What people are saying about "Spectations"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285810]@Demotechies[/url] Single best reference. What was noise? The sound of progress, my friend.
almost 12 years ago
I really don't get how anyone wouldn't get the joke about the gender bender. Really, female enchantress (lamb lady) is shown on almost any strip, she is shown on 'Casualties of war' few comics ago. The simularities between 'enchantor' and 'enchantress' are pretty obviously shown in comics.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286598]@usbfridge[/url]: Thank you!
almost 12 years ago
...Poor Ursa...Soo disappointed.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286031]@Altessia[/url] He's one of the neutral creeps, a Hellbear Smasher, and is well known for his high health and damage.
almost 12 years ago
@[url=#user_comment_285845] @Zero[/url] Then figure out a new term. I am not saying MOBA is a great term. But it is better than calling everything a dota or Aeon clone. I agree we should have a different term for it though.
almost 12 years ago
I think the Enchanter looks great...
I haven't played DoTA but when I have trouble figuring stuff out, the comments help. Usually pretty easy, and it's gotten easier.
Crom Hellsgream
almost 12 years ago
Voice of reason
almost 12 years ago
To be honest, I think he should just reach out to a group of people that would understand the joke no matter what. He really needs to make a Monster Girl strip.
almost 12 years ago
Spectations? Did you mean expectations, Jo?

Anyway, that's a great job on the hellbear. His funny face brought a smile to my usually grumpy face.
almost 12 years ago
duck part 2
almost 12 years ago
...whatever. In my opinion, the comics were better when they were using Jo's characters to comment on gaming news.
duck part 1
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286095]@zzzz[/url]: Why does it have to be one or the other? As long as the comics are understandable and funny without in-depth knowledge of a specific game mechanic, what does it matter? To be honest, I think the majority of dota-comic haters do so because they're tired of obscure jokes about "laning" or...
Anton. E. Moose
almost 12 years ago
Yay! A Dota comic which can be understood without on depth knowledge of the game!
almost 12 years ago
Why do these comments always pit TF2 fans against Dota fans? In the last poll I voted "Neither" for which Arc I would prefer.

Variety is what's lacking here.
almost 12 years ago
I really like your comic! I've managed to read every one of them in the past few days and I've thoroughly enjoyed the experience! It's definetly one of my favorites now and I was wondering, whatever happened to Steam and Origin? We haven't seen those two in the comic in a while...
le XD
almost 12 years ago
So... where's the joke? I don't get it.
almost 12 years ago
Couldn't stop laughing!
almost 12 years ago
Next comic about Enchantress man's wisps going, "wtf? I ain't healing nuthin."
almost 12 years ago
"...always fail me when it's co-op time.
And that's why I end up playing dota."
I see what you did there, Yo!
( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
almost 12 years ago
Why is he so eager to be charmed by enchantress. It will kill him! She is like A cheerful Leshrac with a the hidden dark side still there.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286095]@zzzz[/url]: You may be into something here. ;)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286095]@zzzz[/url]: There will be complainers in any circle and trying to make the more radicals in any group happy is simply not worth it. Simply put, the more you give, the more they will want. Oh, and btw, next comic will be about dota too. :)
almost 12 years ago
As long as he's having tons of fun playing dota... well, seems like we're going to have dota for dinner for a looong time, indeed. XD
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286095]@zzzz[/url]: I don't think so, pal. Rather Jo is only making comics of whatever he enjoys at the moment. Remember when he made that awesome D&D TF2 parody arc? People complained a lot, even though it was one of his best works ever!
almost 12 years ago
heck, im pretty sure right now that joe's doing all of these dota comics BECAUSE you guys complain. if your opinions really would have mattered, joe would have done it after that last arc of dota.
but nope. joe's still making dota comics. probably cause he's also pissed off at you guys.
almost 12 years ago
you know, im seriously hoping joe will continue to make dota comics no matter if its poorly done or what, just to finally drive out all those whiners. there's plenty enough of dota fans out there already and can easily outnumber all those TF2 fans.
almost 12 years ago
Jo do you have a corsair 2000 wireless headset? If so mine is breaking aswell, I have cable ties everywhere to keep it together. I love corsair, then their headsets allways break for me. :(
almost 12 years ago
I feel ya Jo, playing solo Dota makes things worse
almost 12 years ago
At least I could understand the TF2 comics without having played the game...
almost 12 years ago
Monaco is a pretty good game, me and my gf have been couch co-oping it, although i tell ya, i have to sit pretty close to the tv with my keyboard so i can see wtf is going on lol.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Stop being so casual, maybe then you'd get the jokes
almost 12 years ago
Yay for 'kludging' up a fix. if you think your fix is ugly, look up 'Kludge' sometime. if you go to the icanhascheezeburgr site's 'I kludged it' you can find even uglier and interesting fixes.
almost 12 years ago
That ursa looks so sweet in the second panel
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_286026]@anonymous[/url]: I'm sure "Jo" appreciates your utterly condescending tone and acting like he's so weak as to need you to teach him this. Stop indulging in your selfish white-knighting and do something useful.
almost 12 years ago
Where's my starcraft and zerg-tan? '-'
almost 12 years ago
dont listen to the trollfreaks jo. your comic is always good for a laugh regardless of the subject. these guys have no life and because they have no life try to bring you down to their level by acting like "this subject sucks bring back that subject" and deluding themselves thinking they can hurt u
almost 12 years ago
Ei, Jo, eu to afim de jogar dota com pessoas que saibam jogar, aí eu to fazendo uma party com alguns amigos, pq é foda jogar em pub, adiciona la na steam, nome é uber wolf, é uma foto de um lobo com uma lua amarela.
almost 12 years ago
"he has his reason(s)" or "it had its reason", not "he has it's reason".

