What people are saying about "Shameful Display"
Shameful Display
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Jo the mystic
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
I think worse is Na'Vi losing to Rikimaru..
over 11 years ago
RDM actually DISBANDED today. This comic doomed them trollololol

over 11 years ago
@?: RaidCall D2L Season #2 - Groupstage
over 11 years ago
What league was this in? Can't find the video..
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_256289]@Smyles[/url], yeah, that is why I like linkens BoT on Naga, and I said sorry for the[url=#user_comment_256289] @Smyles[/url] mistake, I was kinda sleepy when I wrote that.
over 11 years ago
Wrong, it's like losing to Hakan in SSF4.
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player: The other good thing about manta is it give stats to your illusions, which not many items can do, and also remember it can remove most debuffs like dust and silence!
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255849]@Smyles[/url] lol, STOP COPYING MY NAME! Essentially you are ungankable after 16+linkens because you can dodge one stun long enough to pop ulti + tp out.
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
Issue could just be that I don't play against enough summon-based heroes too I suppose :\
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255849]@Smyles[/url]: The extra illusions would be great with PL if it wasn't for the simple fact that there IS an illusion cap, and PL can naturally reach said cap without it. As to delaying diff2 for additional charges, I think I've only ever had one game where I used all the charges. (cont.)
over 11 years ago
Damn, the[url=#user_comment_255849] @Smyles[/url] was me, entered the wrong thing :(
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255853]@TheBaron[/url]: you offended me by using Ryu clone, Dan is Dan, the master of all fighters! He can kadoken the cr#p of you, and meanwhile still do his oraora! (taunt) in mid air! And he got fancy Pink... none 2D & 3D fighter ever beat that! beside, his danpukyaku and goryuken are way more overpowered
over 11 years ago
Oh, I love the Naga Linken's-Diff-BoT-w/e build, just a fuck-you to gankers, especially after lv 16.
over 11 years ago
Eh. No one will ever play against me if I use a Ryu clone. Even Dan. I Glowing Bitch Slapped my way through 15 players with him back in the old days of the local arcade and SF Alpha 2.
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player: Also, Manta can remove dust and silences on PL, which is crucial for survival. And the reason why sometimes u dont get diff2 right away is because your wasting charges for the slow/purge/destroy summoned units.. But you don't necessarily need it, sometimes the mana burn suffices.
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player: Manta Style generally synergizes well with heroes that have spells that summon illusions, for the same reasons that they have spells that generate illusions in the first place. Getting an item that does the same thing as an innate spell plays to a hero's natural strengths.
over 11 years ago
"Professional DotA match"

