What people are saying about "Lies"
Comments have been closed for this comic.
over 11 years ago
Really? This comic offend me, because meepo is AMAZING. People who have never played with a good meepo think he's just crap. He carries harder than Faceless and Anti-mage, 5 times harder. I am freaking DONE with meepo hate.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233308]@ [/url]: Oddly, your counter-points are supporting my idea. Hero design is initially good in MOBA, but when they level up and buy items, the only thing which changes is their stats, which are not visually representing of the item or ability effects. MOBA's need more of that...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233308]@ [/url]: A baneling is small, and thus it is cheap. You know it is bad when it explodes in acid. You're right, big doesn't mean good, it means expensive. Battlecruiser, Ultralisk, Colossus etc. Also, when one small unit kills lots of workers, that is obviously impressive...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_233066]@Hazama[/url] and baneling is small. So it's ok to allow banelings go and hug your workers. One single reaper could won the game if he was used correctly and he is tiny unit. Size in SC has nothing with advantage.
almost 12 years ago
agree the 3rd one. Beginning of the game: gl hf; end of game: flamewar
almost 12 years ago
I am saying MOBA's need some of the same visuals that other E-sports have. I want see that one hero is now actually wielding a weapon which looks like it is doing tons more damage, or upgrading an ability changes its look, just like blue-flame hellion actually gives them blue flames...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_232904]@ [/url]: I never mentioned unit COSTS. That is a deeper level of understanding you don't need to watch SC2 because everything is so well represented visually. E.G the protoss colossus unit. It is expensive and also good against infantry, and you can see this by its size and how it shoots FIRE.
almost 12 years ago
If you are able to see cost of units and assume that more is better in SC then you should look for champion stats and make same assumption.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229747]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: MOBA games need more visual feedback (Maybe weapons changing attack animations or armor actually giving the hero more armor visually) to truly be a 'E-sport'. All other major E-sports have some visual indicator of power, I just find it odd MOBA's don't yet...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229747]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: In MOBA's, you would think you want more minions to do more damage. DotA has you actively kill your own minions to deny them. LoL is also silly, you don't want to kill enemy units faster because then your units will push more, But beating the enemy should logically be the aim?
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229747]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: How isn't it? You don't need to learn alot for other genres. They usually play on simple basic human understanding. FPS, headshots are good because we know headshots will do more damage, basic logic. Same with starcraft, more units and money is good, even if you don't know the units
almost 12 years ago
@Top Gun: I don't get your problem. You don't know dota? You don't understand these comics? AND SO WHAT FOR FUCKING GOD SAKE?
almost 12 years ago
Its just plain bullsh!t that I can't pick what I want because the game decides we need 1+1+J+2 because no support/adc we lose. Of course I end up going with varus and OBVIOUSLY that went well.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229931]@ [/url]: I mean check this shit out. I'm playing a game right now my team has : Varus,Khazix,Kael and Xin. I have Xerath before anybody else and these guys are telling me I need to repick because Khazix wants mid. So you're telling me I can't play what I want cause no mid ? And this is not inflexible?
almost 12 years ago
So many different heroes, and I know it sounds selfish but the semi/hard carries are always the ones who will end up winning the game for you, no matter what. Dota revolves around getting your carries fed and stunting the enemy carry's progress.
almost 12 years ago
Who I don't get what? There are three lanes. Mid and top lane is warded by mid champ and top champ. If there is no support at the bot then one or both of bot champ will ward the lane.
almost 12 years ago
And very likely you play D2 support the same way in LoL; sit there harass and never leave line till tower is down, give farm to carry.
Thats completely the opposite how laning work in D2.
The best supports are always aggressive with multiple roles: Vengeful,Earth,Tide,Crystal (in comic) none heals
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229905]@ [/url]: But that is the point though ! IDK why you still dont get it ! The carry doesn't buy ward because he goes with the support - What if no1 plays support ? then what ? And again "elo-hell players pick 5 carry", so its totally impossible ? Sounds inflexible to me.
almost 12 years ago
thanks to everyone who explained about meepo
almost 12 years ago
If you do not want to play within current meta then you are free to do it. Probably it will be bad idea but M5 won by completely breaking the meta. Tryndamere mid? Done. AD Kennen in jungle? Done.

