with it psychologically. It is a coping mechanism.
over 11 years ago
My brother is a drug addict who beat his girlfriend and committed breaking and entering on a regular basis. His criminal activity was such a volume it actually managed to get him onto the terrorist watch list. He forged checks to steal my life savings and threatened to murder me. He walked.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318474]@LOL[/url] JK!: Who would joke about opening fire on a school full of children AT ALL? Better yet, who would laugh at it? When the fuck did humanity become so warped that murder and cannibalism of children is considered funny? Screw jail, him and everyone like him should be committed to the asylum.
over 11 years ago
I don't get Americans. I make far worse jokes on a weekly basis. I guess many Americans really don't get sarcasm.

PS. I'm going to bomb all major American cities with a nuclear warheads I've made entirely out of tinfoil and cereal stickers.


over 11 years ago
But.... but TERRORISTS!!! Who would joke about opening fire inside a school if they didn't have real intention to do it?
over 11 years ago
How will you deal with "people.world" ?
] Delete
[x] Quarantine
] Ignore once
] Brain check (+optional brain check online)
] Add to "safe people.world" exceptions
over 11 years ago
I'm hoping this is just a long roundabout way of scaring the punk. Being 18 and acting that way is ridiculous.

Though it's hard to distinguish what is a "threat" and what's just someone being an immature dickhead.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318495]@Zero[/url]: i think the joke is that a potential threat can be punished with a more severe court ruling than actual crimes. not necessarily that threats should be ignored
over 11 years ago
He didn't threaten anyone. He made a joke about eating the heart of people after going crazy (he wasn't even aware of the shooting) and followed that comment by "lol" and "jk" which is sort of indictive that he wasn't serious. Not that he should have posted that publicly.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318495]@Zero[/url]: I don't think you actually realize what this is. Its a satire of the insanity of the incident. Also eight years for a "terrorist threat" when people have said MUCH worse over the net is unrealistic. I'd get seven years for assault of a bus driver.
over 11 years ago
I wonder why the bail is set so high. And what evidence persuaded a grand jury to indict him. There may be more to this than has been reported.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318492]@DrMadness[/url]: The strip speaks volumes about Jo's stance on the issue. He clearly thinks that making death threats like that is no big deal, and that the accused being taken seriously is "a joke". Stop being a little brat.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318488]@Zero[/url] Of course only a retard like you would think he's defending anyone.
over 11 years ago
Why would he be defending anything? He's made no comment on the story itself whatsoever.
over 11 years ago
Jo, I sincerely hope you're not defending someone who threatened the kill a school full of little kids...If you are, then I only regret that I cannot boycott a free comic. If I were you, I'd take this thing down and apologize before it ruins you.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318442]@RyokoSimon[/url]: housewife is plays it?
over 11 years ago
I hope he's in minimum security or something.
If they put him in much higher than that he's going to be an actual criminal when he comes out.
over 11 years ago
Young = hormones, lack of life experience, testing the limits. 8 years = sick fucks taking his best years because of 'bad words'.

Furthermore... If people start doing that to other people just because of 'bad words' we're going to have to censor the web, the world, the mind.

over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318423]@Unasked[/url] Both of you comparing a criminal to a slave is idiotic. No slave asked to be imprisoned, no slave broke any laws other than being born different, and no slave had any access to medical facility if they got sick, they were just easily "replaced".
over 11 years ago
why the fuck didt'n u make a tf2 comic!?!?!?!?
over 11 years ago
Prison privatization, ladies and gentlemen! And it will only ever keep getting worse and worse forever.
over 11 years ago
still no Minette qq
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318407]@Xenith[/url]: you ever heard about "Presumption of innocence"? Get educated, kid.
over 11 years ago
Dem casuals in gaming community. LoL is so easy and accessible pay 2 win, even retarded 50 yo housewife's plays it.
Fucking Riot.
All MOBA suck
over 11 years ago
This proves my statement. ALL MOBA suck.
What The Fuck
over 11 years ago
Video game trash talk. Now a jailable offense apparently. Fuck my life, I am going to get the death sentence.
over 11 years ago
Me at first: Oh what this is bullshit
Me after finding he played LoL:He deserved it the fool
over 11 years ago
Out of interest, could behaviour like this be considered government terrorism? It's obviously an attempt to scare innocent people into not being able to even make bad jokes without fear of arrest, which is far worse than the vague and unlikely threat of someone bombing your home town.
over 11 years ago
Well 8 years for doing nothing this is pretty much like writing a first person fiction crime book and getting arrested for it
over 11 years ago
""...I think that's the definition of slave labor."
As long as you ignore the cost of detaining the prisoners, sure."
Keeping slaves costs money for food etc. Can you just ignore the fact that it's slavery because you have to pay for them?
Internet hate machine
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318185]@Zed[/url]: You need to die of cancer. Really. As fast as you can. Go drink some carcinogen.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318407]@Xenith[/url]: This post wasn't being taken seriously. It's a single instance of a joke, and expressed as such. That doesn't warrant a stern talking to by the police, much less jail time. It's being used as a scare to keep people complacent.
over 11 years ago
You folks need to remember before railing on this kid to hard. Is he a dick? Yes. Jerk? Yes.