Keep trying
Not MOBA player
over 11 years ago
So, you did a DOTA2 joke, but explained afterwards so people like me would understad it... that's how you should have done it from the start, was it so hard? -.-
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
I've also always seen Manta on a PL as straight up stupid >.> yea it offers nice stats, but there are better upgrades for a hero that can so easily generate illusions.
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
Hrmm, I've always had issues rushing a radiance on any hero. I tend to enjoy some type of stepping stone along the way, especially when it's the first item beyond t2 boots. I've also never understood why you would not immediately grab diff2 after getting diff1...it's rather cheap.
over 11 years ago
over 11 years ago
If you get a Radiance on PL, you get it before Diffusal. If you delay it until after, your time frame to take advantage of it has mostly past. Pros pretty much never get Radi on PL anymore: they go generally go Midas into Diff for good farm and better early/mid game contribution.
over 11 years ago
Yay, he explained the joke! Thats how you do a DOTA comic, Jo!
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player
I understand, it's a powerful build and I was simply joking about. Normally, however, you don't want to get diffusal before radiance, since radiance is meant to increase your farm and as such becomes pointless if you get it too late.
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player: If this is PL (or naga) I would say to try a tranquil + soul ring into Linkens (stats, mana regen, the works) into Diff1>Manta>Diff2>HoT>Butterfly is amazing.
over 11 years ago
@High Level Player: I see BS as a possible counter to a Magnus skewer, but something like a TA/Nightstalker for gapclosing or a Radiance (hint: cancel blink dagger) could be more effective. Otherwise 5 forcestaffs pretty much for trolling with Bloodseeker is not "situational"; more like pubstomp fun
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
situational items that change based on each game and what you're against.
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
that the radiance dramatically speeds up farming speed. You can send one-two illusions to each jungle camp at the same time while you continue to push lane/gank for more gold. Not that farming is really needed at that point /shrug. And don't get me wrong, that's just the "core", not the(cont.)
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
I dunno. I haven't found any other build remotely as powerful as the diff2->rad->HoT build. With how fast it melts enemies, the health just guarantees you won't die. I've used my illusions after jungling to push a lane and pulled off a double kill...was hilarious. Not to mention(cont.)
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy: Have you ever tried Rupturing an about-to-charge spirit breaker? It's pretty hilarious.
over 11 years ago
I hate that! Especially when I play carries and I lose to a pub-stomper just because my team can't turtle until I have my items. (14 midas + maelstrom on ls, 3 towers down, 0 destroyed by us) It wasn't even a pushing lineup we were up against.
Nameless Noogai
over 11 years ago
Unless they decide to add a ministun on his bloodrage for enemies or on his Rupture. Bloodseeker will forever be an easily counter-able hero.
Dota 2 player
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255750]@Frelus[/url]: Unless BS decide to not ulti full health hero alone (like half of pubbers do), and, like, save it to teamfights to cast it on escaping enemies. Or another way around, cast on someone while escaping to stop him from following you.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255725]@SomeRandomNobody[/url]: His ultimate is so eayy to counter by using a teleport scroll for 135g, needing 2 secs, and uncounterable by silence. And not triggering the damage by movement, as it is a teleport.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255725]@SomeRandomNobody[/url]: Hes considered bad because he has no real CC. He is hard countered by good planning and positioning, and theres just the fact that there are better heros. They buffed his ultimate until he was playable like with axe and battle hunger.
over 11 years ago
Uh, Synd's team isn't to good. He basically started over from scratch with players he couldn't even understand for the most part at the start of their formation.
over 11 years ago
As a person who migrates loosely between LoL and DoTA on a regular basis, I fail to see why Bloodseeker is bad. Perhaps it is because I spend more time in LoL, but it seems like all Bloodseeker needs is to farm damage, and his ult turns into "Stay and die" or "run and die". Am I missing something?
over 11 years ago
this is why league sucks.
over 11 years ago
Jo...I feel offended!
Even you sometimes make joke I don't directly understand, but insulting Dan as trash...I feel terrible offended! >:0
I'm a Dan & Zangief player, and I can assure you Dan can kick many asses!
over 11 years ago
Soph Senkai
over 11 years ago
@dota fanboy

So he is something like Evelynn in LoL, She used to be shit tier, and could only be useful as a roamer. Then they reworked her, and all of a sudden she could run Mid Carry, jungle, top and support. But Riot recently nerfed her down to a pretty hard play again.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255647]@Frelus[/url] He's currently recognized as the hardest carry in game because of something as simple as math. With regards to invis heroes working in lower-level games. There's a much more subble bonus to invis heroes on your team. The enemy team needs to invest in reveal and gather up as 5.
over 11 years ago
On PL: Still not sure I like Radiance on him. Just delays your heart (and much-needed health) an absolute ton. And you can farm like crazy without it just by getting levels.

On BS: Really easy to counter unfortunately. Except if he gets forcestaff, then all bets are off.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255647]@Frelus[/url] Although some of what "High Level Player says is true, most of it is not, because of how there is no "one-best-build" on any hero in the game. (A common misconception by lower level players, ho ho ho) There's no real need to say anything about PL other than: (cont?)
over 11 years ago
@Broken Taco: I don't see that comparison at all. Kha'Zix has a lot of burst damage and a powerful mobility skill. BS has no burst damage outside his ult, relies on an MS boost that needs his target to be half-dead already to work. Also, everything he does is done better by Night Stalker.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255625]@2[/url]: Deal with it
over 11 years ago
@Broken Taco DOTA != MOBA thats a term LoL made up.
over 11 years ago
:3 this make me nostalgic, in my noob time i say “bloodseeker is over!!!”… heheh now:
That Dude
over 11 years ago
@Broken Taco Actually, Warwick was based off of Bloodseeker, and I think the case is the same for both of them: They both have great gank potential if used properly, but they just aren't flavor of the month.
Anon E Mouse (Sarcastic)
over 11 years ago
@Mr. Lemon: Shit, it's almost like Jo is basing his comics off what he's playing, which varies over time.