BTW Elo-hell players always take 5 carries.
almost 12 years ago
Warding any lane is a job of those who stay on that lane. The only reason why carry never buys wards is because he goes with support and support items are cheaper. Support have additional gold income from runes, masteries and items so he isn't that pathetic as DotA support.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229879]@omgbbq[/url] but junglers really wards and counter-wards. Since jungler roam over map he can place ward anywhere, spot enemy jungler, call allies or try to kill him by himself. Also he will place ward with true sight near the dragon before trying to kill him.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229842]@ [/url]: Bottom line is League has champs that are so rigid in their roles and lanes compared to D2. I mean, every game you play you need the 1+1+2+J lineup that some one is always FORCED to play support+AD carry or get flamed, whereas in D2, no support ? NP. 5 carry ? still valid. 1v3 line ? OK!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229842]@ [/url]: And anyway you're making a horrible comparison, those heroes you mention are more Like Axe; ganker,tank,initiator than support. I think you need to play more LoL
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229842]@ [/url]: Right, so you're telling me that your Amumu buys sightstone, does the dewarding and buys support items like Herald while being the team's jungle ? Cause that's what (and not limited to) Chen does in D2; ward,deward and get Vlads for the carry.
almost 12 years ago
Nunu, Amumu, Nasus, etc also can jungle, gank and support. They simply aren't support champions in LoL terms.
almost 12 years ago
Its just at some guy said earlier, junglers usually have multiple roles. And agreeably 1+1+2+J wasn't the TI2 meta it was still used by a large portion of the teams in TI2 where as nearly every team used 1+1+2+J in League.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229467]@ [/url]: @ : But that's the point: Lulu can jungle but in your words: Is not preferred to a gank-jungler. While heroes like Chen,Enigma,Enchantress (list goes on) can both Jungle,Gank AND support at the same time; demonstrating the flexibility over League.
almost 12 years ago
i mean, at first i never knew the turtles in super mario world was an enemy, until i bumped on him.

what's wrong is that people's belief that this genre has to have the same rules as other genres to be good.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229712]@Hazama[/url]: it doesn't meant that it's new that it makes terrible e-sports. people just need to know the rules. and being lazy like saying "but you have to learn a lot" is not a good argument. other genres just got an advantage over since they're already old.
almost 12 years ago
However, in MOBA games, items give stats, but what these mean can be confusing. In SC2, upgrades either give abilities or a single, easy to see improvement in a single stat which is visually different (Blue flame hellion being a good example).

People who don't play can't get these easily...
almost 12 years ago
@Top Gun: I fully agree. All MOBA games actually make terrible E-Sports, due to the same reasons. In starcraft, you can see when a attack is going to crush even if you know nothing (One guy has more guns than another guy, etc). No one needs to explain the rules...
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
(continued) And the Quick-Fix reference actually kind of proves my point. Even in comics that aren't about DotA2, Jo's gone more specific with joke references, which kind of hurts general readability.
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229510]@tset[/url]: I'd never even heard the phrase "Defense of the Ancients" or "MOBA" or whatever until 2011 or so, and I like to think I don't have my head under a rock at least most of the time. I'm sure people were playing it, but no one that I knew ever mentioned it.
almost 12 years ago
@.: what neopets4ever and why does it matter?
almost 12 years ago
@Top Gun: "Maybe it's because the genre wasn't a big thing until really recently"
What? 15 million or even more players in early 2010 for a fanmade mod is not big? People that didn't notice it probably oversaw it because it was not commercially published or anything.
almost 12 years ago
@Top Gun did you understand without game knowledge why is quickfix medic bad? Probably no. It's joke for TF players and not for everyone. Do you understand http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/483 without game knowledge? I hope you do. Because it isn't joke for LoL players only. It's not MOBA. It's just Jo
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
(continued) why "lanes" are important, or what "creeps" do. Maybe it's because the genre wasn't a big thing until really recently, but whatever the case, I don't have a grasp of the mechanics. And without that, insider jokes like this strip fly right over my head.
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
(continued) themselves are widely known just through the Meet the Team shorts.

