What people are saying about "Risk / Reward"
Risk / Reward
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx
over 11 years ago
Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyxNyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx
over 11 years ago
actually Engie would be his char. and your example is ludicrous. She has a personality and looks well-defined and separate from the source material. she simply holds the same "job"
Random Dude
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287429]@DeizRouge[/url] Don't think will work. LoL jokes also requires knowledge from the game in order for people to understand the jokes. (eg: DEMACIAAA joke)
over 11 years ago
How about making some comics from League of Legends with the new map they released I see several chances for humor there
over 11 years ago

Allright I'Ll make a female sonic and...

over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287340]@alex[/url] i don't think he can legally use dota characters for profit. he can use Engie because shes his character.
over 11 years ago
Nerfnow has been nerfed.

over 11 years ago
<--- Look left, and notice the engie tshirt ad. Thus asking for more tf2 content is considerably more sensible than CoD, BF or Dota. If Jo loves dota so much then why not be consistent and make new dota tshirts for your new fans?
Your Mothers
over 11 years ago
No one care about the opinion from the children below. Now, it's time for bed, stop being fussy.
Best Fan
over 11 years ago

I want comics all about Battlefield and Call of duty!

I AM YOUR BEST FAN GIVE ME WHAT I WANT, not whatever you want.

I am your best fan clearly that means I'm entitled to choose what comics you should make...
over 11 years ago
@True Nerfnow Fan: Love it when people say "True fan". So because someone likes dota comics means hes not a true fan?

I'll agree with the guy below me i read regardless of what comics are posted whether i play the game or not and i dont bitch if i dont understand something.
Clearly Fake Fan
over 11 years ago
@True Nerfnow Fan: It's funny because the people supporting him in his dota days are the same people that supported him in his tf2 days. YOU have a problem with non-tf2, not the community at large.
Guy who gets it
over 11 years ago
@To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands: I never said that. Read what I said again.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286999]@Ninj77[/url]: Actually, in the case of PA it's more a case of 'Why worry about making funny comics when we have our own games and webcasts to push, and two *huge* game conventions to run?'. Basically they're too successful--the best comics seem to come from the smaller-time and starving-artist types.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286753]@Ikas[/url]: They wanted to imagine MOM fondling their helmet, obviously.
over 11 years ago
@To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands: Honestly, what is this BS about needing to know who the specific DOTA character is to get it? Ever hear of the term 'glass cannon', which is known in pretty much every tabletop and online RPG ever? Hardly obscure in any way, shape or form.
over 11 years ago
ADblocker for those who want to watch without paying jo a cent!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286994]@sigterm[/url]: Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I wish these people who keep proclaiming 'I'm not gonna read this any more!' Actually *would* leave, so I wouldn't have to scroll through the game-hate whines to see comments actually relevant to the strip.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287157]@crayven[/url]: Maybe you should try *reading*, given the opening panel pretty much spells it out? People keep bitching about these when the actual game involved is pretty much completely irrelevant to the joke. It's very annoying. Kindly shut up and read the strip, m'kay?
over 11 years ago
MoM is actually really good on Faceless Void. I use it for that extra punch while in the Time Stop bubble, and to help catch up to those who flee. Also, I love Jo's comics, DotA2 or non-DotA2. I've been reading for years.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287246]@Josh[/url]: Nearly *all* the strips are about a game I'm not gonna play, or one I've played only mildly at best. I'm cool with the subject matter.
over 11 years ago
Everyone wants more silent comics without thinking about how hard they can be to make, and everyone complaining about this comic has to be at a grade 5 intelligence level, it's one of the few times the joke is explained. It's not 100% clear that nyx is an assassin, but it's clear he killed her.
over 11 years ago
TF2 is old and the jokes about tf2 are old. Deal with it.
over 11 years ago
@True Nerfnow Fan:
"Obscure mechanics" are the lowest common denominator now? I don't think that's how it works.
over 11 years ago
"Oh boo hoo, I'm going to leave because Jo doesn't care about his fans".

That's his comic, you blundering idiots. He'll draw whatever the fuck he wants to. I thought he said it already.

