What people are saying about "Tryharding"
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over 11 years ago
From my understanding, a 'tryhard" is someone who is attempting to help their team progress, but in their attempt are actually feeding the enemy team and inhibiting their team instead.
over 11 years ago
u dont understand what tryhard means, it means that: enemy team plays trilane and still loses the game = tryhard. Enemy team from random ppl picks heroes which can synenargize really great (enigma,es,tide...) and loses. People which are bad at basics and trying to play like pros are Tryhards.
Still not Important
over 11 years ago
Therefore, Tryhard is, atleast in those games, not even an insult, more like a compliment. If you're not a "Tryhard" in those games, you're either drunk or shouldn't be playing. Dota 2 is a competitive game for a reason. And ofc this spirit will keep on even in a simple public game.
Not important
over 11 years ago
I don't get it with this "Tryhard" stuff. If I'm actually playing online, competing against other players in a game, for example counter strike, or Dota, there is no reason not to give your best. These games are about competing against others, to play tactical, so you have to give your best to win
over 11 years ago
when somone calls you tryhard it just means your better
over 11 years ago
But if I stopped and tossed in a grenade, the teammates who were calling me a tryhard would run in after my grenade while enemies were scrambling to get under cover for it and kill 1 or 2 guys and then me from the ricochet damage. It got to the point where I couldn't use grenades or I would die.
over 11 years ago
I find it funny how tryhard gets used sometimes. In MW3 I've had guys(on my own team) call me a tryhard because I tried to get enemies out of areas where they were entrenched by objectives in domination. But I had no way to play otherwise. If I ran in guns blazing, I may kill one or two guys cont
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316494]@Aerion[/url]: By that logic, that means every winner is a horrible person?
over 11 years ago
Tryhardimg is when you show up for a charity run with sponsors. Or if you join a low rank pub game in dota 2 and you tri-lane and copy proplayers, but you are a noob so you fail and lose the game. Tryharding has nothing to do with winning.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316078]@Eliwood[/url]: ...Not quite. See, you can be a tryhard and have fun, but ruin the game for others. You might not care about the enjoyment of others, but it doesn't stop you being a horrible person.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_316360]@someone[/url]: Actually, it's called a 'casual' As in, 'All these casuals are ruining the gaming market!'
over 11 years ago
well the runner-up is a TRYSOFT!!! or was it a SoftTry or a HardTry???
over 11 years ago
If you don't have fun playing a game, you're doing it wrong. If you have fun being a tryhard, then good for you. I have more fun in an even match.
mordekaiser is numero 1 huehuehue
over 11 years ago
i always try hard
over 11 years ago
There most definitely is a try hard.
But it is not just winning.
It is shaving, running naked and ripping off your arms to be as smooth and weightless as possible, and then you win, but was it worth it?
That is tryhard.
over 11 years ago
I've never heard of "tryhard" before until now, but the way I look at it, it seems a lot like the typical "Everyone better than me is a nolife, everyone worse than me is a noob" that some people have in online games, if whatever you're trying worked, congratulations about it and done.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315603]@Kissamies[/url]: This, only it tends to be far more often than "sometimes". "Tryhard" is not an insult I would resort to losing myself. But it has to be said that if every player did everything they can to win, most games would become a hell of a lot less fun.
over 11 years ago
thank goodness this is the Internet, face to face, he would have peed his pants merely by thinking about talking to people
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315786]@Vulpis[/url]: Look at this passive aggressive pussy who call people childish in previous comics comments, but who doesn't have the balls to say what he wants to say straight.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315669]@JustAGuy[/url]: The term you're looking for is "Troll"
over 11 years ago
I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised at the stupidity, really--this is a subculture where the peoplle playing Defense in a military style game (you know, where you're supposed to entrench yourself and protect a position) get screamed at for being 'Campers'...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315290]@X[/url]: So if you're actually playing the game rather than being a slacker abotu it, you're a tryhard? That's even more stupid than I thought.
over 11 years ago
Got confused as I thought it was xbone girl
over 11 years ago
I am gonna take this, make it my TF2 spray, and put it down everywhere.
over 11 years ago
Triple lane or double mid = tryhard
Wisp in stack = tryhard
Blocking pull camps = tryhard
Dewarding with sentries = tryhard
Stacking ancients = tryhard
over 11 years ago
I don't play competitive games, so I'm totally out of my grounds here.
But complaining your oponnent was "trying too hard to win" sounds completely stupid.
Either you were serious and should have tried your hard, or you weren't serious, and thus, it didn't matter and shouldn't offend you.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315669]@JustAGuy[/url]: You're a tryhard. Nobody cares about you
over 11 years ago
The long haired girl is so cute!