But DotA? I have absolutely no idea who any of these characters are, or what they do. And I grasp only the slightest bit of the tech-speak that seems to be all over this genre. I don't know what "solo queue" is, or
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
StarCraft, but I know what a Zergling rush is (kekeke). At its heart, TF2 is an FPS, so even people who don't play it specifically get the idea, and the classes are basic archetypes: Medic heals, Pyro burns, Sniper snipes, etc. You don't need to know many technical details. Plus the characters
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
I think another part of the problem is just how obfuscating MOBA-type games are to the non-player, or at least to me. I mean, there are several genres I don't really play where I understand the general gist and terminology, just by virtue of the overall gaming community. I've never played
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
(continued) completely-different direction, relying a lot more on insider knowledge of the specific game, instead of general gamer fandom or appreciation of Jo's own characters.
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228999]@Serenity[/url]: I'm in full agreement here. I'm a big fan of TF2, but I didn't enjoy the original arcs and one-shots just because of that. I really liked Jo's overall style, and how he developed these fun personalities and used them in multiple situations. These recent DotA 2 one-shots go in a
almost 12 years ago
@Blue the LoL player:
mid: either 1 leveldependant solohero that can control/use runes to good advantage or a dual lane with 1 carry 1 supp.
safe lane: mostly 1 carry
hard lane: mostly 1 laner with good survivability (escape).
The 2 other heroes can jungle, roam, dual- or trilane top or bot
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228817]@Person[/url]: wrong, comebacks in DotA / Dota 2 are far easier to achieve than in LoL (look at comp. games of both games for that if you want). You pointing out that the creep spawn stops completely already tells that you have not enough experience in at least one of those two games.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229097]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] I don't play Dota 2, but even I have heard of neopets4ever.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229235]@omgbbq[/url] This isn't TI2 meta anymore. And junglers usually have multiple roles.
Simple Agreement
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228445]@Gyak[/url]: This. A thousand times this. I check back out of boredom and curiosity, but this comic has barely gotten a chuckle out of me since this recent change of focus.
almost 12 years ago
1. Meepo is godlike if he has the time to farm and the player doesn't just control all of them together.

2. Pretty much impossible to be level 8 while another hero is 20+....

3. Anti Mage farms for 20 + minutes before he does anything and requires multiple heroes supporting him to do so...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229235]@omgbbq[/url] search Lulu champion spotlight on youtube. Phreak is playing Lulu as a jungler so support can jungle. It's simply unwise because jungler who ganks has higher impact on the game then jungler who do not gank. And double junglers are useless since counter-jungling is in the meta.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229235]@omgbbq[/url]: I am imagining this.
almost 12 years ago
@Sir Dupre: He can with stacking and double edge as well as aura.
Just cause you haven't tried it doesn't mean it don't work
Sir Dupre
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229231]@omgbbq[/url]: >Jungling centaur You cant be this retarded.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228588]@MrTT[/url]: He's a really tough hero to play and usually players 'feed' with him (read stuffed pig). Also checkout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-bmlMJw1Z8 Pretty self explainatory if not; he's a hero that duplicates himself up to 5 times and if one dies all do. No micro = feed
almost 12 years ago
@Blue the LoL player: And the jungler can be any-role from support(Chen),carry(Naix)or ganker(Centaur) usually.
The way to compare League to D2 is to have a different perspective.
D2 favours complex mechanism which allow for flexibility while LoL has rigid rules for simplicity
almost 12 years ago
@Blue the LoL player:
Additionally the gameplay is asymmetrical in D2 compared to LoL; meaning the the sup/carry vs. offlaner (top in LoL) with the jungle favoring the sup/carry lane. The mid-player is not always 'mage' but more often a 'ganker' similar to what LoL recognized as a jungler
almost 12 years ago
@Blue the LoL player:
The short answer: Yes, to some degree.
The long answer: While both D2 and LoL favour the 1+1+1J+2 lineups, D2 has flexibility in the sense that 1+1+3 or, 1+1+1+2J or PUSH strats are more viable than in LoL which almost always uses 1+1+1J+2
Blue the LoL player
almost 12 years ago
Well, I wish I could sit down with a dota player, and speak about meta. You see in previous pages names like "support". I wonder if metas are similar, so 1 solotop tank, 1 mid mage, 1 carry, one support and one jungler?
almost 12 years ago
Meepo is a beast, you (and everyone else in the world) just don't know how to play him.
Andrew Hall
almost 12 years ago
BWAHAHAHAH!!!! I knew Panel 3 was a lie the first day I played DOTA.

Thank you, Jo, for rightfully mocking the fear and rage of the DOTA playerbase that so sucks the life out of one of the best games in the world :D

Also, MEEPO MEEPO MEEPO MEEPO meep meep meep meep
almost 12 years ago
It's skill which normally cannot be dodged but some skills can help compared to skill which may be dodged if you can move. Lina is a good example but others do not have skill combination that rely on that skill.
almost 12 years ago
and of course, why would i want my suv to be a sportscar? it has different stuff i like about it.
some pro and cons but i only prefer 1. similar to dota staying as dota.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229085]@ [/url]: hellfire blast can be dodged too, but rarely(blink), plus leoric is slow. and dota also have lots of dodgeable skills. like furion's sprout, lina's stun, enigma's blackhole, sand king's epicenter, mirana's arrow.
almost 12 years ago
DotA 2 is not going to be like LoL because DotA fans do not want different game. They want game improvements like matchmaking or ability to reconnect or improved graphics.

