What people are saying about "FTL"
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about 12 years ago
@FTL Player
Boarding? It's not that hard really. When they start showing up, have blast doors and vent the room they teleport into. And if you can force a fight in the medbay you're guaranteed to win. Even if not, just keep taking your people to medbay as needed. Having some mantis crew helps too.
FTL Player
about 12 years ago
I love this game,it´s quite addictive. But the boarding is so annoying. Every time i get boarded it´s pretty much gg.
about 12 years ago
Fenrir, you're not alone... Same here...
Just a few hour ago I did blow the Flagship with a Kestrel...
And it still does not let me go... :(
about 12 years ago
This image made me buy the game.

I can't stop play it *-*
about 12 years ago
FTl is ridiculously awesome it totally deserves 10$ price.

As its said before point of the game is not winning it's having awesome stories about how did you lose last time.
about 12 years ago
This game looks so much fun! It's too bad I don't have 10$ to spare. :(

Will there be any more FTL comics from you?
Crass Spektakel
about 12 years ago
It space combat slightly reminds me of "Psi5 Trading Company", a crisis simulation in space from 1987.

It is one of those ultrarare games which are even 25 years later incredibly impressive. Actually even it graphics is holding up.
about 12 years ago
And still most people bought it on Steam rather then the DRM free GoG. Sigh.. so sad... trust in humanity is slowly fading with each day.
about 12 years ago
@Bearded Reaver:
What do you mean? I win at Net Hack like 80% of the time. The only reason I never win at dwarf fortress is because it doesn't actually have a win condition.
Bearded Reaver
about 12 years ago
I gotta laugh at all the people whining about how hard the game is. It's just like dwarf fortress or net hack, you don't go in expecting to win. The point is to lose, but to do so in as magnificent a way as possible. And if you win, kudos to you.
about 12 years ago
FLT is nice but it is too random and it is frustrating. It is all about luck. Anyways, i cheated and im still was unable to defeat the ending boss. Apparently, the easy way to defeat the final boss is to board it and it should be killed 3 times. Sheesh, even Lavos (Chrono Trigger) is easiest
about 12 years ago
FTL is awesome.
that is all.
Obivous snipah
about 12 years ago
The term of surrender are fanservice
about 12 years ago
I looked it up...A starship simulator? With crew and door control to put out space fires...

I bought itz...
Ceiling Cat
about 12 years ago
I can't haz new comic?
about 12 years ago
We demand all your Zoltans and fuel!
about 12 years ago
moar ftl comics plz
for the great justice!
about 12 years ago
@An Onymous: Because it cost money to develop. Money that Justin and Matthew didn't have. So they went to kickstarter for funds. And releasing the game for free after people paying 10 bucks for it on kickstarter would be really rude.

Also they probably want to earn some money.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180544]@Thexare[/url]: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, "YOU PEOPLE!?" (Dat's da joooke!)
An Onymous
about 12 years ago
Great, come here to escape politics, and they follow me.
P.S. Why this game not free!?
about 12 years ago
Joe, did you base your FTL captains on WH40k Commisar?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180520]@DH[/url]: Jesus fucking shit, do you people have to bring politics into every goddamn thing? Fuck off with you.
about 12 years ago
Yay a cool looking simulator! Oh no, it costs moneys. *moths fly out of wallet* Shazbot, I guess I won't get to play this game.

about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180435]@enjoyhell[/url] Well, at least your username here is appropriate for the game.
about 12 years ago
And here I was, already thinking of Engi-tans.
about 12 years ago
Man, every time I think I'm sitting pretty, this game finds a new way to ruin me.

It's like playing poker before you know all the cards.
Zoltan the Engy of Rocks
about 12 years ago
@D.D Mining Co.: LETS DO THIS!!!!
Zoltan the Engy of Rocks
about 12 years ago
A great game, i failed in the last sector, damn you powerful rebel ships, why cant you just let me KILL YOU!?
about 12 years ago
Thankfully I still had funds in my steam wallet, thanks for the recommendation, Jo. [url=#user_comment_180357] @Hyperstar96[/url] the game is Faster Than Light (FTL) a game where you command your own space ship and attack other ships in a top-down command style. Good way to burn a hour or so.
about 12 years ago
@Megaman approves: Hence the name.
Megaman approves
about 12 years ago
Rockman boarding parties with firebombs are pure carnage. SMASH AND BURN!

tl;dr they rock
about 12 years ago
A Zoltan Crusier with a... what is that?
Seriously, that's not a Slug, not a Mantis and CLEARLY not a Zoltan. That's more like a cockroach.