good comic though
almost 12 years ago
Cont. As far as I can figure, he has done the video game equivalent of wanking to trap-porn. Yes, that is a thing. No, you do not want to google it.
almost 12 years ago
I have never played Dota. Ever. I cannot even name a single Champion or Hero or whatever they bloody well use. What I CAN tell you, following the last comic, is that the Enchantress is usually a girl. The red thing was expecting as much. He is severely disappointed.
almost 12 years ago
lol, Ursa Bloodthrasherguy so sad.
A sad commenter
almost 12 years ago
You know its bad when CAD is becoming better than Nerfnow.
Dotards being tards
almost 12 years ago
@Don't get the joke? Serously?

If they didnt play dota2 then they wouldnt know that enchantress' gender.

The joke is extremely shitty and is basically the same joke from the last 10 comics.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285954]@Wickman[/url] Oh, look, another one who compensates negative number in "attention span" stat with abscence of logic. Yay.
almost 12 years ago

To be fair, if you don't read every single comment that might be lost on you, since the last panel does have three people (and the right-most one you don't know the gender of.)

Also, the only comics I like anymore are the "I bought a new game, here's some insight/a joke"
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285954]@Wickman[/url] Because not playing tf2 obviously made those comics understandable too.
almost 12 years ago
Oh look, another Dota 2 comic that makes no sense if you don't play Dota 2.

Zero i a fucking faggot
almost 12 years ago
Don't get the joke? Serously?
almost 12 years ago
These Dota comics are getting more user friendly that I'm surprised people still don't get the joke. Don't play Dota? You don't have to. Red devil guy thinks Enchantress is a female character,finds out it's a dude, hiliarity ensues. You need 0 knowledge of DOTA to get a chuckle out of this.
doctor octupus
almost 12 years ago
Can we go five bloody seconds without someone whining? Let the man, er, tentacle, draw as he pleases.
almost 12 years ago
Does "RPG" roll off the tongue? or "RTS"? It's only maww-bahh that sounds so stupid it needs to be changed.
Austin Powers
almost 12 years ago
She's a man, baby!
almost 12 years ago
Haaahaha xD

*links to friends so Dota comic will get more views and Jo will do more Dota comics*
Le sigh
almost 12 years ago
Starcraft, Team Fortress 2, Mario, Sonic, Earth bound, Luigi, Take your pick. Just...please enough with the Dota X_x ALL dota. DOTA IS BORING.
almost 12 years ago
Can we go five bloody seconds without someone whining? Let the man, er, tentacle, draw as he pleases.
almost 12 years ago
is Dota week almost over yet?
Lonely Ursa bear thing
almost 12 years ago
The weird red thing is the hellbear/red ursa which is a commonly used jungle creep because it deals decent damage, is pretty tanky, and its active deals good damage and slows
Shitty comic being shitty
almost 12 years ago
I have no idea who that big red thing is sposed to be, and I have no idea what the fucking joke is.
almost 12 years ago
Cont. calling every MOBA a Aeon style game is idiotic. And calling every MOBA a Dota style game is stupid because DOTA took it's system from Aeon of Strife. How else are you going to describe it exactly? Maybe.. Hmm.. Hero Battle Arena? HBA doesn't sound good. Doesn't roll off the tongue.
almost 12 years ago
Cont. For Example, CoD is an FPS. We understand FPS as a game like COD or Battlefield. You associate FPS with it. You associate MMO with WoW and WoW like games. TPS with Gears, or Red Faction Guerrilla and so on. They are trying to make MOBA into associated with LoL, DOTA, Hon. Since calling every
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285830]@Hobby[/url] It's because a term eventually had to be made. We couldn't go around calling FPS's Doom like games forever. We can't go around calling MOBA's dota style games forever. Or Aeon Style Games. Or Whatever Style. MOBA is now associated with DOTA, LOL, HON, Smite. That's how things go.
almost 12 years ago
Should we call it the MANCHANTRESS?
Deal with it, seriously
almost 12 years ago
Dota 2 > LOL
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285821]@x[/url]: And the only reason that the term MOBA exists, is that Riot couldn't invent a better name to define LoL.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285821]@x[/url]: And no, FPS can't mean a billion of things, it means First Person Shooter, so games like TF2 and CoD can be called a FPS, but other games that involve shooting but aren't first person, like Contra and SMNC, can't.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285821]@x[/url]: The best way to start an argument is to call someone retarded. The point of that comment isn't that games have genres, it's that MOBA isn't a good name to call games like LoL and Dota 2, because the name MOBA refers to lots of online games.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285819]@Hobby[/url]: You are retarded. A better example would be like an arena shooter, say TF2. And yeah, tons of genres have a lot of crossover, RPGs can mean millions of things, players call things that aren't FPS, FPS. They are just genre names. MMORPG barely even means anything anymore.
almost 12 years ago
Why does everyone say that games like Dota 2 are "mobas", Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is a horrible way to describe a game, WoW is multiplayer, is online, there is a battle and it happens on a arena, yet WoW is refered as a MMORPG game.
almost 12 years ago
LoL yeah. My friends always bail on me too. It's pretty much the only reason I still play World of Warcraft :P
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_285802]@JackTheManiac[/url]: I simultaneously love and hate you for quoting It Has to Be This Way, but mangling it in such a way to be talking about mobas. I'm not sure what to do with myself now.
almost 12 years ago
"And that's why I end up playing dota."

Really? It's much better play with strangers that are elsewhere instead than helping you, or DC'ing. With verbal offense as a bonus.

Oh... wait. That's CoD.
Perfect micro skills
almost 12 years ago
Female Skywrath mage and all my hopes and dreams shall be fulfilled
almost 12 years ago
Hey sweet a Dota comic. Can we have a HON one next? how about a LOL one after that? CAN WE HAVE THEM FOREVER?
almost 12 years ago
I trolled my own path, you followed your rage, but maybe we're both the same. The comics have turned, and so many have ragequit, but nobody is to blame.
It's tearing across this colorful paper, I think new love will be drawn, upon this rage stained page!
almost 12 years ago

Standing here, I realize, you are just like me, trying to advertise your game. But who's to judge the good from bad, when our guard is down, I think we'll both agree, that hating breeds hating, but in the end, it has to be this way!
almost 12 years ago
Lol, your friend is an object. IT'S REASONS?
almost 12 years ago
Early strip and early joke...nice!!!

Congrats for fixing your headset, Jo. Good to see you're quite the handy tentacle! ;D
almost 12 years ago
@Fan of games: Lately I been trying to draw different stuff. I'm not happy with my males yet, so I hardly draw them. Hellbear was fun to draw though.
Fan of games
almost 12 years ago
I would love to see you do more of these gender benders of females for dota. Cause I never knew you could, and this one is well made.
Paticus Roth
almost 12 years ago
If you need a friend to lay Monaco, you could always find new ones haha.
Jo pls
almost 12 years ago
Where's my female pudge???
almost 12 years ago
@A-kun: whoops. let me fix it.
almost 12 years ago
Not sure if it was a mistake, but do his ears vanish in panel 3? Or are they laid so far back as to not be visible?
almost 12 years ago
Should get a nice headphones and clip-on mic.
almost 12 years ago
Good comic as always, been a fan of DotaNow for a while, and have to say it's good work as allways.
almost 12 years ago
Monaco is an absolute blast. I hope you have fun with it regardless!