I've played since release of DotA Allstars and got tired a bit. So I switched to LoL.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229074]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] most Champions rely on skill combo where at least one skill can miss because it travels in a straight line and hits only the first target or has delay and target location. So more abilities like Windrunner's Powershot and less like Leoric's Hellfire Blast.
almost 12 years ago
cont. ...many possible scenarios and many possible solutions. and just a small mistake/ decision can change the flow of the game.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229040]@ [/url]: i do not get what you mean, but maybe that skills in lol are more colorful? venge also have a flying ball of pink. and like i said, dota isn't gonna go to be like lol. it's gonna be how IceFrog wants it to be. with all these complicated stuff to keep players learning the game and having
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229059]@Scow2[/url]: i was actually talking about all 3 are FPSes but mechanics are different. Dota and lol are both of the same genre but different mechanics. so it's just how you said those 3 games are different.
almost 12 years ago
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that all these standalone jokes may have already ruined any arcs about DOTA2 you could have done, by turning what could have been underlying humorous themes of the arcs into blunt punchlines or jokes, and the fast-cut colloquial style would make arcs a jarring shift.
almost 12 years ago
Jo: Your last arc was a "dud" because it was a betrayal of what the TF2 fans wanted (A D&D strip instead of TF2), stripped the characters of their identities, and rehashed ancient, overused, and no longer relevant jokes. A new arc drawn with your passion for DOTA2 wouldn't have those problems.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228999]@Serenity[/url]: I agree wholeheartedly. The reason the old comics were good wasn't because they were about Team Fortress 2 (Case in point - Starcraft). But there was a unique style that made your comic stand out from the rest, and there was a sense of continuity even across disparate games.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229023]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: Actually, it's not like comparing Borderlands and Call of Duty/Halo as Halo and Call of Duty, which are both VERY different games.
almost 12 years ago
(continued) that's enough to keep players and viewers from frustration even if they do not know what exactly those skills do. More pro player will notice that Vayne used her trumble to dodge wrong skill.
almost 12 years ago
(continued) And then Riot did right thing. New players or viewers do not know what does that skill do than there should be some obvious things. If Ahri throws green ball at Vayne then it's probably bad thing. If Vayne dodges her skill by trumbling away then it's good thing.
almost 12 years ago
(continued) Even if you play WoW you have to be very good at every class to understand why one fight is just lucky victory and other is awesome demonstration of skill. DotA and LoL have the same problems. There are a lot of WTF_IS_GOING_HERE moments in both games.
almost 12 years ago
The main difference between LoL and DotA isn't difficulty because in every MOBA difficulty comes with your opponents. LoL made to be spectacular. WoW have arena as esport but it doesn't as popular as LoL.

WoW have higher number of players but it isn't spectacular.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229023]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] but Roshan doesn't gives buff which increase your HP regeneration, damage of your attacks and spells. It's a good thing that your carry now have aegis so he may buy divine rapier but it takes time. Nashor's buff gives you chance to retaliate right now.
Chicago Ted
almost 12 years ago
Why is everyone flaming the dota 2 comics so hard, its up to Jo what he puts up if you don't like it don't read the comic for that particular day you can get over it.
almost 12 years ago
though, i believe dota/dota 2 and lol have different mechanics based on what people told me. so it doesn't really compare. kinda like borderlands 2 and probably halo/cod or other fps.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_229000]@ [/url]: in dota 2, you can also steal roshan, if the enemy chose roshan and not end the game. roshan in dota is only when you need your carry to survive a death while in a clash.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228971]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] it prolongs the game for sure but Riot already made the game shorter. On the other hand enemy team will probably try to kill Nashor (read backwards) while your team is trying to defend. If you manage to steal him then chances to win are almost equal for both teams.
almost 12 years ago
(continued) require so much technical information to understand it.
almost 12 years ago
(continued) someone in the comments explain the joke to you. It's not fun having to have half the jokes explained to you just because you don't play the one game.

