What people are saying about "Denied"
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about 12 years ago
Is that Skeletor's panther chilling outside a bar?
about 12 years ago
ITCS: weaklings who are DENIED from playing DotA 2 complain they don't get the joke.
about 12 years ago
Because it's customary for the attendants of the party to leave their mounts outside,the ogre doesn't get to take part in it.
Hence,he was DENIED being able to go to the party.
about 12 years ago
If half of your comics have a joke that nearly noone understands,you've got a serious flaw.
This needs to stop,Jo.

I managed to figure it out,let me explain:
All of the creatures outside are mounts for DOTA 2 characters.
The ogre guy has a little goblin guy that rides him around.
about 12 years ago
Hey, where is Batrider`s bat, Chaos Knight`s and KotL`s horses?
about 12 years ago
OMG segregation of yellow folks by The Man!!! Where's Dr Martin Ogrethor King Jr when we need him?
about 12 years ago
I've had to sit down and google to get the joke for every last Dota comic. I mean, I read a lot of video game comics, and they don't always joke about games I play, but they generally tend to be funny on their own. Not these.
about 12 years ago
I am happy that Jo is doing Dota comics. Keep em coming!!!
about 12 years ago
Hey. If that was the case I want 4 times the bounty on Meepo's head, even if he isn't a Dota2 yet I am hopeful they will implement his insanity in the game in the future.
about 12 years ago
I feel the comic on the " Red-Tape Recorder "
OP or not OP?
about 12 years ago
I don't get it
about 12 years ago
Well then, I demand triple bounty for killing Techies.
about 12 years ago
Now the real question is, who is the real goblin techie?
about 12 years ago
So let me put it so you LoL fans can understand it.
Imagine that the rhino is that boar thing Sejuani rides and the ogre is Nunu's yeti, and that is the joke although the yeti is the one hitting and doing all the work, he is not the hero, he is just a mount and gets denied from the afterparty
Mein Herr
about 12 years ago
Okay I think I finally got, so the Alchemist rides an Ogre for his mount but really his Ogre is the only good part of the Alchemist?
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153358]@Pootis[/url]: Thanks, pal! Finally this comic makes a lil bit of sense. Now if we can start next week with moar engie-tan fanservice....that would be great!
about 12 years ago
Batrider isn't going to be happy that he wasn't invited.
about 12 years ago
Those sure are some weird horses.
about 12 years ago
@Mein Herr: Jo is saying that if the Ogre counts as a hero then he should get twice the gold because he killed two heroes (Alchemist and the Ogre)
about 12 years ago
By the way, where's Keeper of the Light's Horse?
about 12 years ago
Alchemist is one of the strongest situational carries though! (And by situational i mean VERY) he needs to hit level 16 before he hits carry effectiveness, and he is one of the faster farmers in the game. All he needs is a 40 minute game with about 20 minutes of complete freefarm. Nothing too big
Mein Herr
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153331]@Pootis[/url] Well why then does Jo want "double bounty" if the Ogre counts as a hero? Also what makes this comic funny then?
about 12 years ago
@Mein Herr: The Alchemist (the hero) rides the Ogre (yellow guy)
Mein Herr
about 12 years ago
Wait so is the Ogre a hero but in the comic he is so bad that he is living outside with the mounts and dats da jokie?

Or is the Ogre a mount but better than an alchemist? I am so confused...
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
@Savasaan Todaro: So what is this game anyway? just asking!
Savasaan Todaro
about 12 years ago
@The Everything,man:

An ogre in DotA is a creature of profound stupidity.

As Valve puts it "The ordinary ogre is the creature for whom the phrase 'As dumb as a bag of rock hammers' was coined. In his natural state, an ogre is supremely incapable of doing or deciding anything."
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153290]@StealthToast[/url]: Just looks like an Ork to me! but that still doesn't answer my question who or what is Ogre.
about 12 years ago
Thanks for explaining the joke, I will join the other 3 people who got it, inside the tavern.
about 12 years ago
@The Everything,man The guy on the rightmost part of the comic. He's being ridden by Alchemist in DotA.
about 12 years ago
How does the hero with the lowest BAT and best possible farming not scale well?
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Wait who/or what is Ogre?
about 12 years ago
I loled IRL with Accalia's comment on the pantern. XD
about 12 years ago
the wait is finally ogre
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153179]@LoL[/url]: I'm sorry but... who's Ogre?
about 12 years ago
Poor Ogre.
about 12 years ago
Comic is based around that the Alchemist ogre is considered a mount.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153095]@Fact[/url]: Only 5 heroes in a team.
about 12 years ago
All of these mounts belongs to Radiant Heroes.

Now why Ezalor not in the party?
about 12 years ago
Alchemist is an awful piece of shit, Henkr. There is literally nothing in his kit that makes him good. He farms well because his gold skill, but put money to shit use, because he doesn't scale well. His base and growth stats are awful, and he's only as strong as a normal hero when his ult's up.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_153001]@henkr[/url] Hes probably referring to the fact that Alch has the lowest win rate in the game of 40%.
The Everything,man
about 12 years ago
Uh question, where is Battle cat and why do I even care cu'z I don't even like H-man?
about 12 years ago
isn't that the class that k-- played where the entire team ragequit after screaming at him for being a noob?
about 12 years ago
Straga runs!
--> over there
about 12 years ago
Dat black cat is mighty fine
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152984]@Spaqin[/url]: That is not true! Alchemist is an awesome hero if you play with another strong disable so it's easy to get those 4 sec Unstable Concoctions. Get a fast Vanguard and Then Mjollnir. Ez farm, ez push.
about 12 years ago
[url=#user_comment_152984]@Spaqin[/url]: Sad but true :( So do Enchantress and Centaur Warchief get to go inside or not?
about 12 years ago
Alchemist is not a hero. When someone chooses him, it's basically 4v5.