What people are saying about "Cannon Fodder"
Cannon Fodder
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Big boy
almost 12 years ago
Babies stay in LOL please.
almost 12 years ago
I like how your comic has the same punch line as my dota comic Life of a Creep.

Nice drawings, top notch
almost 12 years ago
skylanders moba
almost 12 years ago
Pessimist in me:i can foresee a pelborm with your Pokemon MOBA (as awesome as it sounds) what Nintendo console Can (would be willing) to support it? if not on a Nintendo based system i simply don't see it happening, my reason is: GAME FREAK WON'T CHEAT ON NINTENDO!I'm sure that you were referring to
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198527]@Geary[/url]: it is not a pointless game mechanic and its implications aren't even that hard to understand. It is like wondering why you can roll a dice again when you hit a 6 in some game - it has it's influences on the game and just because you think it is stupid, it shouldn't be taken out of the game.
almost 12 years ago
Here lies Creep,
He fought hard, and died virgin!
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198527]@Geary[/url]: It's not handled well? That's like, your opinion man. It makes last-hitting a competition instead of something inevitable, even if your tower is about to be taken down you can stay, fight for the last hit and cut your losses by an huge margin. I find it really cool.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198466]@Turtle[/url] I've played DotA, HoN, and DotA2, simply because I wanted to see if they managed to handle it well. It did not. All denial managed to do was add a larger skill gate to get past, with 'skill' being used rather loosely, because I now have to worry about killing my own soldiers, for no reason.
almost 12 years ago
I swear none of you people whining and trowing buzzwords at the deny mechanic have actually played the game, it's a feature that adds a necesary layer of skill at the laning phase and it's not even that predominant in the average match as you make it sound.
almost 12 years ago
*too busy playing Borderlands 2 to care*
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198413]@z10[/url] That's not really an excuse for DotA 2 to keep such an inane and pointless mechanic. It just creates complexity for the sake of complexity, and makes it that much harder to become a 'good' player.
Andrew Hall
almost 12 years ago
"all those babies crying that the deny mechanic is too hard, it's not."

It's not HARD. It's just stupid. It bears no resemblance to real combat. Please tell me in what real war do you murder your own troops to prevent the enemy from gaining some artificial experience bonus?
Andrew Hall
almost 12 years ago
Deny is an artificial holdover mechanic from WC3 when DOTA was a mod for that game. It is trash. And the spoiled brats playing any DOTAlike who ragescream and snarl at people trying to learn to play are some of the worst people I have ever met in gaming.

Please keep making fun of them all! :D
almost 12 years ago
Your Dota comics always make me giggle.
On a side note, oh my god all those babies crying that the deny mechanic is too hard, it's not.
almost 12 years ago
@fun fact:
guess you are not aware that it actually is an intentional mechanic and not an engine limitation. You can even find the proof ingame (heroes being deniable only when under effect of some certain dots, towers at 10% and below, creeps at 50% and below -> it is controllable)
almost 12 years ago
Keep the Dota 2 comics coming, I enjoy your artstyle.
almost 12 years ago
So being able to deny your own creeps so your opponent can't feed of them is stupid but being rezzed everytime you die isn't? I remember a time where your opponent would get 0 XP from denied creeps, those were fun times if you were good at it :D
fun fact
almost 12 years ago
after reading comments I'm unsure that people are aware of this. You guys do know why denying is a thing, right? It's one of the buggy features that only happened because of the warcraft 3 engine that became a major skill point in the game thus they couldn't remove it in DotA2. see creepwalking too.
almost 12 years ago
My point is, every online community get shitty over time. ALL OF THEM. Deal. With. It.
almost 12 years ago
Oh you guys.
Don't you realize that by going all "LoL Sucks! DotA2 has a better community!" you just prove that DotA2 community IS shitty ? If it's that great, why not just enjoy it instead of trying to convince random stranger online (who may shit up the community more themselves) to rejoin them ?
almost 12 years ago
Dear god didn't DotA 2 call enough Hate from people Arleary?
almost 12 years ago
Where are the ponies?
almost 12 years ago
LoL sucks,damn it
Look,read all of this:
LoL is a Beginner game becuase of its community.This is why you hate Denying:Because its too complex for you.You really can't handle hitting two creeps,can you?
LoL did have Denying btw.Then they removed it due to the community
@LoL Haters
almost 12 years ago
Joo started liking DotA 2
Its not Likely he still likes LoL or something,most people don't.
By the way,DotA 2 is Beta,it deserves some attention right now.I mean,he only did some DotA 2 strips and a TF2 Arc was done right now.What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
almost 12 years ago
Really, I'm tired about Dota, Dota, Dota, Dota, Dota.. I want more League of Legends comics, Jo.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_198093]@Bilge[/url]: hahah oh god wow
almost 12 years ago
H- hey Jo... have you ever taken a GIANT Dota Poo? I'm just askin because it feels so good and because LoL is the better game.
almost 12 years ago
More Dota2 comics plz.
Rubick Aghanim
almost 12 years ago
Invoker is cruel >=(
I shall teach him a lesson.
almost 12 years ago
almost 12 years ago
Balance by complexity only makes a difference in the Pro circuit (or for people who think they're in one). For anybody else, things like Denial are just a frustrating mechanic that makes the game less enjoyable and harder to pick up.
Defiant Wolf
almost 12 years ago
This comic outlines one of the big reasons I do not play Dota2... I absolutely despise the Denial mechanic.
almost 12 years ago
@Pot meet Kettle