But, a light hearted story arc that uses characters and personalities from DotA 2? That could be interesting, as long as it doesn't
almost 12 years ago
(continued) This heavy flow of DotA 2 one shots is a bit off-putting. Maybe you could try doing some story arcs with DotA 2 characters? That might make it more entertaining for the people who aren't big fans of DotA 2. A lot of these one-shots require some amount of knowledge of DotA 2 or to have
almost 12 years ago
Jo, I can understand drawing what you like, and that DotA 2 comics will likely bring in a lot of new DotA 2 readers, but you're alienating a portion of your older fanbase. I originally came for the TF2 arcs (even though I don't like TF2) and stayed for the random comics.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228936]@ [/url]: which means, it just prolongs the game.... or maybe ez mode dota. not necessarily good. but just easy. some people just prefer to play nightmare mode. or doing your best to prevent that.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228893]@Epsilon[/url] also enemy minions on every line receive small upgrade every time your ingibitor destroyed. So game will go harder with every ingibitor down but it not as terrible as lost barraks in DotA.
almost 12 years ago
le epic rustle meme, nice to see you compensating when you fail to show enough cleavage to ensure healthy traffic
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228893]@Epsilon[/url] not exactly. Ingibitor (aka barraks in LoL) respawns every few minutes. So you have to defend for a while and then you can push without being afraid of getting owned by uberminions. On the downside ingibitor tower does not respawn so ingibitor can be destroyed easily.
Dat Guy
almost 12 years ago
I think a lot of the confusion on the third panel stems from the fact that Antimage's skin color in DotA 2 is orange, not pale.
LoL Fan
almost 12 years ago
Some people seem to be over-reacting to the abundance of DOTA2 comics.... BUT it's true that more context is needed.

While I usually play a lot of MOBA (particularly LoL), it still wa hard for me to understand the thrid panel.
(And I've the impression I could get A LOT more of the second panel)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228817]@Person[/url]: It's like that in Dota as well. If you're baracks fall, you still have the exact same creep spawn. The enemy just get's mega creeps. I haven't played LoL, but I've watched some streams. It seems to be the same idea. Both teams still have creeps, one side's are now better.
Sir Dupre
almost 12 years ago
@Doc Tam: So you want a surrender function just because you cant pick for shit? Get good scrublord.
Doc Tam
almost 12 years ago
The second one is the most irksome. Every argument against having a surrender function in DotA typically revolves around some elitist "GET GOOD" comment. If my team is behind and our hardest carry is Enchantress vs the enemies Huskar, then let me end it.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228588]@MrTT[/url]: There are 2 ways to interpret that panel. Number 1, the hero is being served to the enemies on a silver platter, and number 2, dying a lot to enemy heros is often called "Feeding".
almost 12 years ago
Ok,I get it now. Thanks. :D
almost 12 years ago
One thing putting LoL over DOTA (There's many things in either direction) is that it's easier to make a comeback because you aren't tied down to 'barracks' removing your unit spawn entirely. In LoL you can count on your creeps to hold the line for a few moments while you frantically recall.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228530]@Wolfzoon[/url]: So the explanation for every game, ever, is 'Mine!' ;-)
almost 12 years ago
@TryHard Gamer