And the obvious response to be called tryhard, whatever that it means in this context, is lesbian rape.
Show her girl!!
over 11 years ago
What does that make me?

My life is pretty good at that. I don't know why I go out and insult strangers.

Someone help me.
over 11 years ago
I like to insult people on nerfnow.com comments. The more people react, the more pleasure I get. The more shock value I can put into words, the better. I only use words because it's too easy with shock pictures - words get into people's hearts and gnaw the anger out. Pictures only shock.
over 11 years ago
When you play the game of games,you tryhard or you lose
For those who didn't get it
over 11 years ago
This is the multiplayer game code.
If U win, you're a try-hard.
If U lose, you're such a noob.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315631]@LordWolpertinger[/url]: Yeah, that really makes sense. Funny how things go around and get a different meaning.
over 11 years ago
I think the Tryhard started out with someone saying
"Try Hard mode, taht will be a good challenge for you"
and then it got warped to an insult
over 11 years ago
nerf now, educating you on game Lingo!
over 11 years ago
Sometimes the games have flaws. They may have exploits or OP tactics. Those force everyone use them or lose, or there might be a gentlemanly agreement between players not to use them. That wouldn't be "derping around", but a way to salvage an otherwise good game.
over 11 years ago
If she were a tryhard, then that girl saying "tryhard" would be somewhere at the half-point with a broken ankle.

Try-harding is when you go out of your way to give your enemies every possible disadvantage on top of doing your best to win.
Filipe Sá
over 11 years ago
Xboxone-Tan, é você?
over 11 years ago
@THE TRUE DEFINITION OF TRYHARD (SOURCE): You're trying to hard to impose your definition.
over 11 years ago
THE TRUE DEFINITION OF TRYHARD (Social/Real life aspect)
over 11 years ago
Of course, it's apparent that the social tryhard is fake. His behaviour is not coherent with how people perceive him, so he looks like a loser.

Trying to be cool when you're not cool, makes you even less cool.
THE TRUE DEFINITION OF TRYHARD (Social/Real life aspect)
over 11 years ago
A person who puts a large amount of effort into achieving a certain image, or counter-image, to the point where it is obviously contrived. Rather than achieving an image through genuine personality, the try-hard consciously attempts to fit a certain style through deliberate imitation, forced style.
over 11 years ago
there is a difference between trying and trying too hard.
over 11 years ago
It must be noted that it is not uncommon for individuals to falsely accuse others of being a try-hard in order to make themselves feel better for their own inability to fit in or poor performance. If confronted by such an individual evaluate the accuser as well as yourself and remember there is a d
over 11 years ago
ry-hard is an adjective used to describe an individual who:
1) will try very hard to be good at something or fit in and eventually fails.
2) in videogames (such as Call of Duty or Halo) tries so hard to be good they end up losing sight of just having fun.
The definition of Tryhard
over 11 years ago
Everything that helps the competition win.
over 11 years ago
For me(and i mean "when i say it"...), "Tryhard is someone/a team that put too much/exceed efforts on accomplishing some task or objective, to then brag about it sucess"

And it can be used by Tryharders too! =D
over 11 years ago
A "tryhard" is someone who "ruins the fun" because they want to win.

AKA, somebody who actually tries to play the game instead of derp around. So basically, "tryhard" is something low-skill players call high-skill players, so it really reflects more on the caller than the callee.
over 11 years ago
I didn't know there were so many definition for tryhard.
My view was someone that spoil fun in order to win.
over 11 years ago
Tryhards are players who take the game too seriously and refuse to accept defeat, preffering to blame others (or lag) for his failures. And are very self-rightous when are victorius. the term is also misused by other tryhards as another excuse for when they lose (Tryhard-ception)
over 11 years ago
@If I may interject goos sir ..... i missed the D key.....
If I may interject goos sir...
over 11 years ago
I think, from what i can put together, a tryhard is a player who taunts the opposing force with each succesful blow, accuses his own team, his internet provider, or calls hax when he is failing, and continues to insult others regardless of the situation.
Long Live Dilma
over 11 years ago
Its understandable when both teams are premade (you can check it at lolnexus [at least for lol]) and one is just playing around and the other is really going for the win.
over 11 years ago