Actually you're very, very wrong in that regard. DOTA2's complexity is what makes it so well balanced (for the most part); IE, the higher-tier and lower-tier of heroes in DOTA have a much smaller gap between them, as opposed to LoL where the lower-tier is bumblefuck useless.
Horn Point
almost 12 years ago
Haha, love this DotA 2 Comics x3
almost 12 years ago



Already see that shit posted fucking everywhere on /v/, and the community is full of faggots.
almost 12 years ago
denying is the future my friends
The Esquire
almost 12 years ago
@an actual moba fan:
Now I'd like to give DotA a try since its not expensive and you have everything unlocked from the start. My only beef with it is "denying". And not because it's hard! Because it doesn't make sense to me in RL to slaughter your own people :p All MOBA's are fun though :)
The Esquire
almost 12 years ago
@an actual moba fan:

See? That I agree with! I've yet to play DotA2. I started out playing HoN and it turned me away from MOBA's for a long time. I even couldn't join a practice game without getting flamed/votekicked. Started playin LoL a month ago and now I have a great grasp of the basics.
almost 12 years ago
I like TF2, but tbh I start getting sick at vocal TF2 fans who keep shouting at non TF2 comics as not being funny or understandable. Learn to appreciate more games. Your life don't revolve around TF2 only right?

Unless you're too strapped on cash or too cheap to get other games.
almost 12 years ago
damn boy
Pot meet Kettle
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197931]@DeadHerald[/url] As if any games aren't horrible wastes of time and effort. It's called a hobby, deal with it. As to DotA2 vs LoL, I simply enjoy LoL more. DotA2 is just complex for complexity's sake, but it's no deeper or more challenging of a game. Denial is just one example.
It's a Tarp
almost 12 years ago
Is this DotA 2 or LoL or something? I don't get these jokes anymore. It's getting tiring to see so many strips based on the same thing all the time.
an actual moba fan
almost 12 years ago
I love all the rage about denying. it's a bloody major part of DotA and if you don't like it play LoL. Now all you LoL fans, rather than say LoL is better, how bout I point out LoL is stupid easy to play in comparison. I like both games for different reasons cause they're both fun damn it.
almost 12 years ago
I wouldn't say it's a waste of time tho because fif you're going to spend an hour playing another game you could as well play a match of DoTA or LoL... I love them... Don't play them anymore because I just raged at community and I wasn't seroius enough to get a team, but still, they're great games
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197959]@Dave[/url]: I think what he means is that because of how the game works (matches where your team depends heavily on every member), it's not something you can play when you have a couple minute to spare...
An Onymous
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197948]@Starfall[/url] potato, carrot, and a sock.....hehe, that's actually not a bad set-up for a joke.
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197931]@DeadHerald[/url]: That is not how games and gaming works. I can tell a number of games that I never play or hate but I still know people play it so it's not more of a time waster for them as any other game. With this logic every game with more knowledge needed then "Press W and Mouse 1" is a time waster.
almost 12 years ago
I love your comics Jo, but this one i just don't get. Like me telling a joke about a potato, carrot and a sock.
almost 12 years ago
Probably when he thinks of a good tf2 comic, he'll do a tf2 comic, when he thinks of a good dota2 one, he'll do a dota2 one. And I'll read them all and enjoy them all, even if it's on another game that I don't get, and I'll roll my eyes as people want "the goodoltimes"
almost 12 years ago
These days, I keep seeing people complaining about lack of recent tf2 comics, and everytime it makes me sigh. NerfNow did a little of jokes based on tf2, but how do many jokes can one man make on the same subject? Just as writers change and try new things, webcomics can't be based on the same game
almost 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197931]@DeadHerald[/url]: This...Just this...No other comments are needed now, everyone go home...
almost 12 years ago
IMHO, both games are horrible wastes of time and effort and gamers could find better ways to enjoy themselves by drinking kerosene or learning how to properly fashion a noose.
almost 12 years ago
But the upshot of it all is that DotA2 and LoL are two horribly annoying games that cannot truly be picked up and played from the get go. And they sport two of the worst gaming communities ever put together. Communities that make XBox live look like your granny's bridge club in comparison.
almost 12 years ago
LoL has a larger player base for two significant reasons. One, it got to market two years sooner than Dota which was never distributed in such a manner until Valve bought it. And two, the game is far more streamlined than DotA2 which makes it easier to learn and hence more casual friendly.
almost 12 years ago
Indeed it is, no idea how I made that typo D:
almost 12 years ago
Lol has a really giveaway acronym. Dota players can just faceroll LoL players. oh and[url=#user_comment_197905] @mishie[/url] it's spelled superior. Brit
almost 12 years ago
It's because of atrocities like this that LoL is the superiour game, when was the last time you saw a champion murder one of his own comrades his nothing more than his own amusing like these so called heroes constantly do...
almost 12 years ago
Wait, people think that denying is a bad mechanic?
It makes the skill-cap higher since you have to worry about both your and the enemies creep, thus making the mid-lane extremely hard and important.
almost 12 years ago
Are all the "denying makes dota 2 suck" for real or being sarcastic in reference to Riots "anti-fun mechanic" argument?