TRY HARDER. Seriously I don't can't taste your tears through my monitor yet.
TryHard Gamer
almost 12 years ago
Eh, more of this stuff? Guess I'll take this off of my favorites bar for a month, check back and just archive binge, skipping over stuff like this. Don't even understand this. Missing the TF2, XCOM, and semi-original character comics. Won't buy whatever store product you put up next at this rate.
almost 12 years ago
Daww Meepo is so cute, and looks kinda like CM is fondling Voids purple penis with her mouth.
almost 12 years ago
Liked the AM parody :D One possible playstyle for him is permanently farming with him on 1-2 lanes + in 1 wood without participating in team activities, but just defending, pushing out and farming alone. Once finished he basically not be killed anymore. (but nowadays won't have enough time/space)
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228555]@Alex[/url]: Not necessarily. It can also be used to acknowledge that you've been outplayed, or that you admire that they earned a victory. People feel it's a sarcastic gg when you've had a bad game for whatever reason, and the enemy team has basically roflstomped yours from the opening.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Meepo isn't a food man. He is a regular meal.
almost 12 years ago
I just started dota 2 and don't know what I'm doing any more.
almost 12 years ago
Keep up the fantastic comics, Jo. I personally don't play DotA2, but I do play LoL so I end up getting most of the jokes. What I like most about the DotA comics though are the comments. Poor kiddies are 50 Shades of Buttmad. It makes me happy.
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
@@Gimme back:
I can only admit I didn't play Dota2. This chinese purple(really, wtf) guy is nothing like Dota Magebane.
almost 12 years ago
The one on a platter is a hero called Meepo, he is a very difficult hero to play as, and has the reputation of being useless and just "feeding" the enemy in most games. I admit that personally, whenever I see an enemy meepo, I cheer and will target him relentlessly^^
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228588]@MrTT[/url]: That hero (Meepo) is food for other heroes
almost 12 years ago
Can someone explain the picture for panel 1?
I get the joke in the statement, heroes are not really balanced.
But why is a whatever it is sitting on a plate with some potatoes and greens? There seem to be an additional joke there
@ dealwithit
almost 12 years ago
These problems are applicable to all ARTS games.
almost 12 years ago
I suppose in the first panel, the hero is part of a balanced breakfast, right?
almost 12 years ago
Is it me or does the Meepo's face looks A LOT like Gollum's?
almost 12 years ago
this is the reason why dota 2 sucks
almost 12 years ago
Isn't gg always sarcastic?
wow really
almost 12 years ago
These comics just get worse.
almost 12 years ago
DotA 2 sucks balls, but I enjoy these comics
almost 12 years ago
because you have no website(or game interface) where you can read how to play/build/etc some heroes .
or that you have icons on recipes
you could only learn from other players , and with MANY MANY hours playing
almost 12 years ago
You will see this comix really funny & embarrassing in few years , because this comix is point of view of nooby .
And you are lucky , that you can play MORE USERFRIENDLY game(i mean the interface/game , not player base) then it was at beginning
almost 12 years ago
The only MOBA game i play is LoL. They are the exact same thing to me so reading these comics is just changing names and faces. Write and Draw what you damn well please Jo. Just stay funny
almost 12 years ago
meepo is fine l2p
almost 12 years ago
While I don't like Dota2 (the art-style mainly, game looks like someone smeared mud on my monitor) I play other MOBA games and can relate to the comic and I don't think it's bad. Keep doing what you want rather than what some of the fans want you to do, quality would only suffer otherwise.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228509]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: He leaves explaining the comic to the Photo Noters. Waaay easier. And more fun. The comment section is his ant farm.
almost 12 years ago
@@Van-Tuz: Yet you completely miss, your keyword is "recognize". You still need to have played it.
The medic has a big red cross all over his gear, the same cross you saw a million times on hospitals as a kid. He is a healer. Duh.
The big purple dude is..big. And purple. I guess he does damage.
almost 12 years ago
The game is not over until the barraks stand is more accurate. Though i myself made a couple of comebacks with our aincent half destroyed.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228501]@money8giver8[/url]: ahh, thanks but i don't think i would play tf2 again. just not my cup of tea.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
I don't even play Dota2 but i actually enjoy these comics. Their funny, and it doesn't take a dota2 player/genius to understand what he's implying with each joke.

Keep them coming Jo~
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228451]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url]: by meet the X he meant replace the X with class names of tf2, do it, it's awesome
almost 12 years ago
Don't listen to the haters, Jo. I like ALL of your comics!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228481]@4tran[/url]: Well then I guess you haven't been paying attention, the three previous comics weren't about DotA. So there's your balance.
almost 12 years ago
I'm only here to read your DOTA2 comics.

I personally dislike TF2, just never found it to be a fun game.

To make a point, it doesn't matter what kind of comic Jo makes, he's gonna disappoint someone in his audience.
almost 12 years ago
I don't mind dota comics as long as someone explains them in the comments. As for the age old "gg" argument, Im on the camp that only types it when it was a good or at least decent game. If all of them are "gg", none of them are.
Liro Raeriyo
almost 12 years ago
Just an idea, why dont you just NOT make a new comic, id rather see a break period then more dota2, let yourself take a break, get some inspiration AND THEN try again, your joke this time is so... bad, i dont even need to know Dota2(i know enough clones) to get this joke and it still wasent funny.
almost 12 years ago
So true man. Someone make a Chinese Farmer hat for AM
almost 12 years ago
Please, Jo, stop with dota comics. TF2 comics were much more fun to me (even tho I played dota and never played tf2).
Starcraft comics would be awesome. Other general ideas (mario, steam, etc etc) - great.

Dota? so-so.
Sir Dupre
almost 12 years ago
l would love to see Jo's Dotabuff just to confirm that he is total scrub.
almost 12 years ago
I understand if you like dota, but your audience is more diverse as a group of people than you are as a single person. I don't mind the occasional, even frequent dota comic. All I'm asking for is a little balance.
fire fire fire i'm on fire
almost 12 years ago
So many Dota comics. More pyro guy comics or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
I eat food
almost 12 years ago
Actually Meepo is really strong now. Just no one can play him well.
almost 12 years ago
@My two pence:
When there are leavers/afks, and we win/loose, I usually write, if appropriate "Wp, damn leavers, report them", if not simply "sorry for the leavers".
almost 12 years ago
Jo, I love your comics and I love Dota 2, but your Dota 2 comics are a bit boring. All you do is complain about unbalancing.