Also, let me not complain but post statistics:
People complaining about DotA 2 comics: A lot
Fucks given: Zero
Broken Taco
over 11 years ago
I wikied bloodseeker, he seems to have incredible potential. Similar to the LoL champ Kha Zix, he just needs to farm and get fed, (as with any champ really). No, I don't play DoTA, but I do play LoL, so I understand how MOBA games work.
over 11 years ago
Pls nerf bloodseeker! OMGWTF he makes me rage so hard I want to hit him harder! I cant even blink away without losing my precious blood! D:<
High Level Player
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255647]@Frelus[/url]: PL at high skill level plays like any other hard carry, you farm....hard. Diffusal 2->Radiance->Heart. 2 of your illusions can kill any non-carry/initiator. Before you have your diffusal, you're not much of a threat though. PL is not an invis hero, he's an orb/aura abuser. Stealth just a +
whats a tango
over 11 years ago
Just rename to DOTACOMICS already.
over 11 years ago
Phantom Lancer played competetively? As I rather like him, but he seems quite easy to shut down early, unless playing trilane or with something like KotL (ohmygod I hate that combo).
Of course, with HoT and Diff he is rather strong, but I'd still like to know how he plays in higher skill levels
over 11 years ago
"focus the gem carrier" works well, usually, and simply going in after the initiation, but at least at my level, many invisibles have a hard time.
Exceptions are usually early fed BHs, as they get quite nasty.
Also, as you seem to know quite something about the game, how often is (cont)
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy:
Well, I may have that impression because I came from LoL, and because in the pubs I play in, after a few account levels, most games have supports, and most supports buy sentry wards and gems, to which many invisible hero players do not seem to have no answer.
I know the simple (cont)
over 11 years ago
Ahaha holy shit notide is the only team that could win with a BS, good lord
over 11 years ago
Stop trying to say Bloodseeker is shit because TP counters him. If he ganks with a teammate, which was common in pro games, a TP wont save you.
over 11 years ago
Out of 36 comics in 2013 :
18 are about DotA2
8 are about TF2
10 are about other stuff.
Not complaining, just posting statistics.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255615]@dealwithit[/url]: u sucks
over 11 years ago
Screw dota.
over 11 years ago
@A simple request "More TF2 please."

NO, because NO!.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255615]@dealwithit[/url]: you are too predictable.
over 11 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
Teleportation Scroll
over 11 years ago
I am the Bloodseeker's worst nightmare!!
over 11 years ago
But SF4's Dan isn't that bad. A lot of his moves are pretty safe and if he has a full meter he can super cancel into his ultra
over 11 years ago
While it may be true that no hero in DotA2 is 'bad,' per se, there are plenty of picks that are, mechanically, 'just better.'

It's kind of annoying how the team who picks their heroes first is at an inherent disadvantage, though. >.>
dota2 is no more the best
over 11 years ago
try CSGO you noobz much more teamwork and reflexes needed, k? bye
over 11 years ago
Soooo.. where's the funny?
A simple request
over 11 years ago
More TF2 please.
over 11 years ago
@Ex-fan: Cry us a god damn river, it's E-sports.
over 11 years ago
@Liro Raeriyo: It's more "anything and everything can be a winning strategy if you're are better at the game than your opponents"
over 11 years ago
It was seriously alright to pick on whoever the fuck. Because comedy.
Liro Raeriyo
over 11 years ago
this basicly just proves the point that "anything and everything can be a winning strategy if used correctly"

so whenever i hear people downtalk an item in TF2 i immediatly counter with "just like how oak says its not time to use your bike now, so to is it not time to use that weapon now"
Bad pun Pal
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255537]@Bob[/url]: Falling, out.
over 11 years ago
It was seriously shitty of you to pick on RDM when they're really struggling.
Flayed Twins
over 11 years ago
I am pleased my hound the bloodseeker is doing well! Fetch me more blood!
over 11 years ago
Thought that was Fallout boy for a second there.
But what would Fallout boy be doing in Dota2Now?
over 11 years ago
You lost me as soon as you brought up losing to Dan.

Losing to Dan is an honor, for you have been chosen from among the huddled, unwashed masses to have your face graced by the fist of the greatest warrior the human race has ever known.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255526]@Lama051[/url] Rofl. There is one and only one hero which almost every pro team agrees is complete shit, and that is Spirit Breaker. Not to say that, as such, he must be, of course
over 11 years ago
Riki is a solid pick and was used as counter to AM roughly year ago.