However, a lot of folks when mad, drunk, having a bad day make sour comments. They have zero intention of doing anything else. What about when your beliefs become the crime?
over 11 years ago
As far as those who are saying "it was an internet post, and a joke at that" look into the Chardon High School shootings. The shooter made statements on Twitter that were ignored/not taken seriously.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318347]@Sanguifer[/url]: Hence why I have never identified with any pacifist. It's funny how some people's behavior is totally opposed to their professed ideals.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318364]@Scejthe[/url]: except that he said "lol" and "jk" both meaning that he was joking
over 11 years ago
Should be taken seriously*
over 11 years ago
While his comment was in very bad taste and did warrant a look into by authorities what has happened to him is just appalling, yes threats like this should be but what has happened is so overboard it is cruel.
over 11 years ago
moral of the story: never let people find you when you post comments on the internet, or dont post comments at all
Benny Tops
over 11 years ago
This will follow him for the rest of his life. People just need to understand that you are accountable for what you say, regardless of the medium of communication.

Sometimes, an example needs to be made.

See you at the bottom, from the Tops.
Benny Tops
over 11 years ago
A moron being held accountable for what he said on the internet?

I can see why this frightens many people.

Honestly, he will get off. But I certainly do agree with making him an example by putting this on parade.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318347]@Sanguifer[/url] A pacifist wouldn't even joke about violent events. And words can be as violent and have consequences just like physical violence. Ever heard of emotional distress? Also the lack of TONE in text will never give away whether one is joking or sincere.
over 11 years ago
dude read. he's not going to prison, that 8 years was only IF he was proven to be guilty/plausible to do it.
over 11 years ago
Christ for Lord Voldemort Sake you are really supporting jailing a guy for having a sense of humor you dont agree with?

This is the very definition of Thoughtcrime or PreCrime. I would be ok with taking the guy to a psychological/background check, but prison really! being a moron is not a crime!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318358]@Aerion[/url]: news flash: In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, as with libel, slander, obscenity, sedition (including, for example inciting ethnic hatred), copyright violation, revelation of information that is ...
over 11 years ago
"USA benefits from prisoners actually, since they're forced to make things like appliances and military equipment, and I don't think they're being paid.

I think that's the definition of slave labor."
As long as you ignore the cost of detaining the prisoners, sure.
over 11 years ago
This is the kind of stuff where I feel we can truly see whether freedom of speech is supported, or if people have to watch what they say.
Freedom of speech WILL cause trouble, and fear, and hurt; it's why we have to have a specific law on it.
Otherwise it'd just be a matter of freedom in general.
over 11 years ago
There is a very simple solution to such draconic sentences: DON'T make bomb threats - "funny prank" calls have to be taken seriously (airports closed and searched by bomb squad, emergency services have to respond to your call, etc) and abusing that obviously needs to punished.
over 11 years ago
I'd love to know how “Oh yeah, I’m real messed up in the head, I’m going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,” is funny. Comedy is one thing. Casually threatening a mass shooting is another.
over 11 years ago
Really? People support that idiot? He threatened to shoot up a school, knowing that shit like that is taken VERY seriously these days.

Frankly I hope he gets raped in prison, because a retard like that wont learn unless seriously bad shit happens to him.
over 11 years ago
"Who jokes about killing school children, anyway?"

I do. I joke about killing children. I also joke about rape, the holocaust, I joke about suicide, I joke about terrorism. And I'm a pacifist, never been violent in my whole life, not even in self defense. Go figure.
over 11 years ago
Well guys, here's your LoL comic.
A random Nerfnow reader
over 11 years ago
(cont) on a daily basis on the Internet. Also considering the insane amount of vulgarity, profanity and shock humor I'd be amazed if comedy doesn't become illegal in the US of A. Not to mention 3/4 of e-celebs should be considered terrorists now.
A random Nerfnow reader
over 11 years ago
So why do people give a private company their personal information and post everything about their lives to them and the world(Facebook)? I mean yeah, the guy's comment was stupid and could be considered offensive, but we all know this is absolutely pathetic stuff compared to what's written (cont)
over 11 years ago
Wat? Politics, y u hiding here? This is for jokes! Go away.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Well, In korea, we have smilliar joke.

5 years for raping 10-year-old girl.