Do like your TF2 comics and try to do something more long-form, like the fantastic TF2 roleplaying one!
it's not battlefury
almost 12 years ago
he is carrying quelling blade
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228362]@ClinkzEastwood[/url] Im afraid that's incorrect. I also though Dota 2 was the most played game in steam history, but skyrim peaked near 290k on its release day. But at this rate should only be another month or two until we break 300k.
almost 12 years ago
also jo, you should add more context to panels. so there will be less people complaining that they don't get it.
Top Gun
almost 12 years ago
I'm with Gyak a bit...the fundamental concept of all MOBA-type games seems extremely boring to me, and I have no real interest in playing them. However, I completely understand that this is Jo's comic, and if some of the strips are about a game I don't play, it doesn't exactly make me upset.
almost 12 years ago
Everyone here using the term 'MOBA' is so silly, it's literally another buzzword Riot made to try make their game sound unique and exciting. It means nothing.
(Everyone knows the genre is ASSFAGGOTS - Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides)
almost 12 years ago
@My two pence: probably you're having fun because you're stacks that can get along with each other. I solo queue and I have to guess each time what game my teammates are playing. ganker/farmer/aggressive/passive.
almost 12 years ago
I really dislike the direction the comic has gone, can't stand DotA2 or other MOBAs, they're the exact opposite of interesting or entertaining to me.

That being said, I've been reading for so long that I can't bring myself to stop checking the updates, even if I don't like them anymore :/
almost 12 years ago
The first panel is only understandable for MOBa players. The second one is understandable for anyone. The third panel is only understandable for DotA players.
My two pence
almost 12 years ago
around, if we get absolutely destroyed because of bad playing and such on our side, it is insulting to hear it was a GG if they had no challenge at all to beat us. If you wanted sure-fire wins when playing, hell, play, I dunno, Duck Hunt?

Some claims are exaggerated for sake of illustration.
My two pence
almost 12 years ago
or an intentional feeder, the like. They had a crappy game and splurting GG WP at the end is a straight-on insult; They didn't enjoy, we were not up to any good gaming from their behalf, IS IT really a GG? So we just conclude it with 'Game.' and apologise for the leavers / feeders. The same goes
My two pence
almost 12 years ago
And for it to be fun for both parties, the challenge hsa to be mutual. So if we're totally ROFLSTOMPing the enemy team with stats like 30/1/17 on carries and all the tier 3 towers down by 20 minute, it is not even fun anymore. The enemy must have had some problems (Usually AFK, DC or so), cont->
My two pence
almost 12 years ago
I play mostly with my friends, not even one game in ten is me in solo queue looking up for a match. We have enough players who know each other that we can make 3-4 different 5-man teams to play with, and it tends to be 'a bit' srs bsnss.

Yet I find the game fun, as the fun lies in the challenge.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228404]@Merlynn[/url]: Hes the antimage with a battlefury axe(this weapon gives you a cleave damage so its perfect for farming creeps). The trick with anti mage is that you HAVE to farm ALOT therefore "good luck have fun" title because only farming is sooo fun. The hat makes him look like chineese worker on farm
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228404]@Merlynn[/url]: in the last one there is anti-mage, a carry, with Battle Fury ( can damage units next the one he attack ) and a farmer hat, so...
almost 12 years ago
@Gimme back my TU!: Antimage
@Gimme back
almost 12 years ago
Its Anti-Mage using different items apparently.I see no reason why.
@Gimme back
almost 12 years ago
I have ONE SOLUTION to that problem!
Admit you don't play DotA.
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
And I still have no idea who the guy in the last panel is. I mean, he's got an axe, but he doesn't look much like Axe. If that's Battlefury, then he should be one of melee carries, but I can't recall any resembling him.
almost 12 years ago
"I can't regonize a guy what is only purple and has a cleary weird face!"
"I can't regonize the Blue Spirit that keeps jumping around!"

Huh yeah i agree.
Third panel
almost 12 years ago
To win as Anti-mage you need to farm like mad - I wouldn't say it is as fun as other characters which are balanced and can be very successful without having to play a certain way each time
almost 12 years ago
Ok,I get Meepo (I guess who that is) is a "feeder" character,so he's like food. And I get that the level 8 mage is taking on a level 25 enemy with ass destroying rape club. But the third one I don't get. Can someone explain it to me?
Gimme back my TU!
almost 12 years ago
The problem is,in TF there is a limited number of characters, so you can start recognising them(in Jo's depiction) fast. While with over 100 heroes of DoTA, there are some troubles. I've played it for years, and Meepo is one of my favourite heroes, still I didn't recognize him in the first panel.
Rain Harper
almost 12 years ago
I don't get this comic at all. Sorry Jo, everyone used to play Starcraft or TF2 at some point - but MOBAs?
almost 12 years ago
Dear Jo.
I have been a good poster all year so this Christmas I some Christmas themed fanservice.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228393]@ [/url]: i only get The X Factor stuff when I search Meet_the_X on youtube.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228382]@rice_in_a_bowl[/url] or watch Meet_the_X series on youtube.
Tikibomber is lvl 8
almost 12 years ago
That middle one, I know EXACTLY how that feels! It's bad enough that when I play support, everyone leaves me behind to die. Then when I go and help them out, their all busy retreating from the lvl 25's in the other team.
almost 12 years ago
I only got the rough edges of these comics before. Then I played some Dota 2 (only bots so far), but now I think I get this.

If "fun" is a lie in a game perceived as a sport, I'll just steer clear of the sportsy people and have my own fun for as long as the bots are fun.
almost 12 years ago
If You want to Have FUN ... You should not play DOTA2
almost 12 years ago
I agree with Van-Tuz though. I only needed to play 5 hours of TF2 to get a general grasp of things.
almost 12 years ago
Meepo isn't bad, just difficult to control and manage
almost 12 years ago
I actaully have someone in my friendlist who's so fucking good at meepo. like he was lvl 24 at 20 mins
almost 12 years ago
@Vlad The Implier: Cause DOTA2 jokes are hard to understand for anyone who don't play DOTA2.

When you see TF2 character you can recognise him as medic or spy even if you never played TF2. DOTA2 character don't have such clues.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228317]@Nerfnow[/url]: I play Dota2 and i can relate so much to your comics about it, hilarious! MORE!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228363]@QuestionableReality[/url]: It's probably because they like fun games.
almost 12 years ago
In all honesty, I think one of the reasons people are saying "Enough of the Dota2 comics!" is really because They themselves don't enjoy the game, or they just have no reality on any part of the game, so they complain.
almost 12 years ago
@Vlad The Implier: Dota 2 has a peak of 200,000 people play in the same moment, which imo is the highest ever in Steam history
Benny Tops
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228312]@441[/url]: Well, now is about the time you should get over yourself and realize this is Jo's comic, for what Jo wants to draw about. Jo wants to draw Dota2, Guess what? Love the comic today Jo, understandable for those who don't Dota, and entertaining. Happy Holidays Nerf Now!!, from the Tops.
almost 12 years ago
The only reason Meepo is food for most of the people is because they're not Russians.

In Soviet Russia, Meepo pwns you.
almost 12 years ago
People still complaining on what games you use for your comics. Also saying no one plays Dota 2 despite it having more people playing than TF2. Can't tell if they're serious.
Vlad the Implier
almost 12 years ago
Oh by the way,forgot to add a link

Any more objections?
almost 12 years ago
More Dota 2 comics! Loving it!
almost 12 years ago
@Vlad The Implier: Technically, Dota 2 has a larger playerbase
Vlad The Implier
almost 12 years ago
People,DotA 2 is devolped by VALVe(The makers of TF2) and has a just-as-big playerbase.
Why nobody complains about TF2 Strips?Because you're all assholes?
almost 12 years ago
Just wondering, what's the hero in front of the Faceless Void?
I didn't play DOTA 2 a lot, but I really like the story.
almost 12 years ago
It looks like void is getting a blowjob from maiden and if she doesn't comply, she gets the mace.
almost 12 years ago
So many Dota 2 comics. More End of the World or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
almost 12 years ago
Funny cause most of that stuff is the norm
i still remember the days of battle techies and what not
ah those were the days
almost 12 years ago
Meepo should probably be stronger for how hard he is to play but it's not like he's terrible or anything.
almost 12 years ago
I don't think ending a game with a two-letter typing is a great way of showing respect and sportsmanship. I also don't end phone calls with "meh"...
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228317]@Nerfnow[/url]: Don't worry Jo, the majority of your readers appreciate what you do. Personally I love the DOTA2 comics, and I hope you keep writing and drawing the things you like.
almost 12 years ago
I don't care what happens, I will type in "gg" anyway...

It's just a sign of good sportsmanship, doesn't matter how unfair your teammates or their team plays if you manage to play fair =3
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_228312]@441[/url]: There will be even more in the future. DOTA2 is the game I been playing lately and I like to make comics about it. Sorry if it's not your cup but not even Jesus made everybody happy.
almost 12 years ago
so true, so true
almost 12 years ago
Who even plays Dota 2?
almost 12 years ago
ANOTHER fucking DOTA 2 comic?
Jo, I know you like to troll, but come on, there comes a time that pestering half of your readerbase stops being goofing around and starts being taking your fanbase for granted.
Seriously, you're starting to look like a douchebag.
almost 12 years ago
male genitalia. that is all