What people are saying about "Monsters"
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over 11 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220622]@DeadHerald[/url]: Meta-trolling much?
almost 12 years ago
"We have discovered that, when panicked, humans will turn on each other violently. It is essential for troops to understand how to cause panic by the following methods:
1. Wound a human soldier.
2. Shoot at a human soldier.
3. Kill any human soldier within a 1,000 yard radius of the enemy squad.
almost 12 years ago
Absolutely awesome... And true to XCOM
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220622]@DeadHerald[/url]: So much MATURITY! Oh man!
almost 12 years ago
@=____=: I wouldn't say the main problem was them being lazy, so much as them making weird decisions. Why can't I move after shooting until I get promoted 3(?) times (even then, I need to be the assault class)?
I hope the game is a financial success, still--even if it lacks the original's tone.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220516]@Bindal[/url]: Seems someone was illiterate when they played the original X-COM. [url=#user_comment_220584] @Adahn[/url]: Yup. Hope the mod community can sort this out. [url=#user_comment_220540] @Zacsi[/url]: Seems two people were illiterate when they played X-Com.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220622]@DeadHerald[/url]: Oh, like we haven't heard THAT before.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220622]@@DeadHerald[/url]: It's bronies all the way down! We're doomed!
almost 12 years ago
You realize the creator of this comic is a brony right? I mean it's not exactly like he's made it a secret.
almost 12 years ago
O-(-'.'!): They didn't evolve beyond clothes,they just didn't want to spend the money for clothes for clones so they just made them without genitals.
Anon E Mouse
almost 12 years ago
@=____=: Dude, if you assume a priori that the devs are lazy, then everything will be evidence of their laziness to you.

Relevant picture: funtasti.com/pdata/t/l-3739.jpg

Relevant article: eurogamer.net/articles/2012-10-05-the-re-making-of-xcom

Also: rockpapershotgun.com/tag/jake-solomon/
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220516]@Bindal[/url]: It was classic ^^; [url=#user_comment_220540] @Zacsi[/url]: Well, that makes sense, but then why make a story if its sooo bad? I still think that devs are lazy and didnt want to make mars/retaliation missions and stuff.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220622]@DeadHerald[/url]: i love it how you can make everything into brony-ruined garbage something tells me you're into conspiracy's
almost 12 years ago
Normally, I'd be all up for enjoying a good X-Com comic. Unfortunately, the mere fact that another reader might possibly be a brony and enjoying the comic makes my blood run cold. Fucking bronies ruin everything.
almost 12 years ago
See, I thought the X-Com aliens had culturally evolved beyond the need for clothes which is why they inexplicitly run around naked, but here's one wearing a lab coat. Are you ashamed of your shoulders, bro? All the other gray catz be chillin' au naturale, so why you got to set them back a decade?
almost 12 years ago
It is possible for the aliens to win even if they lose every encounter by continuously staging abduction missions.

Since the new system only allows response to one mission at a time, eventually more than 8 council countries will reach critical panic level.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220526]@Ninj77[/url] I might also, but they slaughtered a bunch of my guys so NO MERCY!
almost 12 years ago
What most people don't seem to understand is that Xcom is mostly based on alien invasion B-movie trope logic.
It's supposed to be retartedly trashy.

almost 12 years ago
We'll bludgeon you with our brain-cases if we must, remember that! Alien!

almost 12 years ago
I can't believe I'm saying this...but I kinda feel sorry for those alien guys.
almost 12 years ago
@=____=: And that he died first turn has NOTHING to do with that but more with playing on a low difficulty. Try it on higher difficulty and you will need several rounds to kill him - if you can even reach that bastard.
almost 12 years ago
Well, they wanted to make sure it was the right species, which they only knew when the Volunteer was discovered (which in return leads instantly to the finale). And considering how pissed humanity was, I highly doubt they gonna choose "ally" over "wipe'em out" after what happened.
almost 12 years ago
re alien tactics: My only real complaint is that a reverse engineered fighter (Firestorm) equipped with reverse engineered weapons (Fusion Lance) is magically able to one-shot battleships?

