What people are saying about "Well Played!"
Well Played!
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
The worst thing about censorship is...WEL PLAYED
over 11 years ago
I like it
over 11 years ago
Eh. We totally needed this because we clearly couldn't manually mute annoying players without this crappy handhelding. Because you know, treating your community as consisting of capable people is hard.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
le dotard
over 11 years ago
le funy joek
over 11 years ago
I actually suspect that Zero is one of the guys who flame all game and blames his allies, then QQ in the forums about how he has the right to say those.
over 11 years ago
bunch of idiots who dont do research.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299192]@Zero[/url] reported for losing? lol, its totally the opposite that happens, the winner who trashtalks "EZ" "noobs" is the one who'll get reported. besides, if the enemy is losing, why bother reporting them? and if its an ally, as re said it only works if its legit, multiple ones dont work shit.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299192]@Zero[/url] http://blog.dota2.com/2013/05/communication-reports/ nope. if you got muted, its because of what you did. 4 people mass reporting doesnt mean anything if you didnt curse already before.
over 11 years ago
Not sure. Has anyone noticed that Windrunner isn't looking at Drow's face or sign at all?
over 11 years ago
The com-ban system has decreased flaming by 35%, and 60% of the players who receive bans go on to change their behavior. The abuse that people have been raging about (being mass reported by stacks, being reported while you're still banned) is 100% false. Those reports aren't even factored into bans.
over 11 years ago
@diversify people: That's because nobody plays Smite. It's hard to get verbal abuse from an empty room.
diversify people
over 11 years ago
I have literally never received unwarranted abuse in Hi-Rez's MOBA Smite. Try it out, much nicer community.
over 11 years ago
inb4 someone complains there's too many words in the comic

Which will start the devilish cycle of 'I play DOTA so I understand!' 'This is a shitty comic because I don't play DOTA!' 'There's too many words!'
over 11 years ago
@Continuity?! :D: HAHA! Pretty clever conection, or opportune mistake.
over 11 years ago
I encourage everyone to read the new Dota 2 blog post. It deals exactly with this topic.

In a nutshell, no you can't be reported while already muted.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299192]@Zero[/url]: Correction, it's why MOBAs without friends to play with is bad.
over 11 years ago
Worst part is that you can get reported for chat abuse even if you are muted, like wtf?
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299192]@Zero[/url]: Amen to this.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299192]@Zero[/url]: you mean that's why moba is bad.
over 11 years ago
Well Played
over 11 years ago
As a reformed MOBA player it really is funny looking at this from the outside. These game really do attract the scum of the earth. You get reported for losing. How the hell does that make sense, it's a competitive game SOMEONE IS GONNA LOSE.

This is why Dota is bad.
Continuity?! :D
over 11 years ago
Anybody else notice Drow's cape is most likely missing cus Nyx has it?
over 11 years ago
well warded
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299139]@dealwithit[/url]: wat
over 11 years ago
@My two pence: it didn't perfectly work even when it was introduced. Community is still retarded, so its judgement is retarded. Tribunal just cut off the worst of the worst but it helps a lot.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299006]@_Sappy_[/url]: they do. they even permabanned pros for flaming.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299103]@ssss[/url]: -*insert lane here* or feed
Filipe Sá
over 11 years ago
Uma coisa é certa: Passei a jogar com menos gente gritando no ouvido! :)
over 11 years ago
maybe we should add some more options to the chatwheel so that muted players arent getting misunderstandings.
-solo *insert lane your hero is at*
-going to jungle
Don't let it get lost
over 11 years ago
@$0xF4: <--- all read this comment
le lol player XD
over 11 years ago
Requesting a large bucket of lube for all the butthurt LoL fanboys pls
over 11 years ago
@My two pence: Valve has already announced testing of a "tribunal" system for CS:GO. If it works I guess they'll extend it to Dota 2
@The report system doesn't work
over 11 years ago
But you aren't supposed to report someone just because they're bad -_-
Dota 2 Player
over 11 years ago
Dear diary,
Today was a good day.
The report system doesn't work
over 11 years ago
Because you can't report everyone who is actually bad. You get two a week.

Make them count.
My two pence
over 11 years ago
(Cont.) Of course the effects have leveled up now when the system is old, and not used so eagerly anymore, but letting the community do the "elimination" of the reports and leaving the actual punishing to the staff has reduced the stress on Riot's end and resulted for streamlined justice.
My two pence
over 11 years ago
The LoL tribunal worked miracles when it was fully introduced, as far as I noticed. Suddenly there were way less flamers and team-grievers and ragequitters than before. I don't play LoL anymore, but my friends who kept playing have told that it still works to some extent. (cont.)
over 11 years ago
you forgot to add that there was a bug where the supposed '5 reports per week' limit wasnt there, so you could report everyone and mute one whole channel.
I still believe muted players only play with other muted players. that way they may become more chilled and calm down.
over 11 years ago
even if you were muted already, extending the duration, 'because your an a**hole for not communicating' lol.

btw, never got muted. but some guys I know did, and it was pretty justified on them(they flame occasionally).
over 11 years ago
that's the reason why reports have been reduced to just 2 per week, in order to lessen the abuse. people will still find ways to abuse something one way or another.
you guys should have seen the mute system before this one. you couldnt even use the chatwheel then, and people can still report you
over 11 years ago
If only some other games had features like that. I'd love to be able to go five matches in World of Tanks without having my sexuality being called into question or hearing the phrase "fail team".
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_299039]@Aehm[/url]: Never go full retard. Albeit I am LoL player only, saying that Dota2 is a copy, makes you look extremely dumb and ignorant. Read some stuff about these games before you decide to write shit.
over 11 years ago
Just one of the other reasons DOTA 2 is behind LOL in all aspects. Firs they copy things, much later, and when they copy, they copy badly.
Nice comic though.
Admiral Crunch
over 11 years ago
The report systen just did what I do all the time: Muting the shit out of everybody cause they don´t shut the fuck up!
over 11 years ago
Love the mute punishment, reduced trashtalk a lot in the matches I play.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Need a DooM comic here.
Need a comic with me here.