I can't tell.
almost 12 years ago
I'm tired of Dota 2 comics. I demand moar League of Legends!

Im being serious.
almost 12 years ago
Dont get it. Maybe its because I never played DOTA...
almost 12 years ago
And this is why I'll never play Dota 2. God denying is such a retarded mechanic.
almost 12 years ago
Am I the only one who notices that Invoker's sleeves change color between panels?
about 12 years ago
Another Dota 2 comic? I love you JO.
about 12 years ago
you guys are so stupid for not understanding this simple comic
about 12 years ago
Love it :p.

Humanizing creeps is a bit ... weird though, now I kinda feel sad.
about 12 years ago
sad but true (irl too) ^_^
von Boomslang
about 12 years ago

Er, no. It's not the creep stole his kill, it's that the creep had only a sliver of health left, so he was victim of friendly fire rather than give gold and XP to the enemy. Stupidest mechanic ever.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197723]@CrySomeMore[/url]: no it was already established that dota sucks therefore your argument is false
about 12 years ago
Stop playing so much dota/lol, Jo...
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197769]@TheBaron[/url]:In sort the creep stole his kill. In typical MOBA/DOTA games players get money for destroying enemy defenses (Towers). If the AI controlled helpers (mobs/minions) destroy it instead, the money gets divided out to everyone instead. This can make people who need money for key items very mad
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I still don't get it. Not being a DOTA fan probably doesn't help.
about 12 years ago
actually they gonna spawn again.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197691]@Software2[/url] Photonote Does someone need some Preparation H for their butthurt? :)
about 12 years ago
Why is Invoker a girl? Why? WHY?! STOP IT.
about 12 years ago
Deny is stupid. Are you a terrorist?
about 12 years ago
Finally a DOTA joke anyone that plays a MOBA game can understand -_-
about 12 years ago
deny is the reason dota is FUN
about 12 years ago
I prefer to think of the HP bar as 10% full.
about 12 years ago
Hey gais, if you're going to make a "Now with more..." joke and your joke is not funny or doesn't make a damn bit of sense. Do us all a favor and leave the comedy to the professionals. (I.E. Me.)
about 12 years ago
deny is the reason dota SUCKS.
about 12 years ago
Yup "So..." exactly.
Oh, don't forget to take the bucket full of your delicious tears with you on the way out.
about 12 years ago
@-_-: shadow fiend?
about 12 years ago
well life of bone fiend is even worse. but at least it ends with boom.
about 12 years ago
The last TF2 comic that required a basic understanding of the game was http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/822

I didn't realize this until I went back and looked, but it has been months since a real TF2 comic. Since Jo said he's only doing comics that increase his ad revenue, don't expect more soon.
about 12 years ago
@So...: It hasn't had a "major focus on TF2" for a long time :V
Barry Greenwood
about 12 years ago
Gotta get those orbs.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_197655]@Regularjoe[/url]: I'll have the creeps on my side rather than that Anti-Mage who just blink anytime someone get near him and leave me to die. At least the creeps try to kill enemies and win game rather than farm up 6 Divine Rapier to give to your enemy.
about 12 years ago
hue hue
about 12 years ago
Last words of Melee Creep: "Go to the lane, they said. It will be fun, they said."
about 12 years ago
I guess this went from being a comic about games with a major focus on TF2 to being a comic about games with major focus on DOTA 2.

Time to find a new web comic I guess.
about 12 years ago
Haha Regularjoe.

I personally would've killed him myself to deny any enemy killing him ahead of time. Sure it's only 47 gold and you actually have to make the LH but there's still that chance.
about 12 years ago
Man, it'd be nice if we could have TF2 comics that required this level of knowing how to play the game over and over like we get with dota.
about 12 years ago
I don't know how anyone can pity the lane creeps.

They feed constantly and use buyback every time they can.
about 12 years ago
Here lies Melee Creep,
He fought hard, and died unnoticed. (or a virgin! Tf2 refrence)
That Guy
about 12 years ago
I used to feel sad about this, but I hear canonically they're immortal soldiers who keep refighting.

Such is the fate of all DoTa Heroes.
about 12 years ago
As Riot is about to introduce skins for wards, dota2 already have skins for couriers, I wish there were skins for minions, they all look the same, slightly boring.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
The sad life of a minion. If you lose you die. If you win you get denied.
about 12 years ago
Savasaan Todaro
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
CREEP BLOCK!!! The horror.. *sob*
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago