What people are saying about "Good Day 3"
Good Day 3
Comments have been closed for this comic.
space flower
about 11 years ago
cutest zerglings ever
about 11 years ago
uhuh... so I cant play hitman absolution and read comics that dont feature it?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298766]@TheBaron[/url]: dumbass
about 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure the guys saying CoD is the best game ever is trolling. I mean, why else would he be on an online comic that never features the game they like?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298766]@TheBaron[/url]: It's because you're an idiot for not understanding the others.
Crom Hellsgream
about 11 years ago
I always wondered if the purple crap was like some sort of skin or something...otherwise that paper would be reeeeeal sticky
Terran Marine
about 11 years ago
Shit! Incoming cute zergling rush!
about 11 years ago
At last, a joke I get without having to have it explained to me.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298738]@bugcat[/url]: your mother is overused. Bitch.
about 11 years ago
perhaps even overused? i mean, search it on google.
about 11 years ago
Out of the 3 "good day" comics, i found this the least entertaining. and not because of the game associated, but because the joke in this one is one that anyone with basic knowledge of the game understands, whilst the other two needed a bit of explanation. the zerg rush joke is very well known
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298715]@Poetastrophe[/url]: Very true.
about 11 years ago
I tend to compare LoL with soccer: It is much easier to appreciate on a very casual level, hence there is money in it for them who play it competitively. While games like Starcraft will have a harder time to get viewers and pro-players since it takes more play-time to appreciate (like chess).
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298419]@Er0[/url] Of course somebody who thinks an obscure, unported Asian game is the best one ever would think that. :P
u wot m8z
about 11 years ago
People are defending CoD in the comments?

Wow, the nerfnow fanbase really did go to shit.
about 11 years ago
Matter for debate, which is the cuter; nerfnow zerglings or carbot animation's zerglings?
about 11 years ago
Dear Kerrigan,

Protoss taste like blueberry jelly wrapped in rubber hose. Please send more delicious human meat candies. Also we want to mix more purple ink.

Ever your minions,
Zerglings XOX
about 11 years ago
Joe, what about next comic about Facebook Games? :D
about 11 years ago
@wut...: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1011

So. This is good day 1, but it has another title. IT'S STILL GOOD DAY 1. Because it's not about the title, it's about the X number of times the last panel is one character writing a letter to a stronger character.
about 11 years ago
Whichever game "wins", competition and variety are good for us - the viewership.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298428]@RVN[/url]: You and MineSweeper4life are the same person bitch
about 11 years ago
Diamond Bracket Strategy©
about 11 years ago
Using not your own strategies don't forget that you may be have ~200 less APM than those who invented this strategy.
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
Just looked through the Archives and it turns out there is no comic called "Good Day (1)", which would technically make this "Good Day 2"
Nyaa! Now!
about 11 years ago
I'd like to see some Bioshock Infinite comics! Anything but DOTA2 or LoL...unless there be fanservice! Yetharg!
about 11 years ago
we request fanservice with drone-tan.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298420]@Minesweeper4life[/url]: i've gotta say he is totally right, go read his comment
about 11 years ago
Can you stop tell that Dota2, CoD and LoL are the best game plz... Try the minesweeper and u'll see what's a real game
about 11 years ago
@All aboard the ragecar !: CoD better than LoL CoD is a good fun game for being mindfree at moment but please don't tell us LoL is a good game... Not fun and not pro DotA is and 'll stay the better for ever and ever... And DotA 2 is the better game in the world <3 (after Seiken dentetsu 3)
about 11 years ago
The lings need more RUSH, and then the comic would have been perfectly self-explanatory.

That said, the recurring title is helping this matter a great deal.
My moma for the swarm
about 11 years ago
Ruhsling twins with us again!

Fast expand is fine, but don't forget to wall up your neutral, 1 zealot and sentry is recomended.
All aboard the ragecar !
about 11 years ago
Lol : Good game
Dota : Good game
TF2 : Good game
Cod : Good game... Just kidding.