Everyone at the "Add Photos Note"
over 11 years ago
its funny that even though the original meaning and usage is supposed to be when they fail, yet its often used more by the losing team.
just like GG. supposed to refer to "good game", yet it somehow ends up as "surrender/we give up" nowadays.
over 11 years ago
kinda simillar of what we get in french online games:

losers there call you "big fat geek anyway" when you win
over 11 years ago
If they succeed, the enemy call them Tryhards as a excuse, just as "you are lucky I have lag", saying that they would not win with a normal strategy.

PS: About Mobas: I do not consider stuff like BD, sticking together, etc, Tryhard. It should involve a completelly diferent strategy.
over 11 years ago
People are still debating what is Tryhard. My definition of it is:

A team, usually friends, use a strategy that isn't normal in their rank. Usually they are coping some Pro's strategies.

If they fail, the enemy call them Tryhards because they don't know what they are doing.
over 11 years ago
Wrong example. The picture depicted about xbone/steam-tan won the race thus won a prize. It is totally different compare to a pub dota game.
Dota pub is like neighbourhood soccer match, and do you see they play defensively and win by 1-0 like Chelsea in those game? No, because that is tryhard.
over 11 years ago
IMPORTANT: The black haired girl is NOT Steam-Tan. Most likely Xbone-Tan. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/612 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/617 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/618 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/624 http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/635 Steam tan has gray hair. [url=#user_comment_315493] @Arm[/url]: Not Steam-Tan
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315492]@Ghuh[/url]: tryharding: it means you're not naturally good at a game, so the only way you can win is by trying your hardest, apparently for some gamers, this qualifies as an insult
over 11 years ago
@[Nanoha_Pwns_You]: Chiri Kitsu from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei XD
At first glance I was like "This is not 180-tan..." then realized it's about Dota/Online multiplayer.
Since I usually don't play competitive I only know it from hearsay. That "tryhard"...
over 11 years ago
"Tryhard" only works in two situations. The first where a player ignores gentleman's codes to win the game, though no-one else wants to win. The second is when someone tries hard to win, fails, and vents abuse at the opponents/team. Ironically, you'll only hear the latter players use the word.
over 11 years ago
anyone notice that these to are Origin-tan and Steam-tan form previous comics or is that just me?
over 11 years ago
I never understood why is Tryhard used as an insult. It should be a compliment.
over 11 years ago
I don't get it.
over 11 years ago
There is no such thing as being try hard, tryhard is the definition of competitive games/activities. If you are playing a competitive multilayer game, you are expected to play to win. If you are not playing to win, then go back to your single player game.
over 11 years ago
Not really related, but it remembered how MW3 multiplayer was:
Sniper -> Hardscope
Knife -> Panic Knife
LMG -> Camping noob (yes, even when you're actually RUSHING)
Striker -> Noob who can't play with a pump shotgun
Pump-action -> Noob because pump shotties usually do 1-shot kill
and so on...
over 11 years ago
If i win, i'm a tryhard.
If i lose, i'm a noob.
This is the multiplayer game code.
over 11 years ago
tryhards don't do drugs
possibly yes
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315431]@Davtwan[/url]: That's where I am now. Personally I random most games, or pick unconventional heroes like wisp. In any case, why would someone that considers themselves better than a pubbie spend their time stomping them by playing super serious?
over 11 years ago
Thank you for this one, Jo~

