What people are saying about "Wrong Person"
Wrong Person
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about 12 years ago
Funny thing i happend to find you in a brazilian MvM server a while ago, i still got the picture.
about 12 years ago
I remember finding you on a server years ago. Never said anything to you though. I'll be sure to go full on devoted fanboy next time just because of this comic.
about 12 years ago
Uh, I don't remember when did I ever care about someone's kill/death ration
about 12 years ago
I once asked that question. He didn't even answer me. I got sad. But at least I know it was his, since he had a Community Minigun.
about 12 years ago
Wow, I can tell I haven't played in a while because I have no idea what you're talking about :(
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_155977]@Merlynn[/url] The ring of fire only affects you if it physically touches you, meaning a spy can jump over it, or simply ignore its existence entirely to take out a high-priority target. It's not like it's an instakill.
about 12 years ago
But if Heavy has ring of fire,how can Spy stab?
about 12 years ago
New minigun is not fine.
If heavy can ignite people, then I want a double jump, or cloaking.
about 12 years ago
No problem with the new Items, but since I only want to play spy, I am too set in my ways to really try out the new sapper...
about 12 years ago
This comic is generating nearly enough comments.

Hey guys, how about those ponies?
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Good comic, but can next time can you put the two girls in it!

Ya know the one's I named Engi and Engileena!
about 12 years ago
The Red-Tape Recorder can actually cause more trouble than a sapper on an object for an equal value of time; short of an engie on auto-smack on his stuff, you'll roll the items back at least one level, putting him out of up to 600 metal worth of upgrades in a nest sweep.
about 12 years ago
Jo, to sempre nos servers com 32 players e fast respawn, vamo jogar!
about 12 years ago
Oh man, i can't stop laugh after this Jo! XD
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_155557]@Software2[/url] There is too fanservice, the soldier is wearing my hat :3
Le Fromage
about 12 years ago
Most heavies that use the new minigun are playing defence. They're so boring (I do hate them though).
about 12 years ago
I like the Red-Tape Recorder due to it's different style. Does the job in about the same amount of time, but with a different method. I like how it's not some generic +20% speed with some random penalty or something like that.
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Finally a new comic with Team Fortress 2 in it, And look it's that tentacle guy that remind's me of Shuma Gorath! maybe he's there to destroy the Red team's base!

Not as that refers to a good thing but still it's a new comic right!
Wake The Shark
about 12 years ago
As long as the Engineers have the Pompson the Red-Tape Recorder is fair game. However I'd still give away the new sapper to get rid of that horrid gun. :p
about 12 years ago
New minigun is fine, ammo drain is huge i find myself looking for ammo very often and yesterday got backstabbed by spy when channeling flame ring. Sure he got lit on fire but it didnt kill him.
about 12 years ago
That might have been me asking XP
about 12 years ago
@ Platypus
Quantum entanglement won't allow you to transfer information with speed greater than speed of light.
about 12 years ago
The new Minigun. Sounds nice when around the area but haven't tried it yet, have yet to get one.
The new Sapper. IS STILL OVER POWERED. It drops from Sentry 3 to Sentry 2 (empty) before you can even hit it with your spanner even if your hitting that spot at the same time its sapped.
about 12 years ago
The new minigun is hated by pyros, and spies don't care because you can jump over the fire.
 Platypus
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_155521]@006ruler[/url]: I don't think you'll want to play on his regular servers, unless you get good connections to Brazilian or other South American servers or have a magical ability to endure high latency. Oh quantum entanglement how I wish you were achievable and affordable so we could all play any place.
about 12 years ago
Jo why you not say hi back at the ponyville serverrrrrrr
Im a admin ya know :P
Andrew Hall
about 12 years ago
You should try MW3, where you can rack up similar numbers, there will just be more abuse.
about 12 years ago
What server do you play on? I'd love to play against you.
Also, have you played minecraft recently? It got a huge update.
The new sapper is... alright. The building gets left standing but a lower level when the engi removes the sapper, kinda nice for the spy. Also makes a cool sound, like a tape
about 12 years ago
What server do you play on? or servers? I would love to play against you.
Btw, played minecraft recently? It got a huge update!
about 12 years ago
Personally I find the new sapper to be horribly overpowered right now. I believe it was intended to drain metal before downgrading, but in it's current state. It downgrades sentries immediately, a level 3 goes to level 1 in 3 seconds.
Mad Cow
about 12 years ago
about 12 years ago
I'd have thought Jo was an Engie player... wow that came out wrong.
about 12 years ago
Before it "got" nerfed. Usually I'd call Jo Grammar(tm), but this time it's likely that it just got nerfed mid-sentence.
about 12 years ago
Eh, I always thought Jo made a good heavy.