Bloodseeker on the other hand is rather meh, Spirit Breaker is way superior to him as ganker/semicarry and he is never picked either
over 11 years ago
It can be interesting in games like (for example) LoL how vastly the metagame can vary by region. I remember when I was playing, opinions of Evelynn were VASTLY different in the American servers and Asian servers, and this was before she was used in a big tournament (and this was before the revamp)
over 11 years ago
People used to think Clinkz was a trash hero too.

Though I don't really see what Bloodseeker brings to the table that Night Stalker doesn't do better.
over 11 years ago
Ah, BloodSeeker is quite good imho. I played with him once, like my 3rd game and it was one of my good games...
over 11 years ago
Riki was really popular year or so ago and he still sees play as occasional surprise pick (according to DotA Academy he was played in 129 pro games with 53% win rate). Bloodseeker was never a real competitive hero (it was picked twice including this game and lost the other game 0/6/1).
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255479]@Frelus[/url]: Glad to see someone who understands what meta-game is. I don't quite agree with you on invis heroes however, as we see a lot more of them now than we've done previously. [url=#user_comment_255492] @Chou[/url]: Riki is a very strong hero.
over 11 years ago
You forgot to mention Na'Vi losing to Riki, who had 10-0-2 stat by the end of the match.
over 11 years ago
The best thing was NTH getting five force staffs. That's just adding salt to the wound.
over 11 years ago
@Dota Fanboy:
No hero is bad, true, but some are easier to counter than others with a coordinated team.
Bloodseeker is one of those, most invisible heroes are, te list goes on.
The core mechanic they rely on is easier countered than other's, so in competetive matches, they seem weaker.
Dota Fanboy
over 11 years ago
Jo, you need to understand that no one hero in Dota is actually bad and only the pretenders in the Dota scene claim that a hero is so.

It all boils down to the "meta-game" and whether or not the guys know how to play him/where to put him.
Please don't be another Dota cancer cell.
over 11 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFhr-Xc1_no - Justin Wong takes two games off of Air, a top Canadian player.
over 11 years ago
*more often
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255421]@Makareno[/url]: five heroes in one? Sounds like they die five time more.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255442]@Freelance[/url]: Fun Facts about street fighter games, Throws have priority against the majority of Ultras and supers as they ignore armor and blocks. Hell Zangief's Ground Ultra has slower priority, but the timing is just ridiculous.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255464]@BarGamer[/url]: No, the correct terms is "pubs" or "publics", which is used to describe a game without teammates that you know. "pubbies" would be your teammates in that case.
over 11 years ago
Unless DOTA has different vocab from all other MMOs, I think you meant PUGs, not pubs. PUG stands for Pick-Up Group.
over 11 years ago
I'm too lazy to sign up, somebody just paste F U in the comic please.
over 11 years ago
Did you watched how Na'Vi lose to... Riki?
over 11 years ago
I have to agree with some of these other guys. I havetually seen a couple of players rack up wins using Dan.
Personal tale: I was playing Ibuki against Akuma player in 3rd strike. I learned something interesting that day: Ibuki's throw has a higher priority than Akuma's demon death super.
over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_255414]@Octane[/url]: Have you ever seen Fnatic and their crazy picks? NoTail's Meepo is absolutely scary.
over 11 years ago
For reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncsHQ_psTEg
over 11 years ago
Having just Synd is weak reason to consider RDM a top10-15 eu/na team anymore. I know they fight vs best; but they proved nothing so far.
Gl to them, but can;t consider them serious.
over 11 years ago
Whoa now. I gotta call foul on that Dan comment in the artist note.

If you lose to someone useing Dan, that is not a reflection on your poor skills. It is a reflection on that persons ability to take a "low tier" character and making them hand out ass-whoopings.
over 11 years ago
Don't forget his ultimate has a higher priority than Akuma's, making it the highest priority attack in the game bar none. It's hilarious to watch an Akuma try to pull his off on a Dan only to get hit. Truly, he IS the streetest fighter.
over 11 years ago
Meepo actually good hero... just becayse newbies... all forgot about it...
I mean.. it's not one.. it's friggin 5 heroes in 1
over 11 years ago
Dan is in most appearances a completely legitimate character, even if he appears goofy. His level 3 super often even manages to do equivalent damage to Akuma's.

He's never top-tier, but he's almost always respectable, even in SF4.
over 11 years ago
At least it wasn't Meepo.
over 11 years ago
>not liking le meme arrow meme
over 11 years ago
This is not Synderen.
oh noes
over 11 years ago
oh no!