@also yes: What about that instance where someone is better than pub players but worse than most of the pro players in competitive matches? What options does he have then?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315380]@yes[/url]: If you're in an online videogame to just fuck around and you get mad at someone else who are actually playing by the rules and the way you're supposed to play it, then you're obviously not playing to have fun anymore. You're just butthurt that someone else is better than you at the game.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315281]@Soanis[/url] you're in the internet. here any word is insult and any word is compliment
over 11 years ago
nice tits
also yes
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315352]@Zeph[/url]: You're perfectly within your rights to use a "strong strategy", but if you want everyone to play 100%, go play competitive. It's literally made for people who find pubs too casual and want to win at any cost.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315352]@Zeph[/url]: Whatever, you're arguing over the analogy. My point is that if using a "strong strategy" ruins the fun of a game to the point that nobody else does it and that people bag you for it, you're in the wrong game.
over 11 years ago
I don't play dota since my pc is not good enought, but in LoL there is tryharding. The game is not balanced.
In normal games, where people usually try new characters or play weaker but funnier ones, picking the OP/hardcounter is tryharding. If you want to play only to win you should just go ranked.
over 11 years ago
TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard TriHard Kappa
over 11 years ago
I have logged 284 hours on Dota 2 now and I have never heard of "tryhard"
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
*someone calls my team tryhard* Doesn't care, win the game.
over 11 years ago
I don't always play multi games, but when I do, I prefer to tryhard.
over 11 years ago
Colorbild-tan is cute o.o
over 11 years ago
examples of tryharding:
using a hero just because it counters the enemy, without even knowing how to use him!
going in a trilane and fail to make it work.
picking heroes used by pros, only cause pros were good with them.
buying tons of wards, then end up placing in wrong areas.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315333]@yes[/url]: that's just silly. Tripping someone over would go against the rules of the race. Going out of the norm of pubs isn't; its part of the game. Just because you use a strong strategy doesnt mean you're cheating; if the game allows it, it's fine.
over 11 years ago
Anything else, hell, i do my best and when i face a stronger opponent, i do more than my best. Win or lose, if the other guy was not a dick, i enjoy the game.
over 11 years ago
Tripping someone in a race would be cheating, not trying hard. If i want to goof around, i just watch tv or play something single player. If i ever try to play multiplayer while not wanting to win, it's because im playing with my friends only and im tired.
over 11 years ago
Black haired girl reminds me of an anime character with a homicidal tendency to make everything symmetric... except the latter one has bewbs...
over 11 years ago
actually the reason "tryharding" is considered a bad thing, is because noobs often do it. they attempt to imitate pro picks and plays, then end up failing for being unfamiliar with the hero.
trying to win is not bad, its trying to win to the point of going over your skill is tryharding.
over 11 years ago
If I had ten cents for every time my friends and I get called 'tryhards' just for trilaning...
over 11 years ago
Everything would be ok in your theory if ppl eouldn't consider you a dick for simply winning, be it because you got a stronger pick, outplayed them, your team was stronger, etc, etc
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315308]@Zeph[/url]: The difference is that it's a game, not a race. A more accurate analogy would be tripping the opponent in a race up the stairs. Sure, you'll usually win, but you're being a dick to the very people who won't do the same to you.
over 11 years ago
"An insult blatantly misused by 13-year-old kiddies in online gaming who, ironically, try very hard to win themselves and take it too seriously when they lose." - dictionary
Anon cont. 2
over 11 years ago
go full comp. lineup of like CK, wisp, SD, and so on, and we still body them.
over 11 years ago
I find it funny that there are times where players do go full tryhard and we still beat them. I normally don't use the insult unless you are being complete douches. Ex. Playing normal matchmaking dota 2, and our team just randoms while other team waited til last minute for all of us to pick and they
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315290]@X[/url]: I mean, that's like going on a race and saying "Yeah you won but I didn't want to get tired". It's being a sore loser.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315290]@X[/url]: I'm playing a competitive game, and I enjoy playing a competitive game. I'm expecting the other guy playing this competitive game to try as hard as he can to win, otherwise there is no point in playing anymore.
over 11 years ago
There's no such thing as tryharding.
over 11 years ago
@Random Lurker,[url=#user_comment_315281] @Soanis[/url]: It's an insult because these are games, you're supposed to enjoy playing them. Doing everything (short of cheating) to win, while the other guy isn't, is antisocial behaviour. That's the difference between a game and a (e-)sport; how hard it is acceptapble to try.
over 11 years ago
@Great Joe: probably because this is a very common thing in Dota(and LoL and SC2 and any other competitive game ever)

If you do things and win the game instead of fucking around, you are tryharding. aka. a sore's loser thing
Random Lurker
over 11 years ago
@Great Joe: It's likely related to the previous comic. [url=#user_comment_315281] @Soanis[/url]: And I agree with this.
Great Joe
over 11 years ago
why is this classified as 'dota' in the archive?
over 11 years ago
Tryhard shouldn't be an insult, it's a compliment.
David Noklevername
over 11 years ago

... That's still good, right?
over 11 years ago
Gold Medal
over 11 years ago
There is no 110%, just tryhard.