5 years for translating manga.
Andrew Hall
over 11 years ago
The Constitution won't be restored until the Bilderberg Group is ejected from power. And the Bilderberg Group won't be ejected from power until the country wakes up to the fact that they, not Muslims, were behind 9/11.
Andrew Hall
over 11 years ago
Well, that's what happens when a U.S. President bombs his own country, then hands Israeli security companies several billion dollars a year to promote our "security".
over 11 years ago
You appear to be shocked even though this sort of thing is not even new anymore, and don't you think it happens only in America either.

One of my lesser reasons for not being on facebook.
over 11 years ago
its all fun and games til someone knows who you are.
over 11 years ago
@Nando Rock: Of course not--the winners claim they were patriotic revolutionaries! Consider the British perspective on the events of 1776, after all..
over 11 years ago
a "joke" about raping my older sister.

just stop being an asshole. and you guys wonder why the world is becoming more shit...
over 11 years ago
people ought to read more properly.
he's only going to get those 8 years "IF" it can be proven he might do it. as for those months, its as said how long a case will be taken to the court as they have a lot of other cases too you know.

id rather have the mute from dota 2 than have some guy saying
Bill's Beard Talking Here
over 11 years ago
Montague Lubbing.
over 11 years ago
To be fair, it was really moronic of him to make that joke. You don't shout "fire" in a crowded theater, and you don't threaten to shoot up a school. Period. Yes, they overreacted, but it was his mistake to joke about it at all.
over 11 years ago
Land of the free
over 11 years ago
'Murica : '' Let sell guns and make corporations and despicable people filthy rich from killings...but a kid made a distasteful joke on Facebook ? He must be planning something ''

I am , in no way find that comment acceptable but putting someone in jail just for a comment is borderline paranoia
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318289]@balderdash[/url]: o/
over 11 years ago
hiya, jo, long time reader, first time poster.
over 11 years ago
this is far too relatable. I was arrested in middle school on charges of terroristic threats. What did I do? I made my hands in the shape of a gun while talking about hunting to a classmate. Another student saw it, told her parents and I got arrested. I was tried as a minor so I didn't do any jail.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318236]@Irbis[/url]: dont know mcveight, but i think breivik didn't directly announce his plans on the net.
Nando Rock
over 11 years ago
@Robert Montrose: Nobody in History say the winners is a villain, a terrorist.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318163]@JunWasHere[/url] you don't use much the internet do you?
over 11 years ago
When I read news like this, I am thinking that our ridiculous Ukraine's laws aren't so bad. At least we still can said whatever we want in the Internet.
over 11 years ago
no tits :(
Robert Montrose
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318209]@2033[/url] The real terrorists don't hate us for our freedoms. They hate us for imposing our will and our interests on the Middle East. Which makes giving up the freedoms to be secure against our own roosting chickens all the more shameful. This is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause.
Robert Montrose
over 11 years ago
While people are out of work at home and kids are starving abroad, we decide to use state resources to prosecute a child for idle ramblings. Disgraceful. You want threats? How about this: the prosecutor will be among those first against the wall when the revolution comes.
over 11 years ago
is it bad that i would rather be in an asylum ANYWHERE right now then in the US?
over 11 years ago
Oh man
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318237]@Talfos[/url] Here we go again http://i.imgur.com/gAhc2ox.jpg
over 11 years ago
And that's why Dota 2 is superior.
over 11 years ago
He should not get jail, but suspended sentence would be ok. Seriously, to all people outraged by "internet vigilantes", you know a lot of REAL terrorists do announce their deviations on the net? Breivik, McVeight, and a lot of others - hundreds of people alive if "vigilante" alarmed police on them.
over 11 years ago
USA benefits from prisoners actually, since they're forced to make things like appliances and military equipment, and I don't think they're being paid.

I think that's the definition of slave labor.
over 11 years ago
No, America, you are the joke. And then America was the joke.
over 11 years ago
Especially if he was at university at the time - that's a semester gone and, depending on how courses are structured, possibly the whole year.
over 11 years ago
I can see the point... if the kid had been serious and they'd let it go, there'd be even more to pay. On the other hand, he's been in for nearly half a year now and there's apparently no credible evidence it was more than trash-talking... he's probably already been punished enough.
over 11 years ago
Erm, even if i dont live on Usa, where the fuck is the freedom of speech?
over 11 years ago
Moral of the story?

Dont use Facebook.

Dont be stupid.