Now stop the rage.
Some Guy
about 11 years ago
How about stopping all the hate? A MOBA player has different skillsets than a RTS player. For a LoL player, LoL is better; for a Dota2 player, Dota is better. Raging on NerfNow comments won't get you anything.

Now, I wanted to see Jo doing a Metro Last Light comic, but I doubt that'd happen.
about 11 years ago
Yo stop talking about shitty games, CoD is the only good game. CoD sells more games and has more players than any of your crap and will continue to dominate the market.
about 11 years ago
I can imagine some pro guy who alternates between dota 2/lol and starcraft, but I cant imagine a pro player at both dota 2 and a lol.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298331]@Cattz[/url]: neither did DotA2.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298261]@Verteros[/url] With Dota 2, a player named "Dendi" can stream and get 20-60k viewers just playing solo. Crushing live tournaments in the process 2 use an examp. But random stuff doesn't get near those #'s. Also, LoL still hasn't shown their boasts of "Millions watch/play!" with proof..
about 11 years ago
I can't believe all you faggots are still arguing. CoD is the best game ever, all your other shitty games are just garbage for retards who don't know what a real game is.
about 11 years ago
What uses zerg for write, ink or enemy's blood?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297967]@zyzz[/url]: there was already a comic like this for dota2, where it was drow buying a MoM and then nyx writing: Dear nyx, today was a good day
about 11 years ago
Right now if Twitch.tv can give any indication, League of Legends is the most popular. Outside of tournaments the viewership goes regularly:

League of Legends - 50,000
Dota 2 - 10000
Starcraft 2 - 10000

When a tournament is on though it can shift in favor of which is running the tournament.
about 11 years ago
iSuckCocks sounds like every apple product combined.
about 11 years ago
Sweet! Starcraft comics!!

And yeah, a large enough zergling rush will ruin your day, so always keep some D in your base.
about 11 years ago
i suck cocks.
Master Cheef
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298162]@Truth[/url] Didn't the gravemind kill you?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298055]@anon[/url] your opinion is noted, and in MY opinion a retarded one.
about 11 years ago
I suck cocks.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298118]@Mel[/url]: yes noobs start with dota 2, then move to cs, then quake, then dota, then hon, then sc2, then shit, and then finally end up as pro gamers in lol. you got that right.
about 11 years ago

about 11 years ago
Actually,Bruce,Savage was pretty primitive. Human players should've been more rare,like humans play as "hero" units like the ones in Warcraft 3,and most of the army would be NPCs controlled by the commander player. Cause the way Savage was set up,commanders did very little and relied on the human
about 11 years ago
troops to get things done. They had a similar problem with Natural Selection. Because the commander doesn't actually control anything except noting where to put buildings,if the human troops don't listen,it doesn't get done. If most of the army are NPCs,it makes the comander role important and the
about 11 years ago
human troops are more special cause they have powers and abilities the AI troops don't have and no one bitches.
about 11 years ago
They've already done a FPS/RTS mash-up in Savage. It was pretty fun.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_298064]@Bob[/url]: I think I want to make a MOBA game with an RTS option (two player gets to make buildings and command weaker units while the rest play heroes) just to see the shitstorm it would cause.
about 11 years ago
Also, I would like to see a MOBA team face-off against an RTS player, provided both were working in their element. (e.g. the MOBA team gets play dota rules, and the RTS player gets to play starcraft rules.

Anyway, Who are all these other Bobs?
about 11 years ago
Why is this joke being repeated? Either way it goes, you need to have some knowledge of the game in order to understand the reference in the punchline.
Everyone Else
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297967]@zyzz[/url]: Shut up you stupid Dota fanboy...
The TF2 Community
about 11 years ago
no, TF2 is best game. CoD are full of dum kids and fanboys.
about 11 years ago
All your game sucks. DOTA2, SC2, TF2, all sucks. Go play real game Call of Duty you idiots. Best game ever, and only good game to ever exist. Anything else is just shit.
about 11 years ago
if a diamond payer cannot survive a zergling rush i think he should'nt be in diamond
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297998]@Nope[/url] Hell yes it is :D
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297975]@jarman[/url]: Never played TF2. Is cartoon shooting that much fun?
about 11 years ago
I just now got the reference with the letter thing...
The TF2 Community
about 11 years ago
i agree with bropocalypse. down with other game comics!
about 11 years ago
This comic requires additional pylons
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297934]@Bropocalypse[/url] Every freakin' comic ever. Except maybe for TF2 comics. Everybody who reads Nerfnow seem to play that game.
about 11 years ago
If you're doing a series, may I suggest a dota one?