Feel free to stop bitching and leave this website at once.
over 11 years ago
Enough comics about a game I'm never gonna play. More TF2!
over 11 years ago
Dota has many situations that Jo can use. If not for his Dota comics I would have never become a regular reader here. I dont mind the non-Dota ones even if I dont understand them sometimes. I just wait. :D
True Nerfnow Fan
over 11 years ago
Well, I see how it is now. Jo really don't care about his fans. He care only for the lowest common denominator.

I guess Jo won't mind it if the former fans who supported him from the beginning decides to go and follow a different webcomic that actually cares about the readers.
over 11 years ago
except in this case, you got backstabbed by a Spy, henceforth overkilling an overkill.
over 11 years ago
Basicallly you're eating a the Buffalo Sandvich 100% of the time, moving at hyperspeed and tossing ice arrows everywhere... until a single rocket blows you up.
over 11 years ago
If someone doesn't get it: Imagine that item is a permanent Crit'a'Cola effect.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286837]@Lama051[/url] IF YOU HAVE TO EXPLAIN THE JOKE, THERE IS NO JOKE
over 11 years ago
My god does Sinfest suck nowadays. I kept going hoping to get some sense out of it - nothing.
And on top of awful strips the writer got himself a bunch of sycophans, feminists of the worst kind.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287029]@Ex[/url] : Except it IS about DOTA...AGAIN !
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286721]@Guy[/url] who gets it: It disproves your claim about me. Go back down to your comment about me liking TF2 comics because I played them before. You were wrong.
Guy who gets it
over 11 years ago
@To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands: What's your point?
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286721]@Guy[/url] who gets it: Nerfnow made me play TF2. It got me interested in it.
over 11 years ago
Yu no make TF2 comments any moar?.
Butthurt detector
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286974]@zorro1993[/url] BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!
over 11 years ago
Sinfest is.. mostly feminist now yes. The early story was nice, but lately it has devolved into "Women good. All men bad. No matter what."
over 11 years ago
I Know you dont even care, but Mask of Madness got reworked in Heroes of Newerth few days ago, and now it is JUST OVER POWERED.
over 11 years ago
I miss the epic silent story arcs that made everyone start folloing this comic. Drone-tan and Engi are somewhere shaking their head in shame at the lazy shitfest this has become.
do it now
over 11 years ago
Jo, make Planetside 2 comics.

With homo sexyAss Vanu, hot lesbians Terran females, and glorious free Conglomerat.
Grammar Nazi
over 11 years ago
damage you do and recieve

no s
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287029]@Ex[/url]: This actually would be an hilarious idea. I should do it someday!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287015]@crayven[/url]: CRY SOME MOAR.
over 11 years ago
Such a hilarious comic! Keep up the awesome work, man.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_287015]@crayven[/url]: Its not Dota-specific, Jo could make exactly same joke with Crit-a-Cola, Scout and Engineer.
over 11 years ago
Again i have no freakin' idea who these characters are or why the situation is funny.
I am guessing it's about that DOTA2 thing again...oh well maybe we'll see some *OTHER* game tomorrow...
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286994]@sigterm[/url]: Seriously? Well too bad for Sinfest, used to be funny. vgcats, no wonder Scott updates...maybe twice a year. And yeah, the guys a Penny-arcade hit the mid-life crisis pretty hard, indeed! Why make a funny strip if you can make an "statement".
over 11 years ago
I don't care about the comics being all dota so much as it's just not as funny anymore.

The quality now is like if in the beginning you had TF2 comics, but the only thing you drew was a guy with a hat shooting someone through a scope, and the joke was "HE'S SNIPER HE SHOOTS THINGS FAR AWAY".
Mad Skull
over 11 years ago
agree with you, sinfest is crap now, miss the old good days, vg cats died a looong time ago, penny arcade is losing his touch.
over 11 years ago
Fine, I get it. Nerfnow is a dota-2 exclusive comics now, which means it is time to leave.

It was a bad year for webcomics.
Sinfest writes feminist crap.
vgcats, gg guys stopped updating.
Penny-arcade writes garbage.

Which means there's only virtual shackles left.