The rest is consistent with their "shape humanity into useful assets" explanation.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220428]@Bindal[/url]: The Ethereal One died before he had his 1st turn, so its a little too much of "not as planned" thing. Also why didnt they try to ally or retreat the moment they found the species? However you look at it its hard to find logic there. And I didnt mind first UFO where aliens were "on budget"
An Onymous
almost 12 years ago
Why wouldn't we put up a good fight? fighting is what we do all the time!
almost 12 years ago
Hey. dont you dare mock my lighting reflexes!! i Love that skill. :D
Nice One!
almost 12 years ago
Delta Echo
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220437]@█████[/url]: It's The Red Bar of Evil! RUN! [/Schlock ref]
almost 12 years ago
(Another fan theory: that XCOM EU and Mass Effect are in the same universe, and the boogieman the Etherials are scared of is the Reapers.)
Delta Echo
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220428]@Bindal[/url] - and a fan theory is that the Council itself was aliens, running the /entire thing/ as a...it's 7am and I forget the term for that sort of structure/scam. But it makes some sense, after all, you never see "We" who are watching, do you...
almost 12 years ago
Personally, just as they did with Civilization 5, 2K cut out too much:
Skills and stats no longer get better with use.
No more alien ranks. (Aliens are all the same now)
Only 1 alien base.
No more alien infiltration, supply, harvest, research or retaliation missions, just abduction and terror.
almost 12 years ago
Sounds like a job for the IMPENETRABLE SCARLET DEFENSE!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220270]@MeowMix[/url]: the good thing about living in an RPG world is everytime we're down someone can come and revive you with Phoenix Down. Unless you're in the X-Com world. You're screwed.
almost 12 years ago
Now we need XT-Fortress-Com comics.
almost 12 years ago
They never almost annihilated humanity. We did that by trying to blow up the mothership. The aliens mostly abducted us to conduct experiment and fought us on the ground to test our soldiers. The story did make sense.
almost 12 years ago
@=____=: Honestly, if you actually bother with the story, it is pretty good. And beats the original one "Hur Dur, Aliens Evil!" where the Aliens attack WITHOUT ANY REASON OR GOAL!
almost 12 years ago
@=____=: Well, that they get blown up was obviously not planned, but the Ethereals had one: Either humanity is the species they were looking for against what will be coming or they were not and got wiped out.
Turns out they were. It just worked a bit too well against the Ethereals themselves.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220405]@Bindal[/url]: And what did they achieve? Lost a mothership, almost annihilated the planet with species they were so desperate to find? Not like humanity wont annihilate itself with rogue psychers running around. Anyway story made no sense, it sucks, the devs were lazy (very).
almost 12 years ago
Well, actually - they (Ethereals) don't consider us as primitive but as probably THE species with the most potential. All others are 'failed' ones trying to get to the next stage of evolution - including they themselves.
And yes, their tactics were that way to TEST us.
almost 12 years ago
since i dont know XCOM(yet!). give me a sitrep
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220396]@Saint[/url]: That is why most of the little kids in Skyrim are dicks
almost 12 years ago
If I could choose, I would be born in a Bethesda RPG. That way, I would be invincible as a little kid.
almost 12 years ago
hehe, that's pretty accurate.
almost 12 years ago
Always did want to play XCOM (or the old X-Com) from the alien point of view. Even a modicum of intelligence could steamroll the human defences given the force that *should* be arrayed against them.
almost 12 years ago
So,basically,we're Sayjins? No,I don't care how it's spelled. [url=#user_comment_220326] @Cassandra[/url]: Tits or GTFO!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220269]@Erzengel[/url]: It will one we replace them with these cybernetic arms and legs. With built in guns in the forearm and shins.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220325]@OMG[/url]: Trolls I like. I am Female Troll. May be you not troll. Troll sad.
almost 12 years ago
So many x-com comics. More TF2 or I'll never read again!!!1!1!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220269]@Erzengel[/url]: Just wait until they develop better prostetics...
Trolling Now
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220278]@Dz34[/url] You say that now but wait until they break out the mods.
almost 12 years ago
All of these monstrous abilities and they still die if a sectoid gets a lucky shot with his laser pointer gun.
almost 12 years ago
dat pelvic area. Jo should stick to drawing porn.
almost 12 years ago
@MeowMixI would love to be a kid in a RPG game. Don't you know the law. A children shall not be harm or die in a game.

So sign me up but make sure I don't age.
almost 12 years ago
I am living proof that what does not kill you can leave you crippled for life.
almost 12 years ago
That which does not kill us makes for tasty barbeque.
almost 12 years ago
Don't live in a RPG game!

You'll be born as a lvl 1 baby!

And you'll grind too slow to defeat a lvl 13 bully, or even a lvl 40 street thug!

And don't even get me started on those lvl 90 soldiers!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_220263]@Lucifer[/url]: Come here and let me amputate your arms and legs. I promise you'll survive. I'm sure it will only make you stronger.
almost 12 years ago
Made me think of Fallout 3.
almost 12 years ago
Nietzsche said it best "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"