Either way, unfitting commander of ship, with a race not even in the game. :P
Shame on you, Jo. Shame. On. You.
At least use a race from the game.
about 12 years ago
I think you should consider making a "How much Fanservice?" poll.
about 12 years ago
I played this game so much recently. I know exactly what is being said here, usually surrender option pops up like a millisecond before they are going to explode.

Which means it's a bit pointless since you can usually get more stuff by destroying them.
about 12 years ago
I don't really get it... anyone care to explain?
about 12 years ago
This game is so delightfully evil.
about 12 years ago
I DO really loved the punchline in panel 2!...lmao
D.D Mining Co.
about 12 years ago
I think I speak for all of us here when I say, regardless of firebombings, I would undoubtedly work aboard the Starship Sentry under Captain Engie.
about 12 years ago
Yay, an FTL comic.
Forget TF2, forget DotA, do MOAR FTL comics!
about 12 years ago
Two Burst laser II's, two Breach IIs, with a pre-ignitor and you can kill anything. Anything.

Drop the breachs in the shield room, hold back the lasers until the bombs go off, then use the lasers to finish the shield room. The enemy is now yours to toy with.
about 12 years ago
Beams are great for murdering the heck out of shield-less ships by the way.

Finally, if you don't have EMPs or strong lasers firing multiple missiles at the same time or Rock/Mantis boarding parties work.

PS. why is my nickname RedMattis banned?
about 12 years ago
As for taking out shields, a EMP weapon will disable shield charging for a few seconds allowing you to hammer it down with lasers or more EMP. Against late-game fast (read: dodging) ships two EMP weapons could be used for reliability.

After the shields are down just murder the heck out of them
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180250]@Draken[/url] & Shadow Use a cloaking device. ...if you don't have one you'd better have damn fast engines and 3-4 sheilds (it miiiiight be sufficient to dodge most of the drone assault). Also, third turret from the left is the only one shooting missiles. Take it out ASP.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180250]@Draken[/url]: Damn...now I'm even more worried. Best I've done is get it into a stalemate by destroying all it's guns from teleporting people in, but couldn't get all the damn shields down.
about 12 years ago
Fun game, but god damn that final boss is such a pain. Is it even possible to get past the drone swarm phase of that fight using the Federation ship?
about 12 years ago
When you have shown your titties,

then you have my permission to surrender.
about 12 years ago
However, the Federation is nothing if not open-minded to the ways of alien cultures. As such in the future I will be sure to only break off an engagement after lighting your ship on fire or voiding the majority of its oxygen.
about 12 years ago
When I have accepted your surrender, human etiquette generally considers it bad form to order your boarding party to continue murdering my men. For similar reasons, I would appreciate it greatly if you would disarm any breach missiles which might be en route.
Sylvester Ink
about 12 years ago
I kickstarted this sucker, and I don't regret a moment of it. Even after playing for 10 hours nonstop on the first day it was released.
about 12 years ago
Damn you, now i realy want to play it XD
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180204]@Dook[/url]: FTL is Faster Than Light, the new game on steam.
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
wtf is ftl
about 12 years ago
got this on the release date, it's so addicting >> though.. damn my luck some days :I that and intruders.. ugh
about 12 years ago
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
I haven't enjoyed a ship management combat sim this much since EV Nova by Ambrosia Software... man I want EV Nova for mobile. That or a more open/explore expansion to FTL. ¡All of your Scraps are belong to us!
about 12 years ago
Worse is when they ask for surrender while they have people boarding your ship.

And even worse is when you find out that accepting the surrender does not stop said boarders from attacking you -_-
Finished It Today (on easy...)
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180137]@av5hadow[/url]: "Set me on fire" I read that on Glados voice. That game is awesome. It's moments like those that makes me want to play it and play it, even if I get beaten and beaten all over again.
about 12 years ago
This makes me all kinds of happy.
about 12 years ago
Stupid alien, you should have signed a treaty instead of firing loaded fire bombs. Now you die!
Space Core
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_180139]@Keradi01[/url]: There is a Space Core...?
about 12 years ago
I am disappoint that the Space Core isn't on that screen in the third panel.
about 12 years ago
Need. More. FTL comics.
Also, damn you, I had just briefly pulled myself away from it, now I must make one more attempt or four before going to sleep.
about 12 years ago
You want to surrender. Even though you set me on fire?
*Launches rocket at ship*
about 12 years ago
Late post jo.

Let's see, what this one about?
