What people are saying about "Safe Job"
Safe Job
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almost 12 years ago
Soldier in Armor:Join now and you will become like me
almost 12 years ago
What about SCV trains. When scvs join the Naama-faction they always are attack units :D
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263750]@daretobecupid[/url]: MY PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAD
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263310]@Mel[/url]: Jeepers BatMel, did Blizzard kill your parents or something?
almost 12 years ago
But he said he was claustrophobic! He needs to get out of there!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263291]@Geary[/url]: I have found zero information confirming anything you said. Would you care to either confirm it or retract your comment back to the posterior from which it came?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263292]@DivineJustice[/url]: I supose you're a 13y old person, that don't know differnt between joke and serious talk.
almost 12 years ago
Finally! Starcraft comix! Oh joyous day!

Still, that SCV pilot should have known better. Safest SC Terran job is the guy that sends down the MULEs.
almost 12 years ago
actually, blizzard was supposed to get the warhammer 40k license for the original starcraft but the company behind warhammer retracted the license at the last minute. they did not believe in videogames at that time. blizzard just addapted what they had into a new lore.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263309]@Goro[/url] Since when do people still play Blizzard games for the lore? (even though in reality I am a warcraft lore fan ;-;)
almost 12 years ago
Fuck noncombatants. You didn't want to die? Stay the fuck off the battlefield, or surrender faster in your next life.
almost 12 years ago
I always wondered why they can't just slap some guns in those things.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263291]@Geary[/url] LOOOL. Fuck, Blizzard are fucking hacks I hate them so much.
almost 12 years ago
The writing in HoTS is soooo bad, ME3 is no longer the worst sequel to ever rape it's lore.
The Duelist
almost 12 years ago
When do we get PoE comic?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263051]@Turkashi[/url]: http://www.sirlin.net/ptw/ Fucktard.
almost 12 years ago
Wait, I'm sorry, we were talking about Warhammer 40k, right?
almost 12 years ago
The strategy game about heavily armored Space Marines backed up by tanks and mechs fighting powerful psychic aliens with significantly more advanced tech, and sometimes forming a brief alliance to fight an alien swarm that devours everything that gets in its way and uses DNA to create bioweapons.
Awesome Sauce
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
You'd think they'd at least outfit their drones with a pea-shooter for self-defense.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263221]@Terran[/url] I'd disagree with you there- the Zerg swarm specifically targets civilians with the intention of corrupting them (and because they're typically weaker). So in that respect, at least Marines have guns.
almost 12 years ago
Technically most people already "joined" the Terran Dominion. Those aren't are rebels and I don't think the Dominion will kindly offer them to join the army.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263048]@AngryProtoss[/url]: OMG! Spoilers, dude! Next you'll be telling me something happens to Kerrigan...
almost 12 years ago
You can't use multiplayer logic with the story elements so "scv all ins" would not happen in lore you have to think missions. So the safest people in combat besides people inside buildings would probably be scvs. They are still in danger though because computers in missions do drops.
almost 12 years ago
SCV, even when they are target, they usually are pretty protected so they are the most safest unit in the game. For example, it is pretty rare to rebuild/resuply SCV units unless your army is pretty f*cked up.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263172]@Scott[/url]: Well holy shit, it's almost like English isn't his first language or something.
Nando Rock
almost 12 years ago
Two words: Reaver Drop
almost 12 years ago
so Jo you gonna do a strip about heart of the swarm
almost 12 years ago
You have a spelling error in your comic.
almost 12 years ago
Just finished the Swarm campaign myself, so this comic was a nice surprise.
For the next comic, how about you parody how Kerrigan is more or less imba and you can solo many missions with using her alone? Heck, do a DotA 2 crossover and let her be the strongest hero to make this more evident.
almost 12 years ago
Blizzard sucks
almost 12 years ago
So just like Eve Online then? :V
Liro Raeriyo
almost 12 years ago
anyways, are we gonna get some friggen starcraft comics because heart of the swarm just released?
almost 12 years ago
Starcraft sucks, draw more Command & Conquer.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
pretty ironic.
If he wasn't such a coward he would have had a better life expectancy.
Il Palazzo-sama
almost 12 years ago
Let the SCVs mine their own business.
almost 12 years ago
Jo, you have got to do a comic about the ArmA 3 seagull glitch.
almost 12 years ago
This reminds me of Space Aaasshole song. "Just wanted to do my job, earn a wage, and then some guy comes and breaks my spine with a hammer".

almost 12 years ago
After seeing the refusal by the old man, it's kinda creepy if you know how they fill up most of the marine ranks when they faced low volunteer rate (AKA Brainwashed prisoners). It would be better if it is marauder though.
almost 12 years ago
Nfederacy. (Sorry, first time posting >.<)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263093]@Xeranar[/url] Backstory says the Dominion never stopped prisoner conscription after they took over, they just stopped telling the public about it, as part of their information control/propoganda. In fact, based on the lore for the Reaper units, it's probably worse with the Dominion than it was for the Co
almost 12 years ago
HoTS is so shit.
almost 12 years ago
Is that Natasha from RA3? o.o
almost 12 years ago
So true. The best part, against the CPU, they rarely remember to send scouting parties with their collectors, when far from the base. Cleared many Warcraft2 maps that way.
almost 12 years ago
In SC-I there was implications that the Marines and Firebats were in fact criminals but that was under the original regime. In SC-II that story is more or less since the new Terran regime took office the Marines/FBs are volunteers largely though it is still ironically listed how firebats are insane.
almost 12 years ago
omg anothar comic i dont understand becauz i dont play the game
almost 12 years ago
Seriously dude? How could you turn down a request from such a cutie!!??
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
At least SCV's can fight back, it's not their fault they suck at it. Now Protoss Probes...
almost 12 years ago
Jo, you disapointed me again. A real RTS player use supreme tactic to win, no cutting down enemy resource, that's just low >:0
stupid SCV
almost 12 years ago
This is the reason why Blizzard sucks...
almost 12 years ago
@O.O: That and raynor died and THE ENDING OF SWARM WAS LEAKED YEARS AGO.
almost 12 years ago
Now I feel bad for all those cheesy proxy barrack's...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263032]@Aki[/url] Half wrong and half right: The penal program is the most common way to get marines and the easiest, however there are no shortage of volunteers. Also, We need that Uniform for Terran Republic on Planetside2! (the commissar looking woman) We need something to combat DAT VANU ASS!
almost 12 years ago
This is why Zerg are awesome, they're far cuddlier than stupid terrans...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263017]@KarmikCykle[/url]: Actually, I don't believe this is accurate. Marines aren't "Mostly" criminals. You may be thinking of another game, GoW or something maybe?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_263017]@KarmikCykle[/url] So you think they'll just turn away volunteers?
almost 12 years ago
Never mind the fact that it's mostly criminals who become Terran marines and they have no choice in the matter...
almost 12 years ago
He is so gonna get stormed from the other side of a chasm...
almost 12 years ago
SCV rush incoming
almost 12 years ago
Jobs not listed:
-All-in meat shield
-Desperation base/planetary defense
-Bunker rushing
-Killed off when extra supply is needed
-Healing each other
almost 12 years ago
This is the reason why SC2 sucks...
almost 12 years ago
This is why MOBAs suck
2 Base
almost 12 years ago
Unless you're in the front part of the train sent during those timing all ins.

almost 12 years ago
This is why DotA sucks.
almost 12 years ago
Generalissimo Girl is back !
almost 12 years ago
This is why LoL sucks
almost 12 years ago
Terrans! Yay! :D