Or will eat you Jo. :D
over 11 years ago
this comis is bad: whoever calls Dota 2 a video game doesn't have a say :D
over 11 years ago
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
Need a dispenser here!
this comis is bad
over 11 years ago
yay, more comics of the worst video game ever...
There is now 3rd side
over 11 years ago
@MOBA Player: no, you can't be friend for two opposite sides. Or you're a friend for one of it, or an enemy for both.
over 11 years ago
MOBA Player
over 11 years ago
I love playing league of legends and I love playing Dota 2. Cant I enjoy both?
over 11 years ago
Chatwheel spammers are the worst.
I can mute them, but even if I report them what will happen? They will just get muted for longer(?) and spam the wheel some more. This comic certainly hits the nail on the head of the issue.
over 11 years ago
I played old DotA for years, nothing but flaming in the chat so I am not surprised they would eventually do something about it.

Funny how its less flaming in LoL even though they never mute or barely even punish people for flaming.
over 11 years ago
reports aren't checked. It's an automated system
over 11 years ago
Screw dota.
over 11 years ago
Actually there is another precedent for it
>Valve in charge of matchmaking and report system

(another Pudge, haha)
Must post
over 11 years ago

Before it gets out of hand in the comments
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298939]@AckAckAck[/url] "some" as in 90% of said seniors. Its true. Lets not get into backstabbing, even when they're not doing so they're busy strangling each other in their own game.
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
Wish riot would do the same thing. Could be amusing seeing flamer going "N00bs, report report" muted into "flamer signals to be careful".
over 11 years ago
@Reported for well play

i call BS, you don't get low priority just because you got reported... the reports get checked
over 11 years ago
I have to admit, even for non-dota players the strip is quite funny! Well done Jo!

Also I'm glad you took off her hood, makes her looks better and really more like your style!
Fighting for the truth
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298945]@Shibubu[/url] http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/6308/cad20130213c7828.png
over 11 years ago
@of course
Wait, you got reported for carrying as an omni? If I was in that game, I'd have given you props, not reports^^
Still, I like the mute system as a whole. It has incredibly lessened the rage overall.
over 11 years ago
DOTA2? Only with friends vs bots - MOBAs have the worst community EVER, even momraping CoD kids are better
over 11 years ago
Need MOAR reports per week!
over 11 years ago
@Reported for well play
The report/commend system is NOT skill related.
Doens't matter if you are good or bad. You will stil get reported if you treat people like crap, your adversaries included.

And a Pudge with 40 kills looks like really overstending the game for me.
of course
over 11 years ago
Besides, in a game where the average player has a dozen spare copies, what's to stop them from just creating an alt? That's what I did to weather my week long mute (for outcarrying a drow as omni)
of course
over 11 years ago
The main problem with muting is that it's an AWFUL way to punish people. Give people less items, or make it so it takes more people to get someone punished. The mute system already exists, so forcing people to use it is pointless.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Now that I can only use 2 reports for a whole week, I tend to use them only on total scum.
Also got muted for flaming for the first time ever id Dota2! And I was flaming, so I ain't even mad.
Sucks to not being able to tell our PL that that he sucks cause at 50 he still has two slots empty
over 11 years ago
@Reported for well play: That's what I'm worried about. Several online video games are now implementing community judgment done by senior players. But the problem is not all senior players are nice. Some of them act like a dick.
over 11 years ago
DOTA and LOL communities are like the old Byzantium kingdom (before its collapse). If they don't try to kill their enemies they will backstab each others even when their great citadel fortress was surrounded by enemy troops.

Me? I just sit here enjoying my popcorn.
over 11 years ago
Get back to where you once belonged.
over 11 years ago
Sad part of that system is when u get muted random on CM. Have fun trying to communicate picks with him.
Reported for well play
over 11 years ago
Well, I have realy good example of it in my expirience. One guy played pudge and won one sided game with ~40 kills. Mad people just reported him and he got 3 days of low priority. DOTA2 FTW, fairest community ever!
a team of 4 players
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298917]@ysath[/url]: Reported.
over 11 years ago
If mutes were actually distributed from a responsible person, sure. The way it is though, a team of 4 players can report you for no reason whatsoever and you still get muted. It's retarded as hell
over 11 years ago
See, now this is an example of how you can use DOTA2 source material to create a comic that is both funny and doesn't rely on inside knowledge of the game to enjoy.

More like this, and there wouldn't be nearly as much DOTA2 bitching.

over 11 years ago
Need dispenser here!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298904]@ThreeDonkeys[/url]: Removed for flaming
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298904]@ThreeDonkeys[/url]: I wanted to draw her hair. She has some cosmetic items which remove the hood anyway.
over 11 years ago
well played
over 11 years ago
What happened to her hoodie.