Damn it.
over 11 years ago
Funny how i don't play dota / tf2 / sc2 and still able to enjoy all comics and find equally funny. TF2 players are just upset that it went from "le le le le it's funneh because it's ze game i pley" to "i don't get it"
over 11 years ago
i come here to see videogames funny, but the quality of the humor is terrible.

i started playing tf2 because of this comic, mostly because the comics were great, but right now, nerfnow quality is going down, rather than less dota, i want more funny
over 11 years ago
A Suggestion to the Artist
over 11 years ago
Try drawing silent comics again, with actual stories rather than just text relying on core game mechanics. Let's see how that works out with the community.

... Or fanservice. There's always room for prawns.
herf derf
over 11 years ago
"Also, why would CM want revenge for her owl?"

Because it's kinda her rare and valuable mythical courier, as the 6 Stars part tells us.

To put it in TF2 terms, imagine if Medic got a cool looking unusual hat, and an enemy sniper decided to shoot it off his head, which makes Medic berserk.
Guy who gets it
over 11 years ago
@To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands: No, TF2 is not that simple to understand. You just simply already know TF2, which is admittedly a simpler game, but you still need to have played it quite a bit to get every reference.
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
So yeah. At best, people get 80% of the joke, but don't find it funny because it references to obscure game mechanics, obscure lore found only in the trivia part of the wiki page... TF2 mechanics were simple: Engineers builds sentries, medic heal, heavy charges, scout bonks, snipers snipe.. etc..
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
Then, you have the male 'chantress arc... which was not supposed to be any good or funny because Jo was pissed at his earphones. Ok, cool. But then again, an obscure game mechanic reference in the last panel of the last comic, where he sends the red round thing to get killed by masked orange guy.
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
Some DOTA comics were easy to understand, but some, like the Crystal Maiden's messenger owl arc was shit, because the first three comics did not even tie in together. Also, why would CM want revenge for her owl? Srsly. Makes no sense. It's easy to get she's out for blood, but then...?
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
This isn't funny unless you get the obscure game mechanics.

DOTA2 may be a good game, but is one that takes lots of time to learn and play games. Time that older gamers may or may not have, if like in my case, they prefer playing a variety of games - and puts lots of hours in each.
To fumbling idiots who thinks everyone understands
over 11 years ago
Fuck your bullshit.

To understand this, one needs to know who Nyx Assassin is, and that this hero is made to do high burst damage to targets.

Without that prior knowledge, all you see is: Ranger Elf (easy enough) buys helmet that doubles all damage done and taken. Then Orange thing kills Drow.
over 11 years ago
And before anyone comes along and says "Oh well it was like that with [insert other game here]," I know. It doesn't matter whether or not it's happened before, less variety = content starts to get boring faster. So, variety please.

Rant over.
over 11 years ago
Personally, I don't really care what kind of comic you make, Jo, whether it be DOTA, TF2, or otherwise. But to be honest, you are getting a teeny bit... excessive with the DOTA comics. Again, I don't really care either way, but a little more variety would be nice.
over 11 years ago
The guy in the third panel took the cloak and the helmet, but not the unitard? Poser.
over 11 years ago
@F.Dota: With your logic it used to be TF2Now and SC2Now.
over 11 years ago
This used to be NerfNow. Now, it's more like DotaNow. And you've been talking about how sticking to one thing is a bad thing, as it upsets the other people, yet you have been drawing the same shit for like... how long now?
Jo, you mumbling abomination !
over 11 years ago
Every joke must have a end.

stop to encourage drama and troll with DotA 2, please. That not funny any more.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286877]@VW[/url]: Actually, I think Jo should make a NA arc in which NA does things and then writes to Nyx.
over 11 years ago
Despite the haters, MoM allows you to farm and tower fast, and it's your decision about when to use it.
over 11 years ago
Dear Nyx:

Appreciative Fan
over 11 years ago
and to continue...
Even if I don't get all the jokes about DOTA2, I can infer some of the humor because you usually make it clear. You're the most consistent posting webcomic I follow. You're not like others that don't post for weeks or months at a time. :D
Appreciative Fan
over 11 years ago
All I have to say is that you shouldn't listen to all of the people that are complaining about the content you are producing. Regardless of their complaints. Sure, it's good to have a fanbase, but not when they're whining about you doing something out of your free time. Really, I love all the comics
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286753]@Ikas[/url]: Just about every single Drow player.
No more dota
over 11 years ago
I used to really like this comic, but the focus on Dota that it has now is just too much. I'm sick of the poor quality of the humor and the injokes. Must we have comedy that's basically on par with league of legends?
over 11 years ago
@Le epicsauce comix XD: If you dont get that then there is a minor chanxe you suffered a very serious brain damage.The explanation is in the comic
over 11 years ago
@Le epicsauce comix XD: If you dont get that then there is a minor chanxe you suffered a very serious brain damage.The explanation is in the comic
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286753]@Ikas[/url]: Too many pubs I played with Q.Q
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
The pencil tied to his claw makes me smile.
Anon E Mouse
over 11 years ago
@one letter to the right is the answer: Mp, upi'te yjr ntp eoyj yjr vppl dyptu, psl!
one letter to the right is the answer
over 11 years ago
@Anon E Mouse: vppl dyptu nto
over 11 years ago
Who the hell has that "brilliant" Ideal of gearing MOM with Traxex?
Anon E Mouse
over 11 years ago
Whenever I play Drow, I buy a Skadi and Orchid and refuse to level up Frost Arrows or Silence.

I sustain myself on the tears of my teammates.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286556]@zzzz[/url]: Thanks for the explanation, pal!
that guy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286725]@Bobisdumbisretarded[/url]: You said it yourself, Anub'arak is bloody famous. He's also owned by Blizzard and they raise the biggest shitstorm when Valve steals their stuff.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286725]@Bobisdumbisretarded[/url] Copyright reasons mainly.
over 11 years ago
They really fucking raped Anub'arak though. He was an amazing character, with a good backstory, great battle and development.

Now he's a god praising orange scrub.

The fuck, DOTA? Stop raping my games.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286710]@Bobisdumb[/url]: And why is Nyx Assassin writing a letter to Nyx? Had to go to the DOTA2 wiki to find out. Lame. Turns out he just loves Nyx, a Goddess of the night or something. Oh, he's supposed to be Anub'arak. Killed that guy in Azjol Nerub in Lich King.
over 11 years ago
I feel sorry for Drow, after the nerf she's been drinking vodka with Lycan and is never picked in pubs anymore, but then again, F*** THAT OP SH**
Exceptional Drow
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286658]@Death[/url]: Honestly, I feel mean if/when I pick Drow. It's only in pubstomps but still. Even with all the nerfs she's been receiving, Drow, in a good player's hands is still a very threatening thing. Though you're right...most players that play her haven't a clue.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286709]@Bob[/url] Mask of Madness is an item for the game DOTA 2. The blue girl, Drow Ranger makes a comment that only noobs get caught out of place, then proceeds to get caught out of place and killed by orange guy, Nyx Assassin.
over 11 years ago
I don't understand the joke. Did the blue person become the orange one because it grew too dependent on the red hat? Or is it that the orange thing took advantage of the blue one's using of the red hat? Or is it something else?
over 11 years ago
Well I don't envy any support where you have Nyx as an enemy.... Gank all day and night....all you will hear '' NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX NYX ''....
over 11 years ago

over 11 years ago
PUB troll drow likes it. Until he mess up and lose the game when enemies get smarter. [url=#user_comment_286397] @RVN[/url]: "nyx-tan vs zerg-tan" YES
over 11 years ago
MoM is absolutely devastating on Sniper, assuming you have any clue about positioning. His range itself negates the vulnerability issue, and you can basically 1v2 and still keep them stunned nonstop. In teamfights, you're sort of a "finger of god."
over 11 years ago
@Exceptional Drow: Dude, the last drow pickers who I've saw don't use the silence, why? I don't know but they just don't use it, maybe my theory is better to 99,9%, obviously who know how to play when pick her can do good things, but the drow pickers are mostly noobs. '-'
over 11 years ago
I trolled my own path, you followed your rage, but maybe we're both the same. The comics have turned, and so many have ragequit, but nobody is to blame.
It's tearing across this colorful paper, I think new love will be drawn, upon this rage stained page!
over 11 years ago

Standing here, I realize, you are just like me, trying to advertise your game. But who's to judge the good from bad, when our guard is down, I think we'll both agree, that hating breeds hating, but in the end, it has to be this way!
over 11 years ago
As a pony-fag hater, we feel much shame for eventually understanding the last pannel.