Entire team has int casters, and one says something like "They don't have Anti-Mage or Silencer. We're safe."

Next panel is Pugna writing a letter to Skeleton King. Only half of his head can be seen.
about 11 years ago
Need a Team Fortress 2 comics here.
about 11 years ago
I don't really understand the comic, so I'm going to complain about it. Cater to my vague video game experience demographic, jo!
about 11 years ago
Did Jo add the blue stain on Zerglin's claw later?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297899]@Geary[/url]: your mom was the first moba I won by having a tower
Random Dude
about 11 years ago
Who will come to top? Neither of those.
about 11 years ago
The biggest ESPORT game is the one having both the most manliest and most talented Protoss ever existed (Reach and nal_Ra) ... also Kim Carrier <3<3<3
about 11 years ago
@SC is better: "Wanna know why Dota existed in the first place? Because there were people who bought WC3 but are bad at basic RTS skills..."

Lolno. Aeon of Strife in Starcraft was the first MOBA. I don't think you know what you're talking about.
about 11 years ago
@Demivirus: By 'real (American) football', do you mean crappy American rules football, or Australian rules football? [url=#user_comment_297794] @Retards[/url]: Tennis.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297794]@Retards[/url]: By football, do you mean divegrass or real (American) football?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297794]@Retards[/url]: by football do you mean handegg or real football?
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297794]@Retards[/url]: Your mom takes the most skills.
about 11 years ago
OMG, Been too long since last starcraft comic though I do not play it I do have respect and like starcraft. if only Starcraft and Team Fortress 2 wuld collide here
Captain Irony
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297794]@Retards[/url]: Tennis clerly reqwires more skil. U dont get to use ur foot only raket so FOOTBALL SUKS AND IS 4 NOOBS. LOLOLOL SCRUBS!
about 11 years ago
"Why would I need 6 pools !?"
about 11 years ago
just for the lulz, i want one of this comics with LoL
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297509]@lala[/url]: teletubbies
about 11 years ago
What takes more skill, tennis or football?
about 11 years ago
@Kim Jong Un: Well, if North starts putting out Ghosts from their Infantry Bunkers...
about 11 years ago
Ow. I just had this mental image of a Twilight Sparkle/Zergling cross, and a Celestia/Kerrigan cross.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297558]@4tran[/url]: Protoss assumed Zerg would use a late game strat, so were expanding with minimal defenses. They were wrong.
Kim Jong Un
about 11 years ago
Starcraft win as long as North Korea doesn't nuke South Korea. But if it does get off the ground, then I'd vote DOTA2.
come on -.-
about 11 years ago
@Wow.: yes.
about 11 years ago
@come on -.-: Mentioning Dota 2 "ruins" the comic?

Grow up.
come on -.-
about 11 years ago
you had to ruin the comic by talking about dota 2 in the text.
really jo?
about 11 years ago
I had to look at it a few times to get what Zerg-tan was using for ink.
The TF2 Community
about 11 years ago
moar tf2 comix!!!1
Troll NOW!!
about 11 years ago
Step one: Make fun of comment people make on dota 2 comics.
Step two: have those same people think this is a serious comment and how all dota 2 players think
about 11 years ago
omg I love you Jo =~~ I'm sure my constant ramblings for zerg-tan have come to fruition. Also, probe-tan so cute and stupid @_@
about 11 years ago
Cute Zergs are cute.
about 11 years ago
You are all not helping. The main focus is the moe at hand.

Also, in all games, you must be prepared for every possible trolling-bullshit your opponent can throw at you.
about 11 years ago
Never fast expand without first scouting the opponent's base.