And dont live in Murica.
Dead bodies everywhere
over 11 years ago
I wondering about death metal groups, who sings they're not just WILL kill kids and eat their hearts, but DOING IT EVERY DAY ALL THE DAY. They're guilty too?
over 11 years ago
That the kid has been locked up for five months at this point seems beyond reasonable punishment for an admittedly stupid comment taken entirely out of context by the authorities. That he is facing the possibility of becoming a convicted felon would be potentially enough to wreck his future.
over 11 years ago
Sorry I'm a bit late. I'll see what I can... Texas? Damn. I'll just have the Ghost drop the kid a hint not to pick up the soap.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318213]@Musculus[/url]: You realize he's been in jail for over three months, and is on a suicide watch now, right? Even if he's declared innocent, that's however long of his life he doesn't get back, because someone decided to report a post on Facebook.
over 11 years ago
atleast it will be warning to those who joke about killing school kids.
over 11 years ago
Nah I'd be glad if you found me the data.
Now since you seem to know stuff about that, do you think the court of appeal, then the Supreme Court would find him guilty too?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318163]@JunWasHere[/url]: People on Internet joke about it.
over 11 years ago
the afghans terrorize americans because of their freedoms.
government proceeds to dismnantle said freedoms because of terrorists.
over 11 years ago
Eight years is just the maximum possible sentence dished out for anyone making terrorist threats, not him specifically. In the meantime, he gets caught in bureaucratic red tape whilst real criminal cases go ahead, and learns a harsh lesson in why you shouldn't make such retarded statements.
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318194]@Musculus[/url]: Sure, do you know the rate of convictions in that primitive state? I can bet my hat he would be found guilty.
Milton Waddams
over 11 years ago
I will burn the world down someday. Just kidding.
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
@In my times: I remember those times too, back when there were no police. It still was better.
over 11 years ago
Calm down you fatasses the kid hasn't been judged guilty yet
It's just one of those primitive states when you can arrest someone because he's "heavily suspicious". Plus a judge isn't a robot that do MAX CHARGES everytime, or that declares any accused guilty
In my times
over 11 years ago
I remember the days when the police had to prove the crime. Oh, wait, it's never happen.
over 11 years ago
Land of the free, right?
over 11 years ago
That's just goddamn stupid, people need to stop taking random comments on the internet so goddamn seriously as if they heard it from the guy at the next table or some shit.
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318182]@jimfromtx[/url]: (cont.), but they still wait. And you know why? Because they need that terror scare, they need successful bombings to keep it going and to be able to lock people in jail for 8 years for a single phrase.
over 11 years ago
The fact that some of you are even trying to rationalize it and make it seem OK is sickening. He's going to miss out on a large slice of his life for a joke he said online. Sadly I expect nothing else from this ruined world. If it's a joke it can be about anything, because ultimately, it's a joke.
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318182]@jimfromtx[/url]: The funny thing is, a number of real guys with bombs and guns are watched for years by police that does nothing but waits to catch them red-handed (and sometimes fails, like with Tsarnaevs). They know those people write lengthy speeches of hate, take training with terrorist organizations
over 11 years ago
Deserved it.
People need to learn to stop saying whatever the fuck they want just cause it's the internet.

Now all we need is all the 'you need to die of cancer' people to get arrested.
over 11 years ago
Woman feels threatened by possibly real threat (chance<0.1%). Guy arrested, 8 years of prison and f'cked up life.
That'll show those evil thinkers!
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
So what? And the guy who orders murder of thousands of people gets Peace Award, so what? You better don't start on that slippery slope, Jo.
over 11 years ago
But that kid *was* going to do it. He may have been kidding, but...I dunno.
over 11 years ago
Yeah...the thing is, and I'm playing the devil's advocate here, there was no way of telling by the facebook post if he could follow through with it. He may have said he was kidding, but you never know...I seem to remember a similar situation where 4chan turned in a kid that made a similar statement
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_318163]@JunWasHere[/url]: Tasteless idiots that like to talk big despite knowing that they can't back any of it up. (Police found no weapons during their search of his home) Which pretty much should have ended this story, no weapons along with no history of mental illness/criminal record should be case closed.
over 11 years ago
Yup the world is going to be more and more absurd.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Analysis of the comment:
I’m going to go shoot up a school [group of fish] full of kids [young goats] and eat their still, beating hearts [of the chocolate kind].
over 11 years ago
You suck, McBain!
over 11 years ago
Clearly he is innocent
he said "lol jk"
over 11 years ago

The kid lived in Texas. TEXAS.
over 11 years ago
I think people aren't really seeing it from the other side.

Another way to put it is:
"8 years for threatening to murder school children."

Sure, it may be a stretch, but that's how they're taking it - Who jokes about killing school children, anyway?
over 11 years ago
"After seeing the comments on Facebook, an unidentified Canadian woman looked up Carter’s personal information," Vigilantes. Nothing more to say.
over 11 years ago
seriously? oO'
over 11 years ago
yay! first to comment.....

damn i have nothing else to say.