Nyx is a godess and Nyx ASSASSin is her servant.
over 11 years ago

He isn't Nyx he is Nyx assassin, as in he assassinates for Nyx. So he is writing to Nyx.
over 11 years ago
Going helm of dominator then turning it to Satanic later is much smarter for Drow.

For the Windrunner fans you can get to role play as Drow, get Eye of skadi + Aghanim Scepter (late game of course) then go ulti somebody.
Change the name of this website
over 11 years ago
From Nerfnow!! To Dota2now!!
over 11 years ago
The last panel took me a while to understand :(
over 11 years ago

seriously even when you did mostly tf2 comics this much they got annoying and the l4d one was refreshing, however unlike tf2, dota2 comics fucking suck(like the game), enough already.
over 11 years ago
Ashe isn't blue!
over 11 years ago
Now that it's clear that some people won't understand no matter how much you try to explain, you should go full obscure, Jo.
Exceptional Drow
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286600]@Death[/url]: That's true 98% of the time. Then there's the rest of us, that know things like orb-walking, how to pop a riki out of stealth using silence, etc etc. Mask of madness though? Never gonna happen. Rather have a ghost scepter honestly.
over 11 years ago
And what Drow Picker know about position? Drow pickers don't know nothing about the game, they just let the auto attack and 80 extra agi from ult do the job for them.
over 11 years ago
Post nothing but dota please, I drink the tears of the dota haters.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286366]@Nyx[/url]'s Assassin Are you kidding me? You honestly think Nyx just says "Nyxnyxnyx" over and over again?
over 11 years ago
Another dota comic, another joke that makes no sense to non-players.

Get back to TF2 comics, already.
Nyx's Assassin
over 11 years ago
Nyx nyx nyx, nyx nyx. Nyx. Nyx nyx? Nyx!
over 11 years ago
That drow isn't fat enough.
over 11 years ago
I'm fairly certain Drow is physically incapable of smiling.
over 11 years ago
oh and another thing why people like mask of madness is because it provides movement speed bonus, so it can actually help in surviving/escaping unless you get disabled.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286550]@Ninj77[/url] well his name is nyx assassin. or what it should properly be called/termed: "nyx's assassin". even some dota 2 guys would think his proper name is nyx, so its no biggie some dont get the letter thing.
over 11 years ago
@herp derp: yeah but a good team will be carrying wards. shadow dance just tells them where and when.
over 11 years ago
Except for the "nyx" part (for us non-dota players) the joke is pretty obvious.

Well, perhaps way too much obvious.
over 11 years ago
Except now the comic explains it's own joke which kind of takes the funny out of it. It's really hard to find a balance between understanding and funny you know.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286539]@dealwithit[/url] drow picker detected.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286468]@Frelus[/url]: Actually, the second highest gives +100, the third highest gives +88 and only the fourth highest gives +81.
over 11 years ago
@herp derp:
MoM on Slark is a REALLY bad pickup (at least before Skadi), because you get killed in 1 or 2 spells. Also, AOE-spells exist.
over 11 years ago
btw, Crit-a-Cola = Mask of Madness
over 11 years ago
Dear Princess Celestia. Today ive learned that MoM is very usefull item. Drow seems more like a balanced hero now.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286472]@Tue[/url] TF2 there's quite a few weapons designed that way. Hell Glass cannon type classes in all games are designed in a way to be High Risk High Reward so a class in TF2 Scout counts.
over 11 years ago
First of all, I agree - you have to be pretty daft not to get what this comic is talking about. Could even be about ANY other game with similar case, and it would be told the same way.
But all in all it seems dumb to have an item like that unless you are really good at playing the game.
Monaco fan
over 11 years ago
Requesting monaco comic
over 11 years ago
@Le epicsauce comix XD:
Look, kids, a dumbass!
The comic explains itself via dialogue. There is NOTHING to not understand. You, sir, are just a degenerate.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286431]@Discrider[/url]: There are only 2 items that drop on death: Gem of Truesight (Hero sees invisible units) and the Divine Rapier (+300 damage, highest +damage item in the game (second highest gives +81). So no, Mask of Madness does not drop on death, it is just a trophy.
John Crichtom
over 11 years ago
I've got this idea. Please do something with Windrunner and Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow. They are both archers and both were green outfits...
over 11 years ago
Okay, that one cracked me up
Le epicsauce comix XD
over 11 years ago
Oh look! Another comic that people who don't play Dota 2 won't get! ISN'T IT HILARIOUS!?