The loss of a single worker to figure out your opponent's strategy is not much at all.
about 11 years ago
im a dota fan and im not complaining of this strip.
hell, I like SC even if im not playing SC2(my pc is ancient).
Dota 2 is for losers
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297657]@CH[/url]: Dota fans. This person is you. Complaining endlessly about comics that isn't Dota 2.
about 11 years ago
That was quite funny and so cute. Now I'm not sure if those are drone tans or zergling tans but they're quite adorable especially the note. I hope that Kerrigan is proud of them and would consider upgrading them to raptorlings.
about 11 years ago
people use*
not people uses
You're an idiot
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297657]@CH[/url]: Would you look at that, another DOTA player complaining about how they don't understand a comic -.- I prefer these starcraft comics, personally, but I also enjoy the Dota comics, even the ones I don't understand. If you didn't get the joke, just move on or look in the comments for it.
about 11 years ago
zergling rush. writing diary in toss-blood.
about 11 years ago
This 'joke' isn't even funny I mean I don't even play sc, go back to dota!
about 11 years ago
*played up to broodwars.
about 11 years ago
only played SC1, and it was a long time ago so im not versed with their current meta or whatever. I can get the gist of it though.
about 11 years ago
You should then start by correcting yourself.

Early game SC, losing one unit can be critical, in particular if you're protoss and your 1st stalker costs more than 3 workers.

WC III has easy worker-defense measures (burrows, militia, entangled mine, ziggurat tower upgrade). Plus town scroll.
about 11 years ago
I also like them all(except for lol). im just correcting someone's wrong impression.
about 11 years ago
WC3 and SC2 have their merits as RTSes, LoL and DotA/DOTA2 have their merits as MOBA/ARTS titles. Personally I prefer SC2's elegant simplicity compared to WC3's complexities, but they're both damn fine and fundamentally good games. They just appeal to different mentalities and skillsets.
about 11 years ago
Say no to LoL
about 11 years ago
actually you worry about that as well, depending on the map.
some have shop where you can buy a unit who can carry your units and fly. there's also sometimes the sea maps where you need to find a boat to transport your units to an area.

and who says you cant keep on building?
about 11 years ago
in SC, losing any unit wouldnt give a huge impact during a fight and you can easily make it again.
but if you lose your hero, your army is severely at a disadvantage and your base becomes very vulnerable.
about 11 years ago
Warcraft III was more complex in micro maybe.

But in Warcraft III you didn't have to worry about building thirty workers per base, expanding 3-4 times per game, flying drops sneaking behind your base, keep making more production buildings, inject larva/chronoboost/mule drop and other macro.
Passing by
about 11 years ago
Also please do not forget the HUGE difference in army size. WC3 you had like 20 units + a hero in the army and that was it. Lose 1 and you are at a disadvantage already. Army composition was HUGE. In a sence, doto takes best of both worlds. You also rely on a team more. It's not a solo game. Peace!
Passing by
about 11 years ago
Seeing the SC2 vs Doto arguments I have to add this : Warcraft 3 was dozens times more complex and hard to play on the pro level than Starcraft 2 ever was. You had heroes to worry about with unique abilities, you could buy items that changed the strategy dramatically.
about 11 years ago
oh and I forgot, they also have 4 races instead of 3.
about 11 years ago
really if anything, WC is more complex. there's the neutral creeps, items, powerups, and heroes.

take that all away and WC would work the same way as SC.
about 11 years ago
and pray tell, how is SC that different from WC?
you build a base, spawn units, upgrade, find the enemy base, eliminate them.
finding another resource goes in there somewhere if the game goes long enough.
about 11 years ago
like I said, I dont doubt that SC players are more superior at using several units.
what I do think is your overestimating using 5 heroes at the "same time".

oh and you forgot to take in item actives.
Nor SC2 or DoTA 2 is better
about 11 years ago
Are you kidding me?... Let a DoTA 2 player play SC2 and he will get wooped, let a SC2 player play DoTA 2 and he will practically get the same result.

