What people are saying about "Smurfing"
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about 11 years ago
I laughed harder than I should have.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
My smurf deliberately plays with bad items to keep his rating low. Sustainable smurfing, people!
over 11 years ago
Hummm... there's a Smurf's online game? Nice!
over 11 years ago
@Still on the fan: shut up fuckface

your opinion is wrong

go back to paying lego
over 11 years ago
@hitting the fan: u mad
Still on the fan
over 11 years ago
Jo does not implement Rocket science in his comics last i checked, just plain Good Jokes and Fanservice! But you gotta hate just because you don't play a game? So you have to resort to namecalling? No, just no let the poor tentacle live his life as a bringer of joy to all and that is all.
hitting the fan
over 11 years ago
SHUT UP! No one is a dota fag, (but a lot are Annoying) Do NOT argue about LoL and Dota or starcraft or TF2! THEY ARE ALL *Emphasis* GAAAAAAMMMMMEEEESSSS! And as for those who are confused about what the joke is, spend about 10 minutes away from your 9 year old hate spam and *Ahem* PLAY DUH GAME!
Otter Nonsense
over 11 years ago
"There is always a bigger fish"
- liam Neeson in that prequel trilogy that doesn't exist
over 11 years ago
this happened to me yesterday. smurfs are all over the place as long as accounts are free
True NerfNow Fan
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315004]@Xmolex[/url] how am I the faggot* of the year? I'm simply doing what is right. Jo can draw whatever he likes, whenever he likes and people like you keep insulting his work just because of the game it is based on. Cut him some slack.
Average Dota Player
over 11 years ago
This is so true, after 760 hours playing on my account I finally gave in and made a smurf to play Pudge. Turns out, everyone in the low bracket is a smurf. I feel sorry for new players.
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315230]@dealwithit[/url] Man, where have you been? Oh and btw, you suck. Deal with it.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315234]@Tarrker[/url] A smurf is known as an experienced player who creates a new account to purposefully play against (and generally out right stomp to the point of ruining the game for the other players) new players who are inexperienced.
over 11 years ago
No idea what a Smurf is, outside of the little, blue guys.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315193]@Vulpis[/url]: You're so butthurt over those insults, everyone laughs at you. Grow up. Fucking children on the internet.
over 11 years ago
And it you're sitting there calling someone a 'tryhard' like this--maybe it just means *you* aren't as good as you think you are?
over 11 years ago
eh thats actually quite legit. ever heard of carry omni? stacking slow items(SnY, OoV, skadi), basher and then MoM. you even have free bkb. lets see if anyone can get out of that perma slow.
now lets just wait for abaddon to really show us how its done...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315110]@pong[/url]: Probably not. same as with the other idiotic kiddie-insult slang that gets thrown around, like the 'Gaymerica' seen elsewhere in this comment list today...
over 11 years ago
Looking to fight noobs? Don't you know there are no noobs at low levels. That's where all the high level players hang out! (true for most mmorpgs, pvp, FTP level limit and etc)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315157]@dealwithit[/url]: Same in LoL aswell. Its the same in anygame where skill is a large part
over 11 years ago
Now see, this DotA comic I get. Same thing happens all the time in World of Tanks. Get frustrated grinding in a King Tiger or an IS-8? Swap down to an M5 Stuart and laugh as your superior knowledge of the terrain lets you slaughter the enemy's artillery. Not sure about the Smurf thing though...
over 11 years ago
Yo dawg, I heard you like smurfs...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315070]@ExDotaHater[/url]: You don't understand how to write in the past tense either. How about you try it for yourself so PROPER GRAMMAR CAN ALSO BE PART OF YOUR LIFE? FUCKING DOTAFAGTARD
Papa Smurf
over 11 years ago
In my old Starcraft days, this was called noobie stoming.

Guess they weren't up to smurf. The smurfers...
over 11 years ago
I wonder if people realize how idiotic they sound using the word "tryhard". (And no, I'm not talking about Jo)
over 11 years ago
imma smurf you in the smurfer
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
MoM omni? That's no smurf that's just a plain ol' bad player.
over 11 years ago
I used to hate dota with passion because that's all everyone play when I visit the internet cafe. I don't understand anything about it till I tried it for myself. Dota is now part of my life. :)
over 11 years ago
the only problem is that it makes what bracket your in confusing and fluctuating with your first few games. maybe you get lucky as a newbie and end up somewhere high where you get stomped.
but eventually it will stabilize what bracket that fits you best.I think its the best MM compared to LoL/HoN's
over 11 years ago
@Oh man...
So much truth. So little time.
over 11 years ago
"oh, so you manage to get 40 kills and no deaths in your 1st game? clearly your a pro, welcome to high level MM against people of your level."
jo, its best if you dont care too much about your wins and losses. dota is a game in the first place, enjoy the game for its gameplay and not just to win.
over 11 years ago
@hurf durf: I CARE

over 11 years ago
Le Grand Schtroupmf, a.k.a. Papa Smurf in you guessed it, Gaymerica, is the only intelligent person. As a patriarch, he represented Peyo's ideal for a country where everyone is the same color. Yep, Peyo was like a Nazi, except he was on drug so his idea was blue people with white hats.
hurf durf
over 11 years ago
@Oh man...: stop spamming your dumb picture nobody cares
over 11 years ago
The Schtroumpfette, a.k.a. the Smurfette in Gaymerica, was the epitome of the useless woman: only causing trouble. Peyo was a known sexist, a patriach supporter.

But man, was he right. Women cause trouble.
over 11 years ago
A little history, because you are all illiterate fucks with no culture whatsoever.

Peyo, creator of Les Schtroumpfs (french names), a.k.a. SMURFS in Gaymerica, is now dead. New books are made by his kids, who both write under the name Peyo. Yup, stole his name.
over 11 years ago
as someone said, smurfing is more problematic and discouraging in dota 2.
aside from the tutorial, which would deter several players, there's the brackets, which is often determined from your score though no one is completely sure. while dota 2 has "levels", it doesnt determine the players you meet
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315030]@Awesomenauts[/url]: Do people even still play that? Clearly if we go by dead MOBA's then Stellar Impact was the best. ;-)
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_315007]@Blarg[/url]: Awesomenauts is best MOBA of all time.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_314813]@Durandal[/url] I was under impression that the term originated in Tribes. If you played with your real account name, your name was green, but if you played with an alternate name, it was blue, hence smurfing. Well, I could be wrong.
over 11 years ago
It's funny when people see a comic about DOTA 2 and rage because it's DOTA 2. I admit there've been some DOTA 2 comics that I didn't understand because I am simply not interested in the game but what is shown here isn't just related to DOTA 2 it's universal to all MOBA's and maybe even other games.
over 11 years ago
why does everybody complain about dota and LoL when it's obvious SMITE is the best MOBA
over 11 years ago
@True NerfNow Fan: and the fagget of the year goes toooo!!!!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_314966]@Muru[/url]: yea like you hahaha
over 11 years ago
I tried smurfing so I could play with heroes I suck but that led to a worse situation. While I train with Invoker another smurf picks Antimage, kills my team 99 times and buys 2 Rapiers by the 20' mark.

Now I can only train on a higher MMR, leading huge feedings. I blame the smurfs for that!
over 11 years ago
@True NerfNow Fan
It's hopeless at this point, no one even cares anymore, they just want to fight for dominance. If it's something they don't recognize they thrash it with full force without considering the other people. Better stay silent instead and let the savages kill each other.
True NerfNow Fan
over 11 years ago
If you're a true nerfnow fan you wouldn't complain whatever the comic of the day is. Jo is constantly busy giving us the best comics, for free on top of that, so at least let him choose what he wants to draw.
over 11 years ago
Too much retarded in the comentaries.
over 11 years ago
I have no idea what game is this about but judging by the amount of stupid references i guess it's that shit crap DOTA again...
over 11 years ago
no tits and the comic is about dota so worst comic of the year
Oh man...
over 11 years ago

over 11 years ago
Do a comic on the Dota 2 Solo Queue.
over 11 years ago
In TF2, this is called "Valve servers"
dota2 sucks
over 11 years ago
that game....sucks so much..... some heroes champs whatever have 3 passives.... wtf.....why so many passives is stupid.... and lame...even HON is better =S
over 11 years ago
Smurfing isn't a big problem in Dota 2, you have to play the tutorial and if you get a 23/0 score on one game you get into the very-high bracket instantly.
over 11 years ago
In LoL, this is called "level 1 bracket".

Since y'know, every new player is a smurf.
over 11 years ago
in TF2 this is called TF2
over 11 years ago
Ya see this sometimes in shooters too. Sure, levels may not count, but remember those 'newbie friendly' servers on TF2? Ya, that situation.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_314903]@Bodmans[/url]: To be fair, considering the pile of characters that are on NC for most factions, Smurfing could be happening under the term here too that way :P
over 11 years ago
I thought this was called "ganking" not so long ago.
over 11 years ago
Bodmans, to be fair LoL has so many players that we got our share of raging 12-year old 'pros' calling everyone on the team "fuking noobs!" or screaming "mid I called it first!" with their locked-in ADC.
over 11 years ago
Smurf, a nickname for multiple things, including the New Conglomerate faction in Planetside 2
over 11 years ago
@Mr Doto: Thank you for demonstrating the elitism that drives people away from DOTA. Enjoy your ragefest, we'll be over here having fun.
over 11 years ago
Bad! Should've replaced Destroy with Smurf. So "I'm going to Smurf some noobs and regain my confidence."
over 11 years ago
well, I play lol, but it's the exact same thing there.
With similar situations.

The way matchmaking works it's actually very likely that after a few games, it ends up 5 smurfs vs 5 smurfs.
over 11 years ago
when I was muted, I played on my smurf for a bit. I swear to god, there were legitimately more smurf players than actual new ones.
Mr Doto
over 11 years ago
the comments of the dota 2 comics are full of butthurted lolfaggs cause Jo wont draw your kidy game
Der Grammarführer
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_314821]@meh[/url] though it's not part of the familiar catchphrase, "issues" is also a verb that can be technically correct to use in this context.
over 11 years ago
It's the worst when you pick Drow to own noobs and meet a smurf Huskar.
over 11 years ago
oh look another comic about a bad game.
over 11 years ago
I lost faith in Dota 2. You have to be average or bellow if you don't want to lose all the time.

Thx Volvo.
over 11 years ago
Ensues not issues.
over 11 years ago
Specifically, the turn came around back in the Warcraft 2: BNet days, when a couple of pro players created alts to do such a thing.

The names of their alt accounts were PapaSmurf and Smurfette. Hence the term "smurf" came into vogue for the practice.
over 11 years ago
Oh gods. Smurfs.

Unfortunately, Smurfs happen in any game in which it is relatively easy to make a new account.

The problem is worse for new players in League until smurfbuster kicks in and boots the smurfs to play against other smurfs.
Explanation Man
over 11 years ago
For those not 'in the know': smurfing is when a skilled player joins lower level lobbies so he can freely stomp all over dem noobz.
Gimme back my TU!
over 11 years ago
I totally know how that feels.