...and people still support this bullcrap.
herp derp
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286419]@ysath[/url]: I buy MoM on Slark because Shadow Dance negates the vulnerability part most of the time (100% of the time if the enemy team is dumb and doesn't buy sentry wards or gem). So it's pretty much free attack speed.
over 11 years ago
Nyxnyxnyxnyxnyx nyx nyx nyxnyxnyx
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286431]@Discrider[/url]: Second option.
nerfnow more like dotanow
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago

Is mask of madness one of the items that drops on death, or is it just another taken trophy in this case?
didnt read lol
over 11 years ago
another dota comic, meh, /skip
over 11 years ago
(cont) don't have mass disables. Otherwise you will just get killed faster without any benefit.

I also call shadowblade "scrub blade" since I keep seeing idiots building it on all kind of hero that doesn't fit in situations that do not fit. hint: Do not buy if there's already an invis hero
over 11 years ago
I laugh at pretty much anyone that makes MoM on almost every heroes. MoM is a terrible item that shouldn't be made in 99% of the circumstances.

You only want it on Sven, spiritbreaker and the occasional void. And that is ONLY if you have a solid advantage over your opponents AND that they (cont).
over 11 years ago
@The extraordinary league of gentlemen :
And that's supposed to be something anyone who doesn't know this game would get?

Get the fuck out.
The extraordinary league of gentlemen
over 11 years ago
To all the Leaguies and retards, Nyx is the goddess nyx assassin serves...........and this is actually a parody to my little pony too, pony fags and normal people that have watched the stupid thing once or twice will understand
over 11 years ago
It is his diary. Or a letter to the goddess Nyx. Whatever suits you better.
over 11 years ago
I don't understand this joke, is Nyx writing to itself, or is it replying to that letter that the Drow wrote?

over 11 years ago
we wamt nyx-tan vs zerg-tan please jo
over 11 years ago
I had a rampage in that game, it was pretty fun.
over 11 years ago
On most carries building MoM without a Skadi is a bad idea. A MoM+Skadi combo is OP though.
over 11 years ago
Eh. MoM is a fine pick on Drow when you can afford some defense to get a huge boost of damage. Or when opposing team is full of tards and gives me a chance to completely roll over them.

Then again I do love it when opponents build MoM so that I can kill them for you Nyx, for you!
over 11 years ago
don't know what I like more, the fact a Dota comic was made that I can understand or that Dota week is almost over and after tomorrow, we'll hopefully get a comic about something that isn't Dota
over 11 years ago
At first I thought that Nyx also bought a MoM and used it with carapace for maximum damage.
The daylight
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
Nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx hue nyx!
over 11 years ago
ive always wondered, how does nyx take corrpses and stuffs.
i see the he could put the helmet on his horn thingie, but theres no hole in drows clothes other than the really big slash, so does he put it in his mouth or somethin?
over 11 years ago
MoM drows are the most hilarious thing, so pathetic.
over 11 years ago
yeah joe, something "soft", right? ;)
over 11 years ago
What's even better is when you are playing Drow and you see your damage disappear and you know you are in trouble.
over 11 years ago
Oddly enough Nyx Assassin's model doesn't actually have eyes. They're more of little black holes
Balsamic Volcano
over 11 years ago
the best part of this comic is the pencil tied to his claw
over 11 years ago
I always laugh at drow picker building MoM