Play your own game and don't hate.
SC2 is better
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297588]@Chou[/url]: And nobody ever uses Meepo because they're Dota players, not SC2 players.
about 11 years ago
btw I bet that 'ink' is blood.
SC is better
about 11 years ago
A map that gives them control of just one unit? That appealed to them. That is why SC2 players are superior to Dota players. Let that sink in.
SC is better
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297586]@waka[/url]: You would be incorrect. SC2 takes a trillion more micromanagement, skills and thinking than Dota 2 does. Wanna know why Dota existed in the first place? Because there were people who bought WC3 but are bad at basic RTS skills, so [cont]
about 11 years ago
@SC2 is better: You can control heroes if another player leaves. Also, there's Meepo. So someone could try it out.
about 11 years ago
better at utilizing several units. but assuming they can use 5 different heroes at the same time is too much.
also you forgot to consider that dota came from wc3, which means that there's dota players who can utilize several units as good as a SC player.
about 11 years ago
@SC2 is better
that is assuming all the 5 heroes are the same. its not like starcraft where you just dictate where the units go and attack, you have to maintain your hero in order for them to survive, you have to use the individual spells at the right time.
im sure that SC2 players are much more
about 11 years ago
hey Jo, have you heard of the compendium in dota 2? check out how much it costs and look at how much money they have gathered. then compute how many times it has been bought...
SC2 is better
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297509]@lala[/url]: Select is NOT a true SC2 player, so he's irrelevant. And you wanna know what? If a true professional SC2 player could control all five heroes in a moba game, he would absolutely destroy every professional moba team with zero effort. And that is why SC2 players are better.
about 11 years ago
the Zergling-Tans are so cute~
about 11 years ago
Honestly, this was the game joke that actually got me hooked into Nerf NOW!!!

Glad to see the Jo haven't forgot his beginnings. ;D
about 11 years ago
That drone hat is so awesome ! :)
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297558]@4tran[/url]: you build an expansion before building troops, so your base is vulnerable if the enemy build some units early.
about 11 years ago
So... how did the zerglings defeat a fast expansion in the late game? What's implied to have happened?
about 11 years ago
If you scout and are any good, zerg rushes all crush and burn against FFE, which makes me very very sad panda :<
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297519]@Tk[/url]: She is the probe.
about 11 years ago
Wait, I know what LoL is. It's baby's first explosive diarhea
about 11 years ago
if dota is baby's first step, then I wonder what LoL is.
about 11 years ago
Hehey, look, there's the beginnings of a flame war about dota in chat and it ain't even a dota comic. Goes to show how buttmad some people get.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297513]@Rezenbekk[/url], I was talking about watching, not playing. I play some dota2 and never played Starcraft 2 multiplayer. And I still find Starcraft 2 more entertaining to watch and easier to understand. Watching dota requires deeper knowledge of game mechanics.
about 11 years ago
by the way its great seeing Protoss characters in the comic. Specially protoss-chan.
about 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_297511]@Von[/url]: You must be kidding me! I have both games and when became playing SC2, I was torn apart again and again and again... Basic knowledge of the game doesnt tell anything about Starcraft.
about 11 years ago
Starcraft is much easier to pick up and watch, while dota requires a lot of game knkowledge and is very slow-paced. I guess I know the winner.
about 11 years ago
The Zerglings are back!
about 11 years ago
@A dude:

What about sc2 is the baby's rts compared to the real rts (scbw) and dota1/2 barely has anything to do with rts.

Look at how Select suck at dota2.
about 11 years ago
That is why it is forge fast expand...or and sentries, they help. Terran can hold by the power of their awesomeness...and widow mines/tanks/bunkers.
A dude
about 11 years ago
And this is why dota2 is considered baby's first rts.
about 11 years ago
Yesterday i saw this happening in a terran vs zerg match.
about 11 years ago
Hehehe. Nice one Jo, I knew this would be good to apply to other games!
about 11 years ago
Should of warped in a forge, greedy protoss.
Some Guy
about 11 years ago
Because seriously, that noise is definitely chuuu-wan.

I read it as that sound clip.
Some GUy
about 11 years ago
Well, at least he got the probe down.